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Posts posted by skorchio

  1. I think the Skytrain is a concrete work of Art. To construct such a masterpiece in a modern city which was already overbuilt before they even started building is amazing. It must have been unbearable living there during the work. This could never have hapened in a european captial. If the BMA could get skywalk along the full length of Sukvt and surrounds, I would consider living in BKK. I hope the BMA keeps adding to the network. I took the train from the aiport into town earlier this year during a 5 hr flight layover - 45 mins from leaving the aircraft to stepping off the train on Sukvt. And the same to get back to the airport. I applaud the speed, effiiency, the price. This is not possible in most other capitals. Thailand is getting its sh1t together in this regard. Bravo and keep up the good work.

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  2. Will Thai Air domestic flights also move to Don Mueang? Or, is this a way to help Thai Air compete against the likes of Air Asia by moving them to DM and making it more difficult for connecting flights? Exactly which airlines are moving? My wish is for all domestic flights to move to DM - would make my life easier flying in-country.

    and will make life a horrible mess when flying international.....changing airports is going to mean flying a day early in many cases. I guess Thai will be staying put at Swampy ....

  3. Very silly to issue statements like this. If it rains like hell, there will be flooding, and there is no way anyone can stop it. The topography of the Chao Phraya flood plain make it, and BKK, prone to flooding. This vulnerability has been worsened over the years by relentless development. The El Nino La Nina oscillation in the Pacific has been increasing in intensity this decade (global warming etc...another story), so I really would expect that weather will become more volatile. Drought and floods, extremes will become the norm. Good words Yingbaby!!!

  4. PTP do not want reconciliation

    They want one thing and one thing only

    Bugger everything else

    Unless the guy is bullet proof, I have no clue why he would want to come back

    He wants his money back. It is a lot of money, it took him years and years to squirrel it away, and he has dedicated a further 3 years trying to get it back. Its all about the money ....

    Buit I see your point ..... I am surprised that somebody has not had a pot-shot at him already. When he was dancing around Laos and Cambodia, there must have been opportunity. But who knows what that would ultimately lead to ....

  5. Sorry, but do we know that the lady was killed, I cannot see it in the report.

    you are correct it only says she was gunned down not the outcome, I have lived in thailand for only two weeks and am shocked at the number and variety of attacks on people, shootings, stabbings, muggings you name it have read about it.

    The Thai News is pretty good at printing crimes for all to read unlike the West where many crimes you never hear about...

    Actually I think you are 100% wrong and that the opposite is the case. Extra-judicial killings have run into the thousands in this country in the past decade. And also bear in mind that a significant proportion of organised crime is orchestrated by the BiB - in these instances there is no crime and nothing to report. But that doesn't mean it didn't happen .-..

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  6. I remember watching a docco on this years ago. A beach stud was interviewed and reported that it is sometimes very difficult to satisfy the demand. After all, these sheilas are women who maybe cant get a root at home, for aesthetic reasons. And these boys need to be able get it up to get paid. I'd rather them than me, so to speak ...

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  7. If Thailand does not extradite these fellas, Aussie numbers will be down. That is the crux of this case. And obviously these guys are not heavy-hitters in Thailand. If they were from a family with a bit of clout, it would make an interesting situation, as there is a lot of tourism revenue on the line here. Aussies are now the biggest visitors to Phuket, and they still have money in their pockets (even allowing for tightness being a national sport) .... the courts have already made a mockery of the lack of an extradition treaty, I reckon they will be extradited forthwith.

  8. This quake showed that the massive earthquakes off Sumatra last week had affected the faults in Thailand.


    -- The Nation 2012-04-17

    Earth movement of 40m 1000km away affects Phuket's faults? That's like a quake in LA effecting faults in San Francisco. I have never heard of such a connection made, and both of those would be on the same fault, the San Andreas. The Klong Marui is a minor fault not connected to the Sumatra-Andaman fault. I find this claim dubious at best, but he's the "expert."

    Indecently, seismologists at CalTech published a very interesting prediction about the Sumatra-Andaman fault in 2007. Seems they were right: http://www.scienceda...81203131042.htm

    Well Joe, consider this; any big quake like the 2 recent ones off Sumatra release a huge amount of stress in the earth's crust, stress which has been increasing over time due to shifting plates. Eventually the stress, which is a confined stress-field, exceeds the breaking strain of the rock, and movement occurrs. This is the earthquake. So now a major re-arrangement of the stress field has taken place. Stress has been relieved at the location of the quake through the release of kinetic energy. But the stress is now focused on a different location, and some of the rearranged stress is disippated by movement on other faults. And it is wholly possible that that is what has happened here. So consider that before shooting down the opinion of Thailand's 'experts', who are probably PhD graduates in geology or geophysics and know a whole lot more than you or me about the local tectonic arrangements. They are the ones looking at the seismic recording instruments, and the ones who know how to interpret the data. And for your info I am career geophysicist living in Patong, although I am presently off seekig hydrocarbon accumulations in East Africa. Pity I missed all the action, again.

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  9. When i read about this I think of what would have happened in Canada, if he didnot comply with a quards request. Here is what I think would have happened especially if he tried to force his way through with the balloons. He would have probably been tasered. Then balloons and him taken to local police station and his wife and child would have had to arrange bail. He would have had to go to court and probably have a criminal record at the end of it all. He and his family should apologize to the quard, the BTS and pay the quard for lost wages , pain and suffering.

    A public apology would help alot.

    I have to agree with this - try and barge your way through protesting staff in the 'first world', and you will summarily restrained, arrested, charged, convicted, fined, and banned from Public transport for a period, just for good measure. This guy wouldn't think twice about doing this in Dublin, so WFT is he doing it in BKK for?

  10. The problem is not really related to alcohol sales hours, as those who want to drink all day can do so by purchasing plenty of alcohol in the days before. That part is not rocket science, but my cutting-edge analytical skills are not shared by the authorities.

    The problem stems from the fact that drink-driving is basically not a crime (thank fork). If your average Thai is busted at a checkpoint (I refer to only to Phuket), he is locked up overnight, hit with a max of THB 5,000 fine tomorrow morning in court, and is on his way before noon. Unless he has a few grand in his pocket at the checkpoint, and this is acceptable to the police officer.

    In the case of a Farang stopped at same checkpoint, if he is locked up, he is looking at up to a 60,000 fine in court in the morning. Unless he can negotiate a fee at the checkpoint. It is harder to do this up the copshop.

    There have been threats of deportation in the last year or 2, usually this makes a Farang either dig deep in his pocket (6-figure sums), or think twice about drink-driving.

  11. It's getting worse day by day unfortunately, the other night there were police with lights slowing down traffic because of poor visibility., you can't ride with out a mask or eye protection, breathing has become a real issue... but life goes on,my neighbor just burnt his pile of leaves again, minutes after telling me how bad the air was....

    isn't that just so deliciously Thai ? I luuuuv it

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