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Posts posted by geisha

  1. When I had a lot of work done , in France, my new dentist gave me a few tiny injections before a bigger one, then you feel nothing!

    Great, I was terrified of Dentists before finding him ,after having a wisdom tooth pulled that left me with facial and neck bruising that lasted over a month, I looked so bad I couldn't go to work for weeks. His excuse, difficult wisdom tooth to pull ,so he probably forced!!!!! I should have sued him!

  2. Hi, some help needed here. I usually spend around 5 months in Thailand and around every year in winter.

    I usually have Europe assistance to cover me through the year. I have had problems with Diverticulitis and high tension in the last year. Now I am worried that if I declare my illness to the company, they will not cover me anymore, and I really cannot travel without insurance as we all know thats a stupid thing to do. My question, any ideas on how to cover myself safely without lying ? I really do not want to stop all my traveling , just thinking about it is making me very unhappy. I have worked all my life to fulfill my passion, so am looking for a way to continue. Thank you all for your help.

  3. Muzarella, keep your insurance policy as if you had an accident, even a small one, or an illness that prevented you from flying, you would need it !! You said you were not young ! I'm quite sure if you don't have 4000 B at the moment , the hospital will let you pay it off monthly ! I also think that maybe your agent and that particular hospital are " working together". She is bringing them patients and the bill is blown up a bit too. ( commission) . Next time, go to a normal hospital and take your wife with you. Tell them no extras. Medication can be bought at outside chemists at much cheaper prices. But please, do keep your policy! Good luck.

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  4. I remember flying to Borneo, alone, in a monsoon storm, they had to help me off the plane my knees were knocking so hard! Then, from my guesthouse , I found a guide who took me up the Skrang river, we slept in long houses on the floor, creepy crawling things as well, walked the jungle and learnt how to use blow pipes, ate the strangest things and had the time of my life. Then, first time in Burma. A long time ago, leaving a small restaurant in a dark quiet Bagan, I was approached by 7 /8 young men, I decided not to run, I'm no good at it. In quite good English they asked me if I knew any Elvis songs, I said yes , Blue suede shoes, so we all sang in the middle of that dark road , including me doing a few dance steps, then they walked me back to my guest house. Never had a guide book either! But wonderful memories.

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  5. I remember flying to Borneo, alone, in a monsoon storm, they had to help me off the plane my knees were knocking so hard! Then, from my guesthouse , I found a guide who took me up the Skrang river, we slept in long houses on the floor, creepy crawling things as well, walked the jungle and learnt how to use blow pipes, ate the strangest things and had the time of my life. Then, first time in Burma. A long time ago, leaving a small restaurant in a dark quiet Bagan, I was approached by 7 /8 young men, I decided not to run, I'm no good at it. In quite good English they asked me if I knew any Elvis songs, I said yes , Blue suede shoes, so we all sang in the middle of that dark road , including me doing a few dance steps, then they walked me back to my guest house. Never had a guide book either! But wonderful memories.

  6. Great island. Nothing like Pattaya at all, it's mountainous and still quite natural, lovely beaches, lots of beach restaurants to have fresh fish on the sand. Just a few souvenir shops, hotels and massage shops. A few bars with girls at the end of white sand beach, harmless. Public song thaew to take you nearly everywhere. Great for a quiet relax on the beach or pool! I loved it!

  7. Tourists showed me a video from the View Talay building, high floor. Disgusting filth being pushed out to sea casting a dark shadow on the surface. I would say it's dangerous to swim there. Pattaya beach is worse. Phuket well on its way to becoming totally spoilt too.

  8. Normaly, no one in the whole world can open a animal sanctuary or zoo without legal papers and licenses. Authorities should put an end to all this. Send in the army, lock up the monks who are breaking the law. Charge them with animal cruelty at the same time!

  9. Age difference, culture clash, never the twine shall meet, forget the bike and coffee shop story . Do not go back to the village. If I understand rightly, you only have 2 weeks left in Thailand. If the child can leave with you, then I would leave, and settle it all out nicely later with lawyers. If not, you have to take the boy back to his mother, and then leave immediately for Britain and sort it out from there.you have no other options.

  10. A ladies point of view. If you have been married for 12 years, I'm assuming you both were happy for a time?

    Just to be correct,I would let the landlord know, written, you are leaving, and I would let her continue to rent the house and to live her life as she wants. I don't think you should put her out on the streets ! Also you could share a little of the furniture necessities. Also, get your divorce settled properly !

    Or, give her the money on a new contract for a condo/home rental for a few months till she finds a job. Honestly, what could all this cost you, 20 odd thousand baht ?

  11. Years ago, coming from Kata beach to Patong by tuc tuc, the driver didn't want to continue in the traffic jam, so he stopped, miles from my destination on the end of Nanai, when I didn't understand his ranting, he pulled my arms and threw me out of the tuc !!!!!! It was some bar ladies telling him off who explained to me why !!!! One of the reasons I left Phuket.

  12. I met a lovely French couple a few weeks back. The lady said she'd enjoyed her stay but would never come back due to the blatant in your face prostitution. She said that she didn't want to " approve" all she had seen by coming here on her holidays. Another couple said that Thailand was too dirty, and they noticed that the staff of hotels, restaurants, bus drivers/taxis etc had disgusting habits, when I asked what they meant they said the constant " picking their faces" put them off ! Now I can't say they were wrong, because it's true. I travel a lot around the region, and I think that something has to be done to educate the kids/ youths. They are simply not educated, not from school or home. The lack of English is also holding Thailand back. I was recently in a very nice 4 star hotel where practically no one could speak English, from reception, where in the end I had to use my iPad Thai language to explain a simple air con problem, to the waiters/ waitresses where not one could advise me about the items on the menu ! How on earth can Thailand compete with these serious problems?

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