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Posts posted by Pushit

  1. You'll be fine entering the country when you get a new passport as long as it doesn't have the same name as is blacklisted. Therefore you will have a problem. Just because the passport number has changed doesn't mean you won't get arrested and deported again. You can come back, you just have to think about how you want to come back. There are 'legal' loopholes TIT

    A few years ago I would have agreed, however with the OPs' full name, date of birth and photo on Immigration Dept/ASEAN/INTERPOL databases a new entry into Thailand is going to have to be awkward.

  2. To clarify the questions asked : The amount of Viagra was 320 pills of different brands intended for use with gay friends over a period of several months. Of course I was asked if I intend to sell which I denied and in all the documents related to my case I'm only charged with importing a controlled drug without the proper permit. I speak/read/write/type Thai so I know for sure what I signed and have been charged with. It is indeed not common procedure to arrest/sentence/deport foreigners who are caught with Viagra or even Marijuana up to certain amounts. I have reason to believe that my arrest and the arrest of an English guy 2 weeks previously where done with the intend to increase the responsible police officer's financial abilities. I was not able to pay though when asked because I only carried enough money to pay for my visa run plus the viagra and unfortunately didn't have my ATM card with me either. I know that besides the English guy (who was carrying Viagra AND Marijuana) and me there where no other Caucasian people ever in the Ranong prison's history, neither before nor did any arrive after me. I also know as a fact from a Ranong immigration officer that the police officer responsible for our arrest has been either transfered or fired shortly after my arrest (he wouldn't give the details but just said that he's no working here anymore because he caused major problems), probably for reasons of negative publicity (both arrests where shown in newspaper and local TV) that might have affected tourism especially in Phuket from where most people do there visa runs in Ranong, many of them buying Viagra and else. So I don't really know about anyone else who had to spend 40 days in prison to await the court's sentence (fine of 7,500 Baht which I didn't have to pay because every day in prison counts as 200 Baht paid) and then 2 weeks in an immigration cell awaiting deportation. When I asked, the immigration officers in Bangkok told me that I could enter Thailand again without experiencing any problems as soon as I got a new passport (because the Ranong police somehow "lost" my old one while I was in prison and couldn't find it anymore when I came out, no apologies or reimbursement made of course) and a new Thai visa of course. But when I did so and arrived back in Thailand I was told that I'm PNG/blacklisted for 100 years and had to spend another night in a cell before being able to take a flight back to Europe. I don't think I need to mention that this is the worst time in my life, having spend 8 years in Thailand never causing any problems in any way.

    Should be "this is the worst time in my life SO FAR"

  3. In short: I have been arrested, sentenced and deported because I bought Viagra from a Burmese pharmacy and carried it on my way back to Ranong on my visa run, therefore my single offence being importing a controlled substance without permit (small offence but long story). Now I want to submit an appeal and would like to know if anyone could give me more information about what chances I might have for it to be granted and how long it might take. I read in the immigration act that one can submit an appeal only within 48 hours after signing the document in which one acknowledges deportation, either after arriving at immigration from prison or after trying entering Thailand while blacklisted (act 22 and 36). Does that mean I can't appeal from ouside Thailand? Does anyone have any experience with that? I'm grateful for any kind of help or advice regarding this matter. Feel free to ask if you need more details.

    Frankly your name, picture and Dob etc are now appear on the Thai Immigration/Interpol computer database as a transporter of restricted substances, if you do not have solid grounds for appeal regarding smuggling the aforementioned, you are indeed stuffed unless you have an extremely smart lawyer.


  4. My wife and i are planning to build a house in udon thani,near Nong Som about 20min from Big C by car,have land bought and cleared already,size about 300 sqmt.Is this size ok, ? for a bungalow or should i go up,ideally we would like to have 1 ample size bedroom wth en suite,2smaller bedrooms,kitchen,2 living rooms,extra bathroom with shower.Can this be built for 1.5 million baht,no designs as yet i have no idea on how to design,have one family friend whose quilified designer in udon who can take care for this,what price would i be roughly paying for him to design.We plan to buy all materials ourselves and be there all the time the house is being built.In Ireland at the moment going to udon for a month in sept maybe build perimeter wall then,some people have suggested to go down and have basement bedrooms but i'm unsure about this maybe pricey.The village is Nong na Jalung near nong som and nong wa very close to the potash company.Any suggestions,help, or advice would be welcome.This is my first posting,i have lived in samui for almost 5yrs had a restaurant/bar near Bophut also a bar in Chaweng,married 3yrs moved to Ireland with my wife 2 yrs ago both holding steady jobs, planning to settle within the next 2yrs have stayed in udon many times with inlaws good family, hard working,minimal drinkers,non card players so i'm lucky in that respect,wife comes from small family 2 sisters 1 brother all sorted more or less.My few years in samui brought me some good experience, i learned alot but yes i know things can go belly up,but if we go about things with some good planning and try to be a little wise with our decisions i hope we will be o.k.,i've heard to many horror stories.All help/replys welcomed. Thanks

    Has the land been "Filled"? ie 1 to 1.5 metres of earth fill (free of vegetable matter and debris) dumped evenly all over the site to be left for the next one or two rainy seasons' rain to compact and consolidate the soil? Sure you will build on a pile foundation but if you neglect this you'll be seeing daylight underneath your homes' base concrete slab sooner rather than later.

  5. when you speak to them - refer to yourself as farang....

    ie...'farang gep-tang kop'

    it is enough to sufficiently embarrass them and by doing so actually raises yourself up because you insulted their insult by insulting yourself with it first, thus nullifying its powers.

    Agree, and make sure you do this while they are trimming the hair around your ears and neck with a Straight Razor, another "happy ending"

  6. Hi,

    This morning I got my long due telephone line...

    The phone company connected the wire at one of my electricity poles, from there on it’s up to me to get the extension to my house that stands about 30m further. Is there anybody who knows of wireless device to get the signal to my house?

    If possible I prefer not to screw up my garden by phone wires hanging around.

    Thanks a lot for any suggestions.

    Thai fixed lines phone service providers (TOT, True,T.T&T) are mandated to provide the fixed line to an/Their "Over-voltage surge arrester/ protection device" your premises, this device should be earthed. This device protects you and your equipment against lightning strike on, or high voltage induction/transienst that can occur on your line. Without this device fitted you and your equipment are extremely vulnerable. If your phone company is telling you that it is up to you to connect to your premises they are lying to you. If you do not like overhead wiring to yr premises you could get a private contractor/yourself to install underground conduit along with an inverted "U" tube at each end and with a pull-cord throughout so the phone company can install the mandated "Dropwire from their "Distribution Point" to their "Surge Arrester" fixed to your premises.

    You are responsible for any wiring from that point on.

  7. As usual all the Thaksin basher rear thier ugly heads.

    1. The man achieved more for Thailand than anyone ever has

    2. He has not been convicted of any crime

    3. And he wont be as his only crime was to bring prosperity to Thailand

    4. His political enemies are driven by thier own interests

    5. Killing drug dealers saves lives

    Why dont you all go back to sleep ar get an education in politics

    The "Force" is strong with this one... Must be on the payroll !!

  8. Yes,a good girlie talking to is all I need.Not having friends here is tough.My telephone bill is very bad.

    What's NGO sorry? I am actively lookiing for a job,I am getting bored.Fiance home late sometimes,he's trying his best too to fit in.I think men can find it easier,maybe I will join him on his next beer or pool game.

    Non Government Org like street kid refuges, animal refuges, Mercy centres.... they need help and the people working there are hardly chavs etc. take your time and you'll find an org that deserves your time.

  9. I know Sin Sot is much discussed elsewhere, but I cannot find it here despite looking back a year or more. I am seeing a wonderful hill tribe woman, who is mid 20's, never married, no children, younger siblings, father lives away from home. I am British, 20 yrs older and solvent, but no millionaire. Marriage is being suggested and I wonder if anyone has a feel for local bride price. Any recent precedent? The first 'punt' from Mama is 7 figures!!

    Also, how do I negotiate with Mama, she doesnt speak Thai, so I will need to find someone who speaks mountain language and English?

    Where do you intend to take this lady? have you checked if your home country will issue a visa for a hill tribe person?

  10. Bar owners hold crisis meetings

    PATTAYA: -- Bar owners in Pattaya are up in arms over the government's crackdown on operating hours, which they say has cost them a small fortune.

    Managers and staff from hundreds of entertainment venues have gathered for several crisis meetings to protest and discuss strategies to fight the order by new Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung to shut all bars at 2am. Bars in "Sin City" were previously able to shut at 4am or even later.

    Representatives from night-time entertainment outlets plan to seek a meeting with the minister to discuss his directive, which they say is restricting business and "giving the city an unfavourable image" among foreign tourists who go to Pattaya to experience its famed nightlife.

    Pattaya City Council has backed the business people, saying the city brings in a huge amount of tourist income, but this was now being jeopardised.

    Mayor Niran Wattanasart-sathorn, his adviser Itthipol Khunplome, and former MP Chanyuth Hengtrakul were involved in discussions with representatives of entertainment outlets, who are demanding a return to longer operating hours.

    --The Nation 2008-03-31

    C'mon Chalerm (gag gag)wants' to be "seen doing something" achievements are not an issue .

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