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Posts posted by skorchio

  1. Theres loads going on in Bangkok.

    Selling their morals for money and ruining peoples lives, cannot contemplate.

    Do you have issues working for Goldman Sachs too?

    haha, I like your brevity.

    Personally I have no problem with boiler rooms or GSachs. If people are fool enough to get involved in a BR operation, they should lose their money. Lax regulation allows GSachs to trade as it does - they are just clever people. Morals? "holds sides laughing.."

  2. I have been to that beach twice. First time I watched an Israeli kid turn his back on 2 monkeys to get a photo taken, they both attacked him, scraped nasty gouges of flesh out of his back and one of them got the teeth in. They are savages. Second time there a young lady was attacked, and she ran and left her bag amonst the beasts. They fought over the bag. Myself and my brother went in back to back with canoe paddles to retrieve it. There does need to be clear warning from guides as to what the monkeys are like, they are extrememly aggressive, the growl on sighting a human and will attack in gropups as soon as you look vulnerable. I hate them. But they singled out the Israeli, so perhaps they are very socially and politically aware.

  3. so, when's the baht gonna start falling???

    Don't be so selfish. Lives are on the line now. This is no joke. Thank Thaksin for this mess. He was willing to destroy his own country for his money and power greed.


    But really, when is the Baht gonna fall? Bullet proofing the Baht is expensive and there is only so much salt on the bread. The dollar is moving forward against all the majors, and still going back against the Baht. And I really can't understand why this hasn't stalled yet. Oh and, pom mai bpen seppo. I just get paid in dollas...

  4. I wonder if Thailand is reaching the "Tipping Point" as in the authorities are increasingly uncomfortable with the LOS's international reputation with respect to prostitution. Of course it could also just be an isolated case of some owner(s) not tendering the usual tea money to the proper persons.

    My gut tells me that the naughty night life scene may not be encouraged as in the past and only tolerated if it is more discreet.

    Time will tell :)

    Tolerate if it was more discreet? They id the raid in Phuket town, where there are a few soapie shops. There are hundreds of massage joints in Patong, and discretion is not their business.........

  5. Well said!

    1. Nothing wrong with people who make a living on Trading Stocks, Futures, ForEx, Commodities. It is essential to hedge against risk when needing a regular supply in metals, grains, energy, USD, etc. But when it comes to $$$ speculations, it affects those billions of people with the rise of FOOD, Energy, Savings, and a regular income in many many cases.

    2. Ideal Capitalism is great. It is the greed in people in Capitalist world that make Capitalism weak.

    SURE THERE MAY BE INDUVIDUALS (OTHER VIEWS) but surely you can see this one.

    Hope we learn from this.. notttT

    Gold US1060+/bbl. (new high)

    Brent US76+/t oz. (100% since March 2009)

    I wish I could buy gold by the barell, and then sell it by the ounce..........

  6. The most disgusting part of all of this, is that this guy wasn't operating alone. Obviously those staff members were not going after Thais. The question remains where did they get the phone numbers from?

    They weren't just randomly dialing hoping to get a farang on the line. They were probably sold a list of phone numbers from someone.

    Last year I was getting a lot of phonecalls from investment companies. I'm fairly certain the only organization that had my number was my bank. The purple one.

    I hope someone would run down this side of the equation, but I really doubt it will ever happen.

    well, interesting. I had a call last year from someone (he was a pomme) who knew 1: my number 2: my name. 3: I lived in Phuket. I was on the golfcourse when the phone rang, and only for I was expecting a call from home, I wouldn't use the phone on-course. Anyway, I was so dam_n angry at getting a pitch about retirement plans. I demanded how he know my number. He told me that an agency in BKK provides names and numbers - he said he was located in Phuket. I hung the phone up as he was continuing his pitch, and then snap hooked my drive OB.

    As for my phone number, my purple bank has it, and the local airlines (all of them). AIS don't know who I am, but probably not so difficult for them to figure out that I speak English and live in HKT.......

  7. travelling with 2 - 3 people you would be better of with a taxi, if you could find an honest one...

    i guess also a nice double pricing for locals and farangs is in place

    Since 1982, I've taken taxis from the airports into Bangkok more than 200 times, and have never been ripped off. Just pay the extra 50 baht and use the official service - you'll have no problem.

    hear hear - have taken a taxi from SVB at least 20 times, and always pay approx the same to get downtown, about 280B plus the 50, plus the tollway. Never had a problem, never had a rip-off. I read above about some geezer going to the top floor to avoid the 50B. Does Thailand attract only penniless weasles, or do visitors morph into weasles according to the number of visits / time spent here?

    Weasle who avoids 50B charge - you seem so proud! well done!

  8. Blowing him up with military grade explosives isn't exactly your average bump off the competition with a .38 revolver.

    Sounds like someone is sending a very clear message going to such extremes.

    I tend to agree with this - there may be other partners, or others involved in this disagreement. It certainly rings of "don't <deleted>*k with us!!"


  9. It amazes me that with all the life sentences handed out, fully covered by the media, that fools in full knowledge of the conditions in Thai prisons still take a chance with their futures when most have the safety net of a welfare system back home. I wonder if the success rate is so high that most mules make it through and they consider it a safe bet. Junkies numbed beyond repair, I can understand, but the rest. Madness beyond belief.

    Regards Bojo

    my exact sentiments - the risk reward of doing even an armed robbery in Aus is a far better option for a quick buck.

    And even if he gets the drugs out of Thailand safely, they still have a long journey.......pure madness

  10. can't say I have ever had a problem at the counter - if you state your destination in Thai, they just take you there, on the meter......

    Crackdown on illegal taxis begins at Suvarnabhumi Airport Friday

    BANGKOK: -- Illegal taxis at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi International Airport will be targeted in a crackdown by the authorities from Friday, according to Deputy Director of the Department of Land Transport Chairat Sanguansue.

    Speaking in his capacity of chairman of the sub-committee to regulate public transport at Suvarnabhumi, Mr. Chairat said intensified crackdowns on unauthorised taxis will start Friday July 31.

    Notices have been issued and posted at the airport and a public relations campaign has been initiated to warn offenders, he said.

    Meanwhile, police officers and security guards patrolling airport premises on Thursday began warning unlicensed tour guides before beginning to arresting those who are unlicensed from August 9.


    -- TNA 2009-07-30

    It is not (only) the illegal taxis who scam the tourists. The legal taxis and the official counter where you get the official ticket are scam. Every time they try to scam me different.....

  11. So with regard to the Thais and Thai Government who seem to be kicking most of us in the teeth , they will only have themselves to blame when so many will uproot and leave .

    Lets see what happens to the local economies over the next few months with countless businesses going bust , rental properties empty , and countless other ways that we spend our monnies here that will affect every Thai business . With OUR contribution not being spent in Thailand , regardless of the amount , we all spend without it - Lets see who smiles then when NO money is coming in.

    When I was reading this, it seemed to me you are blaming Thais (people and Govt) for what is more or less accepted as a global economic meltdown (one which didn't originate in Thailand, or Asia for that matter). And further, you seem to be reveling in delight that when you leave, Thais will be getting what they deserve "som num naa style".

    Well, by your own admission, you live on the bread line in Thailand, so you are hardly the contribution that you may think you are to the local economy. And with that attitude, perhaps Thais would be happier to see the back of you...

  12. hONESTLY???

    The worse it gets here, the more money I make...

    I do High End Security, Protection, and Guarding along with some few ex-Thai Naval Spec Ops Guys.

    I am going to make a fortune...

    I love where we are, and I love Thailand...

    Kit meshu-hopn na-nake


    Horray for Todd and screw the rest of the world. Jerks like this are what gives expats and Americans a bad name.

    I missed the reference to Todd being American. Can you kindly point it out? Thanks a bunch.

    Yes I was thinking the same thing myself. Just because he demonstrates an attitude consistent with that of an American does not necessarily mean Todd is an American.

  13. I suspect the expats being surveyed were earning big Western style, full package salaries with big MNC's, well over 300,000 baht per month. Pardon me, pass the caviar.

    I was asked to contribute to the HSBC - I think they asked all salaried customers who are offshore customers. Most people working abroad under a different tax regime to that of their home country would elect to keep their money offshore. And yes I agree that the majority of people working abroad (for large companies) will be earning in excess of 300,000 THB per month, or certainly in or around that figure - except perhaps the "English teachers" in Thailand and such.

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