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Posts posted by geisha

  1. I'm a 63 , single lady, so no contact + with the opp sex! I am hypo thyroid, well treated and followed.I also have diverticula problems , which are also controlled often. I take levothorax100, nothing for the diverticula, tho if there is a flare up,I always have augmentin with me.,Before leaving in middle December for Thailand I had ultra sounds on abdomen , full blood tests and proper urine ananylis , the big one that takes a few days, I had nothing, no infection, no stones liver etc all good. If I can last out till the 13 th March then it's ok, I'm going home. I just don't want to cancel my Koh Chang holiday which I've paid for( no refund) and a Bangkok hotel,for 3 nights for a last shopping fling. Of course, if the urologist ( from Sirikit Bangkok) advises me to leave, I can pack up,and go in 2/3 days. Thank you.See the tests Tuesday I suppose.

  2. Hi, maybe some ladies could respond or Sheryl if she's online. I took my Bactrim 400 2 morning 2 night for 5 days and had to stop.I had the most awful itching , trembling, insomnia I think I must be allergic.i don't have pains any more or fever. The last pills yesterday night , Saturday. I have also stopped the Controloc for stomack as apparently that too has a similar side effects. I am making an appointment tomorrow for Tuesday at Pattaya International Hospital, to re do the urine test and see a urologist at 10 am. I hope it's going to be clear. Is there any other milder meds I could ask for to replace the Bactrim ? No more strong antibiotiques I've had 2 lots I couldn't take and the Bactrim that's turned into a nightmare.Do I also need to re do the CBC?

    Thank you all.i have 5 days to Ko Chang !!!!!!

  3. This is absolutely tragic. How many lives of tourists and Thais have been ruined by Patong Hill. It must be the most dangerous in Thailand! Accidents all the time. I don't think the Phuket governor or Bangkok authorities ( the PM?) cares a damn . Just get the money in, then let them get on with it. Any responsible government in any country would have done something 20 years ago. I used to be in Phuket, and every time I wanted to go to Phuket town or the airport I was terrified. No wonder there is a temple on top of the hill where everyone wai s. Someone should do a count of all the accidents and deaths and publish them for the world to see.

  4. Sheryl, I have Bactrim 400mg with me . Should I stop the Ciproxyl , I've taken one at 12 midday ,( today Tuesday) and take the Bactrim ???ive read the information notice it says, 2 tablets every 12 hours with meals, can be 6 a day if infection severe.,When can I start the Bactrim, 4 a day ? , and is it photosensitive as I don't fancy staying in a week unless absolute necessary. Gosh, I knew the Ciproxyl wasn't right, it rang a bell !! Thanks so much.

  5. Hi, just come back from Memorial , had complete blood count , all ok, ultra sound abdomen, all ok. But with the urine tests there are WBC 50-100 Bacteria moderate, which the doctor said points to a Urinary tract infection , or bladder ? He has given me Ciproxyl 500 ( I didn't continue to take the Norxacin prescribed for food poisoning 5 days ago because of the side effects/ I have very bad tendinitis arm and shoulder feet. ).

    He told me to continue with the Electrolyte drink, Finnish the 7 days antibiotiques drink a lot of water ,and come back next Monday for a new urine test and see him. Generally speaking , will this clear up before the 4 th March when I'm booked for Koh Chang ? Is it dangerous ? I told him I was going there. Do I have to keep out of the sunlight with Cyproxyl ? I do not have sensitive skin and wear good 50 + screen. Should I avoid the pool water ? I have no risk of anything transmitted sexually, I'm a 63 lady.

    The doctor has also prescribed Controloc 20 mg for my stomach aches ?Said it could be gastritis.Sheryl, if you could follow all this I'd be grateful, does it sound right , should I still see another specialist ? I will do a follow up test. Thank you all so much , very helpful for cancelling my trip or not and going home early.

  6. Hi, while not in pain, I am going to go to Pattaya memorial to book a basic check up with a full abdomen ultra sound for tomorrow. I know one has to fast. I can feel something ( slight pain) behind my rib cage, left and right, and am burping, or wanting to burp. I have no fever, no nausea, small bowel mouvments as I haven't eaten much. My colour and eyes look fine. I'm a little bit weak. I had a full check up with ultra sounds etc CBC middle of December in France before leaving. They were all clear. Would gall bladder or pancreatic problems have come up on those tests, or can they come on suddenly ?? I still don't know if it was food poisoning or not. Of course, my main worry is that I get another attack on Koh Chang where there is not much medical services.

    Thank you all.

  7. Had the suspected poisoning 3 days ago now. ( I posted further down). I'm still not feeling so good, gas/ burping and strange / slight abdominal pains. Left and right under rib cage. As I'm going on holidays on the 4 March to Koh Chang for 8 days , and Bangkok for 3 days before flying home, I'm wondering if I shouldn't see a gastroenterologist , I'm in Pattaya now. I'm a bit worried about going to an island which only has a small clinic.Maybe I'm being too fast in assuming something as its only 3 days ? But just in case it's not completely better in the next two days ( could be gall bladder ???) could anyone give me the name of a good gastroenterologist here in Pattaya , in case it's something bad and I need to cancel and go home to France.thank you all , and Sheryl, for your good advice.

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