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  1. We had double entry visas .
  2. There is definitely a huge rise in Indian tourists to Pattaya. I’ve never seen so many. Loads of indien restaurants everywhere , especially along 2nd rd, where there are many buses unloading the customers. Must be the new visa rules that are attracting package tours from all over India. I must say they’re not the most discreet of tourists here. Speaking very loudly, pushing their way in everywhere and a lack of hygiene does not go unnoticed. And from what I hear , not appreciated by the ladies of the night.
  3. Rubbish. We’re talking about tourists , not immigrants !! I’d say a good percentage of the troublemakers here are foreigners. Russian thugs, bitcoiners, Chinese call centers and the usual obnoxious drunks and drugged fools that walk the streets. Many from western countries. I live in a busy tourist area of France, and I can promise you that the few tourists causing trouble are quickly dealt with. The problem is, Thailand seems to attracts the worse of the human race. And of course, it’s mainly of their own making. I agree with many here, deport the trouble makers / thieves/ scammers and dealers.
  4. That’s an old photo from a previous holiday with his deceased wife.
  5. I don’t think “ enigmatic” spoken by a hospital is very enlightening! Phneumonia and severe flu is quite rampant in Thailand at the moment, has been making headlines. Add to that high pollution and yes, they have that in Hua Hin too. Definitely needs a more competent Docteur to have a look. I wonder if the hospital gave a correct diagnosis to the Embassy, otherwise, how did they come up with kidney problems ? Any spare Drs running round Hua Hin ???
  6. I absolutely think it’s none of your business ! You don’t like, scroll on .
  7. geisha

    Pattaya. Where?

    From what I’ve seen, I think there are a lot of very brave men in Pattaya.
  8. It seems that all Thailand has been invaded. My UK niece told me her neighbor just came back and said “ never again”. My friends from Phuket says it’s become a hell hole. Expats trying to sell up and leave. Im in Pattaya, and to be honest, have never seen so many tourists. Mostly Chinese , Indian and Russian. La crème de la crème , not ! From Central Festival to Terminal 21, 40 mins drive this weekend . It’s driving the Thais crazy , and angry. Nobody wants tourism at this price. I’m so glad I never retired here, it was my dream through my working years. I’d hate to think I’d sold my home and quality of life for this chaos.
  9. What a trio, Trump, Musc and Vance . How can anyone trust them ?
  10. I stay around 5 months a year through the EU winter period. I believe I know Thailand very well, as I’m a big traveler, I have many Thai friends, I eat Thai food , I’m not married or interested in the bar scene. I’ve been coming since 1984/85. I spent 20 years of winter on Phuket, 2 yrs of winters in Hua Hin, Jomtien and Koh Chang. I’ve visited every island over the years. My point is, I’m not an “expat” as the person who answered your post was very adamant about. But I believe , I ( and probably yourself) know more about Thailand than many bona fide Expats do! My backside is not stuck to a bar stool, Im not complaining about my Thai wife/husband / partner, and the tax subject does not concern me. I get the best of Thailand with how I live . So Im not an Expat , and dont wish to be living here 12 months a year.
  11. Spoke to friends on Phuket just this morning . They’ve had enough, life has become unbearable, traffic jams everywhere, nowhere to park, beach chairs the whole length and width of the beaches, filth , rubbish bags lining the roads as the garbage trucks can’t manage. Rats. The Hoi polloi of the western world and the dregs of Russia , China and India joining in. Plus all the con artists, scammers and bitcoiners, drunks and stoned tourists, it’s hard to believe I once loved it there and planned on retiring. So glad I didn’t. Pattaya is the same , a concrete jungle and non stop jams. Tourism gone crazy. Greed.
  12. How about paying for assistance at the airport ? Just like people who have a handicap or wheelchair. They are there all the way with the person, to the plane doors where the hostess takes the person to their seat.
  13. What are they doing sitting around the Tuc Com area ? Plenty of them, but they just stand there , not stopping anyone??
  14. I was talking about pattaya taxis , the yellow blue ones outside the malls.,
  15. Thailand isn’t doing well on the international stage. Communication and technology are being held back by a lack of English. Education in schools and at home is a mess.

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