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  1. I know an Indian business man in Pattaya whose ancestors were brought over to Malaya ( Malaysia) from India , to work as coolies and plantations workers . In the 1920’s they came to Thailand, and worked their way up in life. They are a wealthy family, extremely kind and good people all round. These reports are nothing to do with the ethnicity of the people. There is good and bad in all. I personally hope the family of this man will help the widow and her children. Many people , including Thais are authors of horrific accidents towards other Thais and foreigners.
  2. Hi all, I want to spend the last week of February in Hua Hin . Used to live there. Worrying about two things. It will be Chinese new Year, and getting there. I thought there was a Bell Bus which would have suited me fine, but apparently not available. So there’s only the Rueng Rang. Takes 5h. Otherwise a taxi. About 4 hrs ?? I used to use Joe Taxi and his lady drivers as they were great, but can’t find the number I had. Any really good Taxis , safe, please ? Price no problem. And will I have a problem with New Year or will everyone be going up north ? PS Can’t change my dates. Thanks.
  3. Hi all, am looking at a stay in Hua Hin last week of February. I’ve lived there many moons ago. i would like to be near what I call the center, the night market , train station, old town, not down the other end Khao Takiab. Have looked at Hilton, too expensive, G Hua Hin resort and Mall too far out ? The Perri Hotel ? Putahracsa Hotel ? And finally seems to be The Standard which looks great and easy to walk everywhere. I do not have a car / moto. I love a good sunny pool. Seeing the prices have really shot up everywhere, I need a bit of advice. Incredible how the prices have risen. Also will be coming alone from Pattaya with a suitcase ? Taxi ? Good Thai restaurants ? Thanks all. ( ps lived in Tira Tira before).
  4. Hope Trump is taking notice.
  5. Maybe Banger Racing would be a good substitute ? Much better adapted to Thailand.
  6. This is going to continue for how long roughly ? Was thinking of a trip begin February to 15 th . Thanks.
  7. I was told by someone up country that if the government would subsidize the machines ( don’t know what they’re called) that mash stuff up , then there would be no need for slash and burn, less fatigue on the farmers and much less pollution. If this is true then it would surely reduce massively the air pollution ??
  8. Sad but I must agree. They have ruined Paris , LYON, Montpelier and now the Côte d’Azur. They have young kids on lookouts , delivering drugs even last month 2 under 16s were arrested for murder, shot someone who didn’t pay up. It’s hard to believe. A good few years back I lived in Phuket , and saw even then the way they took over the Song loi pi rd. Openly selling their stuff and openly “ working” in their restaurants, calling out to any tourist who passed by. Touting for customers . Police turn a blind eye . With the money they reap in France from the drug trade they can live the life of Riley in Thailand. And then there’s the scams and stolen/ copied credit cards , no end to it. Makes me mad.
  9. Should be banned from flying.
  10. Thing about it, how often do you see Thai men of a certain age, out and about, having a coffee and a chat or a beer with friends ?Or in the shops buying a new T shirt , or having a meal with the wife ?? That’s why they’re not grumpy, nobody sees them ! They’re laying on a mat watching football or sitting round a table with the others drinking Lao Khao.
  11. I think Sihanoukville was closed down by the Chinese because the Casinos were built to attract all sorts of Chinese crooks and money launderers. The Chinese literally ruined a sleepy little beach town forever, even expulsing the locals they didn’t need to do their dirty work.
  12. Can you imagine thousands of crazed Chinese gamblers on a rampage through Thai cities ? Because that is what it will be. Plus, it will be very bad for the Thai gamblers themselves as their mentality cannot handle gambling / loosing nicely.i would say it’s the worse possible thing that could happen to Thailand. I live in an area where we are surrounded by casinos. I’ve seen what heartbreak and worries it can do to normally intelligent people.
  13. New films out,Conclave is fantastic , and the new BOB Dylan .
  14. When I was in Phuket years ago, I thought it must be normal for ladies to go to the shops in their PJs. I saw a Russian lady this last Christmas in a nice Malta hotel in her PJs at breakfast. Though in many of the 5 Star thermal hotels in Italy, it was normal to go to breakfast in your nice hotel dressing gown . I came down dressed the 1 st day and felt quite the odd one out. Times are changing though since Covid I believe. Now it’s posh “ lounge wear”.

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