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Posts posted by skorchio

  1. The whole idea behind his commentary is to avoid fear. But anyone with a simple understanding of the situation needs to be fearful. There are millions of ppl using the flood waters as a toilet. The longer this goes on the greater the risk of that water becoming extremely hazardous. If it gets to a critical stage, there maybe be rampant and uncontrolable spread of water-borne disease such as dysentry.

  2. Quote . "Ms Kemporn explained to the police that the concoction used was a mix of five Alprazolam pills, seven Atarax pills and five Chlorphen-Y pills."

    Just incase anyone else out there wants to spike someones drink and rob someone, the nice reporter has told them the EXACT combination, quantity and method used to administer the drug. Good work.

    Dont be so stupid, anyone who wants to do this can easily find out what they need and get their hands on it. Glad these tramps are busted, they did a chap I know recently. However one of the chicks was photo'd by one of the polaroid snappers and her photo was taken to the polis. Good work BIB.

  3. This story smells fishy. Why would anyone exchange their cash at a travel agency instead of a bank? Why would you bring US Dollars to Thailand instead of Thai Baht? It just doesn't make sense...

    Nothing you have said makes sense. For example who in Phuket changes money at a bank? Nobody, they all use street FX booths. In SA, a travel agent is an equivalent. Secondly, you ask why bring US dollars to Thailand? Is this a joke question? Do you think it makes sense to buy Thai Baht in SA? Have you ever traveled anywhere? Bringing (genuine) US dollars is the most convenient way to take cash anywhere. ANYONE will change US dollars.

  4. how about cleaning up all immoral stuff. I can't recognise how it was only 15 years ago. Last year I went there in the hope to spend holidays with my family just like we did 15 years ago, I was frighten, scared. It's changed so much, thoght we were somewhere else, not Thailand! :bah:

    haha, you for real? you are telling me that Pattaya was a family resort 15 years ago?

  5. I think she is fantastic. I think Thailand is fantastic. And if you moan about the double standards, ask yourself, do you really really hate the double standards? Would you prefer to live in Singapore? Because thats the product of good governance and law enforcement and observation. If you hate double standards in governance, would you please go spend a couplee of years in Singapore.

  6. Can we start with a national hub of education first? Starting with journalists?

    Thailand is the only country in the world with the largest number of international schools.

    Yes I read this twice myself just to be sure it made no sense. Perhaps this journo is subtley making a point. What I think the sentence is trying to communicate, is that there is a higher percentage of International establishments operating in Thailand, expressed as a percentage of the overall number of schools. And if this is indeed the case, it just reinforces the widely held fear that the Thai education system (i.e. the Govt. provided service) stops a few yards short of pathetic. Go and look at the curriculum in Singapore if you want to see a vast difference. If you were able to instantly vapourise all the calculators in Thailand, I solemnly believe the country would shut down.

  7. So according to this research 1/3 of the entire population is 12-24 years old. I think that they need to do a little research on populations statistics before falsifying their research.

    Of course they don't mention how many people claimed to smoking or drinking at that age, just that it was the youngest. So out of an entire country perhaps only one person said that. Not anything to get upset about.

    Articles like this is the reason why people don't believe statistics. This isn't news this is hype.

    As far as I can see, you are the one suggesting that 12.5 million is 1/3 of the population. And this is clearly wrong. "I think that they need to do a little research on populations statistics before"..... ahem ..... who needs to do what?

  8. It's not the first time I hear about these stickers.

    But I don't understand what the Land Transport Federation is complaining about.

    They want the police to be more strict in giving fines to drivers who don't respect the weight limit ?

    Or they want the right to break the law without consequences ?

    Yes, something has gone wrong here. What they are really complaining about is that they already paid to be allowed grossly overload their trucks, and the sticker did not work. Trucks are being fined for overloading. The system usually works but someone got greedy, or else someone is trying to put a stop to the corruption.

  9. Sounds like b/s to me. Especially Bangkok Hospital will always ask patients if they need help with extending the visa. I know because I was admitted and had a group of people checking if I need help. I had a valid visa so I did not need help. So to me there are bits missing from the story.

    Yeah I think so too. And why did he wait a few days after release from hospital......something missing here for sure.

  10. Another example that the Thai police can quickly locate and arrest a suspect when they want to -- and the corollary illustration that those who are not found are protected, or the implications are too great a loss of someone's face.

    Exactly. They have a free hand to obtain information by any means, and they will always find out what they need (want) to know. If an investigation hits a dead end, it is because they decided it is going no further. End of.

  11. Considering the propensity for inaccurate reporting it is not advisable to make unfounded accusations. Anyone recall the alleged 10 man Thai gang that supposedly murdered the former telephone fraudster? It turned out to be 2 swedes. How about people wait for some reliable facts?

    I could not have worded that better myself. I was really surprised at the level of commentary when the 10 Thais were alleged to have slashed the victim's neck; I was actually even more surprised when it transpired the truth was so detached from the reporting. Muppets reporting, muppets commentating ...

  12. They may try to their heart's content. I have 3 points to make.

    Sex tourism pays more.

    Thailand is good at accommodating sex tourists.

    Thailand is not so good at accommodating families. Just take a baby in a push-chair to Koh Samui and see how how that works out.

    The only people who will put up with the way tourists are treated in Thailand in general are sex tourists, backpackers and people who (like me) want to live in chaos.

  13. Even if a sample was (forcefully by a PI) obtained from the professor, the sample in evidence is in the care of the authorities. If they don't want to compare, they simply won't cooperate. And it seems they don't want to cooperate.

    If this professor is innocent, he is obviously a turd. There is a family on the other side of the world in agony of grief, and his voluntary participation would at least focus their anguish on something else. Maybe they could accept that they will not get closure. But leaving them like this is torture.

  14. It is a sad state of affairs when a human being is allowed to descend into the condition of this man in the photographs. The images are akin to WW2 concentration camp victims - HTF does this happen in Thailand, purporting to be a modern east Asian nation with a tourist friendly attitude? Frankly I am appalled, I don't care how he ended up like this, he looks like he should have been hospitalised and repatriated out of pure f*cking sympathy. SHAME SHAME SHAME

  15. It is gratifying to read that some long overdue action is being taken against these illegal encroachments.

    Whether anything will come of it, only time will tell. T.I.T.

    Methinks thou knowst the answer to this already. The fact the investigators are asking for disciplinary measures against the officials involved (as opposed to immediate dismissal and prosecution upon proff) says enough. Someone didn't share his sweets and that's just not fair ....

  16. hmmm, seeing as this geezer, your 'fried', is on the bones of his arse and possesses nothing worldly or material, I wouldn't worry about the fact that he was married. Unless he wants to get married again (repeat the mistake?). I doubt Mrs. Isaan is going to pop out of the woodwork down the line and sting him. After all, if he is not returning to Thailand, whats the worry? He may find that she has already gone about the process of annulling the marriage from her end. I am sure that can be done for 500THB in the right hand.....maybe that is worth as check before going any further. How to check with the Thai registry? ...

  17. The above inane posts do little to explain the B.S and no offence George but the hookers are just part of the chain.

    I have a friend who actually put his money where his mouth is and took over the late George Adomson's park in Tanzania many years ago after he was murdered.

    Most of the above guys have probably never seen the movie Born Free but it was where that movie was filmed.

    Any way some history......

    After a visit from the Duke of Windsor a couple of years ago to my friends park, the govt delegation decided that the infrastructure and improvements were a great assett and decided that they will take it all including all the vehicles, quad bikes and a C206 Robinson STOL aircraft....oh and all the land and houses too.He was put on the Non Gratia Visa list, and I said why not fly the plane out at least...reply a suicide mission as the guards all have AK 47s.

    The intent by the goverment at that time was to harvest the stock so obviously the herd has been culled to probably zero and another species bites the dust.

    He proudly told me a few yrs ago here in Thai that he had the last free roaming herd of black african rhino world.

    Many $100,000s down to help ecology and he is now heartbroken......he resides in Thai almost full time now.

    Posts by all the above talking about thai ladies...get a life.

    Concern for the Rhinos aside, get off your high horse man. Having a craic about Thai honeys consuming Rhino horns is a comical image. You know, a joke. Humour. Don't let it ruin your day ...

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