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Posts posted by streboris

  1. I use KODI and as already stated tvmc is the easiest way to start, but it's not difficult to set up tvaddons.ag addons manually on the latest kodi.

    I use Genesis addon for movies. You can stream or download... if your Internet is choppy you can try a lower quality or I start download and then watch the download after about 30% is downloaded.

    For tv and sport I use iVue TV Guide. It works with other addons that provide the streams. I use Zeus and You get all sky channels free no subscriptions needed.

    Google kodi addons

    Seo-michael does easy tutorials


    This one shows you how to easily set up KODI to the same settings as TVMC

  2. My wife has complained about similar things as your wife.The word seems to be, in the village, that her character has become bad, basically farangified or big citified. Seeing as they have never known any farang in their lives nor spent much time in a city, I'm not sure how they would know, but anyway, I guess we all have our theories about other people. As I see it, basically, their problem is that she isn't a doormat and they can't get much of anything they want out of her and so they complain she has a sharp tongue and is too direct and has a thousand other character flaws as well I would imagine. Basically she tells them straight out "No" when she doesn't want to do what they want her to do.

    As just one example, she has allowed some in-laws to fish on her land and even plant gardens for years without charge. Then one day nearly 2 years ago, the in-law family honcho is over to our house, nice enough but being a bit overbearing and pushy and says, "You need to understand something, we have been the ones who are working on that land. And we want to use the land as collateral for a bank loan. That land is as much ours as yours." She's like, "Nothing doing! Who do you think you are? Are you kidding me? Get out of here!" He persisted for weeks with his officious manner, coming round to our place, "We need to set up another meeting to discuss this. We need to have those papers, as we're going into town soon to apply for the loan." She's like, "Youre <deleted> preposterous, dood! There's nothing to discuss! You're not going to hand my land over to the bank because you want to go on a gambling spree or what have you!" She lets them continue to use the land but it seems she is now resented for not also letting them tell the bank that the land's theirs.

    She just shrugs it off that they don't like her any more for refusing to cooperate on things like this. What can you do about people who are so demanding and unreasonable and who consequently don't like you because you won't just give them anything and everything they ask when they want it? And of course they exaggerate the whole thing and gossip and re-hash it to everyone in the village, so very few like her any more.

    Doesn't bother her tho, she is resigned to ignoring them for the most part if they are going to be this way. She does her best to continue to be nice to people, give them things and such, be pleasant, certainly more than I would if I were in her shoes. But no freindship or appreciation will come of it, it is just to keep the peace. When I first moved out here I had visions of having big bar-b-que's and such and inviting many neighbors and family. But my wife is just like, "I'm not having it. It's just not a good idea. You are inviting criticism and problems and not much else.They won't enjoy it they'll just be bored and complain about the whole thing for months." I have to say I seem to see her point now. Doesn't bother me either. I don't feel people are hostile, just we are rather ignored, quietly uliked and unloved I suppose. It's their loss as well, its a shame actually, but what are you going to do?

    I seem to remember that in the UK if you claim and use land as yours, unchallenged, for 7 years, it becomes legally yours... I would check that there is no such law in Thailand and if there is, anyone using the land should have written agreement.

  3. I don't know where you guys came from in your home countries.

    My parents came from very poor council estates in Manchester UK (welfare housing to our American members). My dad worked hard to buy his own house in a better town. We didn't have much but we had our own home and we're surrounded by people who also owned their own homes.

    When I was growing up I stayed with my grandparents a lot at weekends and school holidays on a very poor council estate. (Estate is same as villlage)

    I got to see life from 2 different perspectives.

    What many of you are referring to as Thai-ness is pretty much how the poor live on council estates in the UK... and they behave exactly the same way towards people that don't emphasise a council accent when they speak... Same the world over I'm sure

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  4. Worse still are the parents that send their 14 year olds of to places like Phuket and Samui. I know of one girl that married a dive instructor from Phuket and is now married and living in the UK with 2 of his kids....little does he know his MIL sent is wife off to the islands at 14 as a prostitute...disgusting and actually quite worrying that she may treat her kids the same.

    Sounds like that act worked out well for the daughter tho...

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  5. The good thing for our daughters is they don't have to send money home...

    Here lies the problem in Thailand-------greedy families not wanting to manage on their own money----have kids to earn money to support their needs. and not bat an eyelid where it comes from. Or care about the kids future who has not got a cat in hells chance to save. The kid actually will say I love my mom and have to support her.

    This is a tradition that needs to stop. Mothers and fathers that not have enough growing a field of rice GET OFF YOUR <deleted> and go away to find work, if you do not like it then do not expect your kids to do it.

    Girls very young working in Pattaya, when anyone asks mama where is she working mom says Chon Buri, SHY ?? but knows what she does.

    It's not always the parents putting pressure on them. The girls often do it to their selves unnecessarily...

    They go find work in Bangkok or somewhere. They have things like hot water or a kitchen with more than just a dirt floor and a bucket bbq. Maybe a washing machine.

    They want to improve the lives of their parents... the reality tho is that a lot of what they buy them, they don't need or even have any interest in.

    The parents turn a blind eye, not only because they want the things their daughter buys them, but in some cases they know their daughter will do it with or without their approval...

    Before I met my wife, I had no intention of every going to thailand, because my view of thailand was not good. The whole prostitution thing was not acceptable to me. But after I spent some time in a thai village, and I saw the hardship they suffer, I started to understand more.

    Thing is tho when you see how they live it seems they suffer, but the reality is their needs are not the same as ours, so they are not suffering anywhere near the same as we do in such hardship. I'd die if I only had rats and bugs to eat, but they eat them with relish!

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  6. nobody want pay people and I have seen that all around the world.

    they pay you a commission but most of the time people work for free or a for a low pay in fear to lose their job.

    regrettably this is the tendency actually . this is the reason many guys become digital nomads, consultants,... working for someone else is not like before, people use you, make you feel you are someone they can throw you away anytime.

    Thailand is down, there is no good jobs in Thailand anymore.

    I have a pretty good job, as do a number of my coworkers, and are pretty much always hiring.

    I was under the impression it is almost impossible for a falang to get a job in Thailand from within Thailand?

  7. In Holland several dozen guys appeared/will appear in court for having had sex with a minor prostitute. The kid was lured into the trade by her loverboy. Two of the "gentleman" customers committed suicide. Apparently they couldn't deal with the public disgrace. Quite a few others now are in a divorce process. Young kids of some of the accused do not want to have anything to do anymore with their dads.

    The judges were rather mild in the sentences so far, taking into account that the "social" damage already was high. A few of them lost their jobs as well, more will follow when they have to serve time.

    Public prosecutors will appeal a number of cases as they feel the sentences were too light.

    Nail the sicko's to the wall like this. Perhaps others will control their fantasies better that way.

    The child prostitute must have been really young since the age of consent in the Netherlands is 12 it has been raised to 16 but the old age law of 12 is still on the books according to www.unicef.org/. It is indeed 15 in Thailand.
    18 in Thailand not 15


    Legal age of consent

  8. Not directly related to the OP, but I know for a fact that they target falang motorcyclists with the basic (and true) logic that most tourists won't have a motorcycle drivers license.

    I've been stopped many times with just my UK licence, but it does have motorcycle... only time I got booked was on beach road in pattaya, for not having international drivers permit. Nice laminated page was presented, showing official full licence in English not ok. Paper translation(international permit) that could easily be made by a 5yr old, OK.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  9. Ok what she did was wrong what the customers did was worst Shoot her castrate the customer's and bend them over a saw horse Find a donkey in heat smear the juice on butt and let nature take its course .

    While the men are disgusting, don't forget the 14 year old was not forced, she did it on her own will. A magnitude different than rape where the men usually get away very cheap...

    oh really? that's ok then

    she was a CHILD who was tricked, manipulated and bribed and, as a MINOR, she does not have the developed emotional or mental ability to make a considered CHOICE

    The only thing disgusting here is your post

    Where do you read that it is OK? I never told that. So for you it is right that the customer get rapped to death "castrate the customer's and bend them over a saw horse Find a donkey in heat smear the juice on butt and let nature take its course." while we let a violent rapist out of the jail after 3 years.

    That rage is complete out of proportion to what is happening in the real life.

    If you want to get angry there is enough to do:

    Google a bit at which age girls get married to men they never have seen before AGAINST their will in some Muslim countries. (13-15). Or look at

    the several cases of child abuse (babies sometimes) that are not followed up because high ranking people are involved (UK).

    But OK that might be too difficult for most......So be entertained with this case.

    Kids being married off happens in third world countries. Muslim and non-muslim countries. It's not a Muslim thing. It's a survival thing. The parents want a husband who can feed and home their kid. They have no time for romance.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  10. Ok what she did was wrong what the customers did was worst Shoot her castrate the customer's and bend them over a saw horse Find a donkey in heat smear the juice on butt and let nature take its course .

    While the men are disgusting, don't forget the 14 year old was not forced, she did it on her own will. A magnitude different than rape where the men usually get away very cheap...

    oh really? that's ok then

    she was a CHILD who was tricked, manipulated and bribed and, as a MINOR, she does not have the developed emotional or mental ability to make a considered CHOICE

    The only thing disgusting here is your post

    Where do you read that it is OK? I never told that. So for you it is right that the customer get rapped to death "castrate the customer's and bend them over a saw horse Find a donkey in heat smear the juice on butt and let nature take its course." while we let a violent rapist out of the jail after 3 years.

    That rage is complete out of proportion to what is happening in the real life.

    If you want to get angry there is enough to do:

    Google a bit at which age girls get married to men they never have seen before AGAINST their will in some Muslim countries. (13-15). Or look at

    the several cases of child abuse (babies sometimes) that are not followed up because high ranking people are involved (UK).

    But OK that might be too difficult for most......So be entertained with this case.

    a MINOR is a MINOR and because it happens in other places does not make it it OK so stop defending the INDEFENSIBLE

    Over 16 at the very minimum and I defend a woman's right to sleep with whoever she wants for money or love BUT not a MINOR

    16 is a minor in Thailand...

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  11. I've not lived in the village yet, only stayed at the in-laws, usually 3 weeks at a time. Everyone has always been very friendly and welcoming.

    But last time I was there I made a stupid mistake. I hadn't rented a car and wasn't happy riding the Honda wave... in town I saw some bigger bikes at the yamaha dealer... i had a moment of weakness and I bought a Yamaha R3. The missus said it wouldn't be a problem. But riding in to the village on that was like driving in in a Ferrari... Everyone came to investigate and first question was how much? 185,000 baht is a lot for such a flamboyantly selfish machine. People's attitudes changed towards me. Not only in the village, but everywhere.

    I will be going to live there soon and not sure how it will be.

    My wife doesn't normally want expensive clothes or to show off, but she seems proud to ride around on this as a show of status...

    I think it would be a good idea to sell it but not so easy

    How will it be?

    Easy..... Empty of fuel, bashed up a bit and in need of a service.

    BTW, I'm talking about your bike, not ..........(Don't matter)

    Best of luck to you.

    Hopefully not... but, if it is, it's been hot wired too...

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  12. The average wage in 7/11 is 9,000 month.

    The average wage for a new starter in a department store for is 8 or 9,000

    A girl working in a department store for a while will get around 12,000. If she's lucky and gets commission for sales she might get more.

    A girl who goes to university and becomes a teacher will earn around 15,000. Same if she becomes an accountant...

    So even after going to university she earns next to nothing.

    The morals and ideas of what is the right thing is different. The right thing to them is sending money home to support their family.

    This girl was earning 500 a time instead of earning 350 for 12 hrs in 7/11

    It's a no brainer to them

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

    Are you a drug dealer in your country? They make in an hour that a teacher makes in a week.....a no brainer to them....

    I am not a drug dealer, because I had a lucky break, I landed a job at the age of 15 with company called Shell and at 17 when my training was complete I was earning 3 time the national average wage. At 19 I was able to buy a new house on a new estate surrounded by people who had worked all their live to pay for theirs.... These kind of opportunities were rare then, so I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time. Opportunities like this are not available in the uk now, so who know what I would be. Why I left the UK.

    Many of the people I went to school with did become drug dealers tho...

    In the UK if you have a load of kids the government give you a bigger house and more money so millions of people make a living from that. As far as I know the Thai government don't give money for nothing.

    In Thailand the prospects are very poor even if they go to university... that is a fact. Prostitution is accepted... also a fact.

    Kids keep their innocence only when they live in a privileged protective bubble. The less privileged lose their innocence early to hardship, it's the same the world over.

    I'm not trying to justify anything. I'm saying it is understandable why so many girls want to sell themselves and they do want to, not just passively willing, they work at it.

    In the UK the age of consent is 16, while most of the world it is 18... so according to the consensus of the world the UK are all paedophiles...

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  13. The average wage in 7/11 is 9,000 month.

    The average wage for a new starter in a department store for is 8 or 9,000

    A girl working in a department store for a while will get around 12,000. If she's lucky and gets commission for sales she might get more.

    A girl who goes to university and becomes a teacher will earn around 15,000. Same if she becomes an accountant...

    So even after going to university she earns next to nothing.

    The morals and ideas of what is the right thing is different. The right thing to them is sending money home to support their family.

    This girl was earning 500 a time instead of earning 350 for 12 hrs in 7/11

    It's a no brainer to them

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

    Them is our wives and children.
    I know that this is the oldest profession. But I can't help feeling that seeing farangs living in villages with nice cars homes and apparent pots of gold, makes them want the same and they don't have many options to get it.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  14. The average wage in 7/11 is 9,000 month.

    The average wage for a new starter in a department store for is 8 or 9,000

    A girl working in a department store for a while will get around 12,000. If she's lucky and gets commission for sales she might get more.

    A girl who goes to university and becomes a teacher will earn around 15,000. Same if she becomes an accountant...

    So even after going to university she earns next to nothing.

    The morals and ideas of what is the right thing is different. The right thing to them is sending money home to support their family.

    This girl was earning 500 a time instead of earning 350 for 12 hrs in 7/11

    It's a no brainer to them

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  15. Be warned: they spit poison too!

    (not joking, from my own experience)

    There is no snake that spits poison.

    WRONG !!

    Actually, there is a smart ass in our midst, he is splitting linguistic hairs - poison and venom.
    The funny thing is the difference between poison and venom is that poison is absorbed by touch, ingested, or inhaled

    Whereas venom is poison that is injected, so technically it isn't venom if it's sprayed or spat

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  16. Be warned: they spit poison too!

    (not joking, from my own experience)

    There is no snake that spits poison.

    Cobra do spits , if your eye get it you will be blind , poison will go into your blood if it splits onto your skin .

    The venom goes into your blood if it gets in your eyes.

    If it gets your skin it's no problem. It's not like acid blood from the alien movies!

    But if your skin is broken then it can get into your bloodstream. I read a few stories about people opening their mouth in shock and get it in their mouth... if you have gum disease or mouth sores it's a problem. If you swallow some venom it's only a problem if you have ulcers or something.

    Get it in your eyes and you have a high chance of stumbling forwards and getting bit too...

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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