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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. Prior to speaking to a lawyer, perhaps TV members can advise me.

    Short story - When I came to Thailand about 5 years ago I/my ex GF purchased some land. We found this land via a farang sales agent who I immediately took a dislike to. He was arrogant, rude and above all a bully. Nevertheless, I purchased said land for 2.8 million baht. Unfortunately, just before the deal was completed, the Thai owner of the land died!! This left the sale completion in limbo for a long, long time.

    During this period (of several years), I found out that the farang sales agent had been working in cahoots with the Thai man who died. They would purchase land at very cheap prices and then resell it at about 200-300% profit. Good business if you can get it... I also discovered that the death of this man had left the sales agent with a whole lot of other unfinished business whereby the Thai guy owed him money, (probably quite a lot of money).

    Suffice to say, the family of the guy who died were not very interested in completing the sale documents and stalled for several years. Finally, through a good and important Thai friend, I was making some progress in persuading them to complete the documents.

    But - I was quite prepared to accept that this deal might never complete and I was prepared to walk away from the 2.8 million baht, if it were more trouble/expense to complete the deal.

    Now, the farang sales agent is pestering (bullying is a better word), for me and my wife to work with him to sue the family of the dead man. We prefer the 'Thai' approach and some money under the table and refuse to work with the farang agent. Now he has turned 'nasty' and has started threatening us with all sorts of problems if we do not 'play ball' with him. Since he does not know my email/contact details, he has taken the cowardly approach of threatening my wife by email and shouting at her by phone-calls to her.

    I am not concerned about this man if he shouts at me. But I am very, very angry about him threatening my wife. As some of you will know from previous postings, my wife is 'delicate' in both body and mind. She is now quite stable, our marriage is strong and we have a growing business. I do not want this bully damaging my wife's health.

    Is there any legal action that I can take to 'nip this problem in the bud' and to ensure that he is forbidden from making any sort of contact with me or my wife? We have copies of the emails he has sent to her and witnesses who will support our version of events.

    Thanks for any advice


    Simon: Your wife should file a complaint with the Labour Department, they are the ones to investigate this guy, I believe he is engaging in a "prohibited business" for foreigners which is liable to a hefty jail term and deportation with "personna non gratis " stamp in his passport.

    Good Luck

  2. I recall several people interested in phones capable of running 2 sim cards simultaniously.

    Most models were from slightly dubious Chinese manufacture, but now the reputable SAmsung brand has a dual sim model as well!


    Not sure about the price, but available in Thailand as I saw it advertised in the Bangkok Post today!

    I checked the link, this is expensive ($700 quoted) I have 2 phones with 1 diverted to my primary number, simple!

  3. I'm planning to purchase a condo but unfortunately I can't get my quiries answer by the developer (I only have a Thai brochure which I can't really understand).

    I believe there are a lot of experts have the experience and your thoughts will definitely benefit me and that I can learn from. Would really appreciate if you guys can share with me.

    1. What's the payment schedule for new condo project?

    2. Normally what is lease term? Can I assume all condo projects are free-hold?

    3. What other cost/fee I need to be aware of (e.g. lawyer fee, transfer fee,....)?

    4. What is the mantainance fee and is there a sinking fund?

    5. Is there a concern to transfer money from overseas? Do I require any approval by the authority?

    6. Can I be the sole-owner of the unit?

    7. How would I know if the developer is reputable in carry out their obligation?

    8. What are the other concerns I need to take note prior to jumping into signing the agreement?

    Thanks in advance.

    Actually I'm interested in "Ideocondo Sukhumvit 103" by Ananda.

    You need a reputable lawyer to act on your behalf if you are serious about buying property here.

  4. I go through a pair of thongs (flipflops) every month or so. I buy the el cheapo (B200) Diesel ones because they are comfortable. The problem is that they can break at the most inconvenient of times. Does anyone have recommendations for durable ones that are comfortable and available either in Th or AU?

    Teva sandals without doubt though I keep a pair of Black ADDA Lite for formal occasions.

  5. I guess it's TICK season in Pattaya... is it seasonal?? Anyway, I've got the dog on that FRONTLINE treatment from the Vet, but is there some kind of chemical spray that I can use inside the house? Where do those bloodsuckers hide? Where should I spray?

    Since the product probably doesn't have an English/farang name, can you describe the bottle you recommend, in detail?

    No comedians, please.

    Also, I've noticed that this season, if it is seasonal, there are TONS MORE TICKS than ever before... is this a consequence of global warming, or what else may be the reason for the clear increase in the amount of bloodsuckers in Pattaya?

    I observed some of them climbing the walls, I guess in search of blood... and when they don't find any, they eventually stop in their tracks, and just drop dead. Scary stuff.

    The best is called "Frountline" it's a chemical that is applied on the dogs' neck just above the shoulder level. Just Google "Frountline" it's available here from decent veterinary clinics. It really works well.

  6. Websites told to protect children's information

    Ten websites, revealing personal information of children thus possibly giving criminals' access to the kids for crimes, will be given one month to stop showing such information or face up to six months in jail and/or Bt60,000 in fine.

    Deputy Prime Minister Paiboon Wattanasiritham, also Social Development and Human Security Minister, Wednesday presided over a meeting of the National Child Protection Committee for a policy to protect Thai children's information on the online world.

    As many children were fond of using webistes' services to search for new friends or to post information onto websites and web boards, this resulted to criminals making use of such information access to get to the kids for crimes such as rape, theft and murder, Paiboon said. Thus the meeting assigned a subcommittee for the protection of children's personal information on Information Technology system to launch measures to prevent websites operators and Internet to reveal personal information of children under 18, he said.

    Such measures were inline with the Child Protection Act's article 27 that prohibited anyone to advertise or publish personal information of children with intention to damage the children's mentality, reputation and other rights or to seek benefit for the publisher himself or others, Paiboon said.

    If any business operators had intention to reveal children's personal information, he would be punishable for up to six months in jail and/or Bt60,000 in fine according to this law, he said.

    Source: The Nation - 22 November 2007

    So are myspace, youtube, facebook and the rest going to be blocked??

  7. Thailand have such? You know, the cat sized bugger, black fur with one or two white stripes down it's back. When it lifts its tail, best to head out of Dodge!!

    I was coming back late this morning from a short visit to Wat Tham Krabok, up towards Lop Buri. Took the northern Saraburi bypass from Hwy 21 on over to Hwy 2, the Friendship Highway, and up a couple l'clicks to the new MAKRO outlet.

    Just before the roads join, sure smelled what was like skunks I've smelled in Oregon but never heard that there is such an animal in Thailand.



    The only skunks in LOS either work in government house or wear uniforms.

  8. Can someone pls. point me to a reputable beauty saloon that does decent waxing at an affordable price? I don't want to pay 2000 baht for my legs + bikini line.

    Magnolia spa Soi 71/corner of sub soi Pridi Banomyong 33 whole body waxing 700Baht guaranteed. Call 02-381-9687/8 Phen speaks English. She offers full spa services!!!

  9. I'm not the best or worst looking person in the world... but yesterday, while at the Royal Garden, around 6 PM, I saw the ugliest family I had ever seen IN MY LIFE... anywhere... looked like two parents, mid 40's, and 3 kids, about 7, 12 and 19... just brutal... all of them... I'm guessing they were from south eastern europe, maybe a bit north, maybe a bit east of there... I wish I had my camera to document it, but I didn't... they were dressed like average tourists, but they were all overweight, and just had ugly faces... just brutal... Brutal... no other word describes them so accurately.

    The mother was the fugliest of them all, it looked as if she was trying to make an ugly face, but that was just her natural facial expression. The father had these big, thick thunder-thighs, cut off shorts, real hairy legs, and of course a few tattoos. I felt kind of bad for them, as some people are just born big, and ugly, and there's not much they can do about it. To have to go around life, looking like that, is kind of sad.


    And the kids were all ugly too, even the little one... not the kind of child anyone would ever approach and say, "how adorable!" It just won't happen to them. And I'll be they were nice people, just having a little fun on vacation, not hurting anyone... I appreciate all tourists who choose to come to our lovely town by the sea... but these folks ain't a-gonna make it onto any brochure enticing people to go anywhere.

    Again, I'm not claiming to be the most attractive person in the world, and admittedly, someone may find me fuglier than I found this family, but, in general, I think I'm right about these people. If you see them around town in the next few days, that would be great if you could snap a picture, and email it to me, via this website.

    But imagine how horrible it must be to know that wherever they go as a family, whoever they come in contact with simply HAS to think to themself, "gosh, these people are fugly..." I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just saying that's the way I see it.

    And it wasn't that their skin looked really bad or sickly... not that at all... it was just that they were so fugly... all of them... I wonder if the parents ever though to each other, "I'm ugly, you're ugly, should we really even have children, cause lord knows, they ain't a-gonna be movie stars..."

    I'm going back to the Royal garden tonight, to see if they will be there again... I'm really fascinated by these people... and I think the older kid was the ugliest of them all... Yech! Bad faces, bad hair, bad everything....

    I'm so glad I can pass judgment on people I don't know, on this anonymous website.

    Do not judge others on appearance, it's shallow and confirms all doubt about yourself!!

  10. I have an ear infection. It's been so long, I'm not sure if it just goes away naturally, or if I need to get anti-biotics for it?

    Anyone? What should I do?


    For an "Outer" ear infection (Soggy Ear) "Otosporin" ear drops are effective, for an "Inner" ear infection go see a GOOD doctor.

  11. I do not want to take busses or Limos so what options do I have?

    I will be in Thailand fro 24/11-9/12. Please include ferry fees.

    Please tell me what to look out for

    How much is a taxi from Suvarnabhumi Airport. to Royal Benja Hotel?

    How much is fare from Chang Rai Airport to Wiang Inn?

    How much is transportation from Trat /Laem Ngop to the piers on Ko Chang?

    Do not know what pier on Ko Chaing but we are sailing in the Thida/

    How much is fare from Thida pier to Klong Prao Resort?

    How much is fare from Klong Prao Resort to Trat?

    YOU need a travel agent

  12. Maiden Flight of Singapore's A380

    SQ380 took off at 8 am with almost a full load of 450 passengers for the under 7-hour flight.

    By Karamjit Kaur


    SINGAPORE Airlines' first A380 superjumbo took off from Changi Airport at 8 am on Thursday for its maiden commercial flight to Sydney, with nearly a full load of passengers.

    On board are 450 passengers, from the youngest, a 10-month-old boy, to the oldest, a 91-year-old man, who are travelling with their families, 75 journalists from all over the world, and many of the successful bidders.

    Eager beavers started streaming in as early as 4.30 am when the counters opened, to check in for the historic flight on the world's largest passenger jet.

    SIA, the first to operate the double-decker giant had sold 662 one-way seats to Sydney and back in a charity auction, which saw people from all around the word - 35 nationalities in all - paying anything from US$560 (S$820) for an economy seat to US$100,380 (S$147,000) for a pair of one-way suite tickets.

    About four in 10 passengers are Singaporeans or Australians. The rest include Britons, Americans, Indonesians and Malaysians.

    Close to $2 million was raised for charity.

    Some of the passengers came dressed in special T-shirts with the A380 logo emblazoned on them.

    Among those in the first class suite are Mr Julian Hayward, who paid US$100,380 for him and a friend, and Mr Thomas Lee, from California, who was a passenger on the world's first Boeing 747 commercial flight between New York and London in 1970. Flying with him are his wife and daughter.

    Also onboard is Ms Isabelle Chu, a travel agent from Perth, who is flying in both directions on the A380. Ms Chu flew in both directions on the first Singapore Airlines A340-500 flights between Singapore and Los Angeles, and Singapore and New York, non-stop in 2004, with just time for shower between flights. This time, she will enjoy an overnight stopover in Sydney.

    There was no show of 15 economy class passengers.

    After all the passengers have boarded by about 7 am, there was a simple ribbon cutting ceremony officiated by SIA chief executive Chew Choon Seng.

    He also presented a cheque for $615,000 to Ms Jennie Chua, Chairman of Singapore Community Chest. The rest of the money raised from the sale of tickets in the charity auction will go to two children's hospitals in Sydney, as well as to Medecins Sans Frontieres - also known as Doctors Without Borders - an independent medical-humanitarian organisation that offers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics and natural and man-made disasters in more than 70 countries.

    The under-seven-hour flight which arrives in Sydney at about 3.30pm (Singapore time), is piloted by Captain Robert Ting, and three other pilots. There are 31 cabin crew members.

    The commercial debut of the A380 - a double-decker jet as long as a soccer pitch and with a tail seven storeys high - will be remembered as the biggest thing to hit aviation in over three decades.

    Not since the Boeing 747 jumbo took to the skies in 1970 and the supersonic Concorde made its first non-stop crossing of the Atlantic in record time in 1973, has an aircraft attracted as much awe, curiosity, excitement and anticipation.

    SIA, which has ordered 19 of the jets, will start daily scheduled services to Sydney from Sunday, after which it will fly the superjumbo to London, Tokyo's Narita, Hong Kong and San Francisco.

    Full Story:

    <a href="http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest+News/...ory_170339.html" target="_blank">http://www.straitstimes.com/Latest+News/...ory_170339.html</a>

    God help us if these monsters start arriving at Suvarnapumi in numbers, it'll take two weeks to get through immigration!!

  13. just wanted to know if anyone has any information about this car ,as i drove a 1.6 with manual gears and it seems a good car .as i am thinking of buying one any feedback will be apreciated.

    We purchased an Optra Estate 2 yrs ago, an excellent utility/family vehicle.


    Ride quality (Euro Suspension developed/tuned by Lotus)

    Quiet cabin (Virtually no wind/engine noise)

    Economy (12km per litre)

    Chevrolet service is good.

    Very reasonable sound system

    12V power points frount and rear cargo area.

    Refrigerated glove box compartment.

    Storage compartments.

    Extras given free by Chevrolet: Vinyl seats, fog lamps, full set carpets, rust proofing, quality window UV film


    Chevys' 1.6 is no tyre smoker but no slouch either.

    Summary: My family is very comfortable with our Chevy Optra Estate. I would buy another,

  14. Having read the thread on hamburgers in Bangkok, I am pleased to announce that there is a really good place in Minburi. They do pork or chicken hamburgers, steaks, salads and sandwiches, not to mention other things.

    The restaurant is situated on Sukhapiban 3 rd in Khae Hat Ram, opposite appartment building 2.

    Great burgers and only 20 bt!!!

    Geronimo, where is Khae Hat Ram located on Sukap 3 ??

  15. Hi All!

    I’m not having a good time these last couple of months. My computer system which has been reasonably well behaved for years seems to have acquired an infection of gremlins.

    My own fault I suppose as the old saying of “If it ain’t broke don't fix it” would certainly be true in this case, but after nearly 5 years with the same system I had the uncontrollable urge to upgrade and try some of the newfangled thingies now available, ADSL, Torrents, Dual Core, DVD burners and things like that.

    I’m not a bad person really but those shiny packages in the window are sooooo tempting.

    So my story. My computer has acquired the nasty habit of switching off at usually the most inconvenient times. (Like there is a convenient time) This is not a “Shut-Down” as when turning off or going into hibernation but like someone pulled the plug.

    It does this at random times, sometimes it will be OK for days and other times it will switch off 2 or 3 times in one day.

    I have checked the obvious things, fans not working and dust in the system but that’s all fine and clean. I have also been monitoring the CPU activity and temp. The activity hardly ever exceeds 75% but most times is much lower. The CPU temp stays at the lower 40c.

    The trouble started after I installed a new motherboard (ASUS P5VD2-MXSE) Dual-Core Pentium1.80GHz and new Power supply.

    I thought it may be the power supply but this is rated at 400 watts well over the recommended 350 for the MB. There could of corse be a problem with the power supply but it is new so no muck build up and it has a good flow of air through it.

    One point which may be relevant, when the computer switches off it will not re-start by using the start button on front of the case I have to switch off the power either at the UPS or the switch at the back of the case before it will re-start by using the start button.

    I’m no electrician but this seems to indicate some sort of re-set taking place a bit like pulling the plug on UBC decoder.

    Any ideas in solving this annoying problem will be greatly appreciated.

    D.D. :o

    Sounds like the motherboard could have a problem, I had an Asus go down after a couple of weeks just like this computer shutting down. Go to the shop that supplied it and get them to check it out, it nshould be still under warranty.

  16. Couldn't help but notice, that on the locked topic 'Interpol In Rare Sex Abuse Appeal' Post no. 6 had the following, interesting segment :

    <<<<Intense investigative support from authorities in South Korea and Thailand revealed the man flew from Seoul to Bangkok International Airport on Thursday, 11 October, with security cameras documenting his arrival at immigration at 3.26pm.>>>>

    Aren't these new-fangled cameras (the ones that take your photo at the immigration desk) supposed to photo-analyse a persons features and cross-reference them on an interpol database before flagging up a 'warning do not let this person enter country!' type warning??

    Or are they just bog-standard surveillance ones?

    It seems that either they just take your picture, the operator didn't work it properly or are just for show!

    Better you call immigration division on this, I'm sure they will help you.

  17. I'm currently working (with work permit) in Thailand, and have been for many years.

    In January I will have to renew my work permit, but my passport expires a few months later, so I want to get a new passport before then.

    I haven't been doing the 90-day reporting, the last time I left Thailand was Songkran last yeat (2006).

    Should I "fess up" now and pay the fine (2000 Baht ?) before I get a new passport ?

    Does immigration put any kind of stamp in your passport if you go over the 90-days ?

    What's the best course of action to avoid any problems later when renewing work permit ?

    Many expats ignore the 90 day rule and when leaving the country there is no requirement by immigration division to see the registration receipt. However if you have not registered and get apprehended for any reason by the boys in brown (pee in the cup and where's your passport?) you could very well get nailed for overstay and thrown in jail if you can't show the 90 day registration receipt. So to all the folks not registered " You are walking on Eggshells" I do mine by mail to Suan Phlu.

  18. What is the deal with discipline in Thailand? I'm not just talking about little kids either but 16-18 year olds that openly disrespect their parents or any elders for that matter and seem to suffer no consequences. I don't think I've ever seen an adult tell their kid off for anything except perhaps to say they're being too loud but that's it. Classic example today my husband's 18 year old cousin borrowed FILs car this morning with the promise to bring it back in a couple of hours because it was needed in the afternoon. He just got back at 6.30pm and all he got (after causing a lot of inconvenience) was "why are you late?" he blatently lied, got on his motorbike and hooned off! He's done this at least a dozen times but they still let him use the car, borrow money etc...I'm a little baffled by it. Has anyone ever seen a Thai couple discipline their kids or teenagers? Do the farang with kids have issues with their spouse because of discipline issues?

    Look at the moral examples set by politicians, police, civil "servants", "Military" specimens/scum. How can kids gain good morals when the latter influences prevail!!

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