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    Huay Yai

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  1. I just had a random second immigration visit to my business, in the last 6 months. where I had to have 4 staff present with copies of current ID’s, same as when I applied for my non-B & WP initially There are random checks inside the first 12 months the officer stated. I’m located in Pattaya City
  2. We screen A-league on one of our 7 big screens at Cloud9 Reloaded. And any other requested sport that we have available Cool air-con, ice cold beers and great service. https://maps.app.goo.gl/oXyxLqAkJPMqDmib6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy
  3. Wanda ya mean they’re not all who-ers??!
  4. In my 13 years coming to Thailand and 7 years residing here, and me and my business partners 11 years of hiring local Thai ‘tradesmen’ we both still have zero names on our ‘would use again list’. Zero There is not one genuinely competent tradesman that I’ve ever come across. I can’t even get people to turn up on time when I tell them I’ll pay double or more if they come asap
  5. https://youtu.be/bwcJNsoY50E?si=1GixKM9AiS1rP54O
  6. Yamaha had a recall on the Aerox LCD’s some time ago. I had mine replaced under warranty at Mityon Pattaya very early last year, 2018 model bike. No charge
  7. Maybe it’s related to the updated duties ‘law’ on post? I recall reading recently the 1500฿ minim duty threshold has been scrapped on items sent via post. Could be a reason for the bottle neck as they would have had a huge increase inspections. Please not I’m just speculating
  8. I’ve been using gabapentin now for 10+ years. It’s a very effective nerve pain inhibitor and widely available here. Brand name Lyrica ™️ but there us a Thai made gf Eric called Gabex
  9. From memory standard pallets size here is 110cmx110cm This should give you some reference
  10. The main seals on both sides of the Aerox engine are known for deteriorating and leaking into the cases. On the right side is the stator, mine got gummed up with oil and dirt and started randomly switching off while riding 2500 at the shop and a new stair was swapped in. I issue since
  11. 5555 ‘Ken ‘ell. And heeeeere we go 😆
  12. My wife recently bought a second home for her and her parents to live in as financially it makes more sense. She now live predominantly with her parents around 15mins away. At the moment I work some huge hours, up to &0hrs a week so I rarely see her other than a few ours here and there and she may stay with me 1 or 2 nights a week or less. For me it’s absolutely fantastic. I can work and come home to a quiet, clean house (her mum leans twice a week) and she gets all the time in the world to watch crappy tv series and relax after work each day Add in the extra bonus of her and her family eventually owning another asset over our previous primary residence it’s a perfect situation
  13. My wife and I have had an MG5 for just on two years. It’s a cheap and cheerful motor that does everything you’d want and expect for a mid size, mid priced sedan (689000฿) We’ve done 40000km of city and open road driving now and the only issue we’ve had was a noisy fuel pump in the first month of ownership. It’s a little heavy on fuel compared to Hondo r Toyota (8-11/km) but that’s to be expected from the spec of the car IMO I find it comfortable, low road noise, decent sound system, excellent aircon. We’re both happy with our purchase
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