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Posts posted by streboris

  1. We have ideas in the west about self esteem.

    Poverty in the west is like royalty when compared to poverty in Thailand.

    Girls in Thailand consider living in poverty as more degrading than having sex with strangers for money. Most of them want to do it and sadly some from a young age. The older ones see it as an opportunity to get themselves and their families out of poverty and the younger ones want nice things like their aunt with the farang husband. The girl pimping her will be justifying it to herself by thinking she is helping the girl and her family... it's hard for us to understand.

    The punters paying are the ones who should be punished.

  2. I've not lived in the village yet, only stayed at the in-laws, usually 3 weeks at a time. Everyone has always been very friendly and welcoming.

    But last time I was there I made a stupid mistake. I hadn't rented a car and wasn't happy riding the Honda wave... in town I saw some bigger bikes at the yamaha dealer... i had a moment of weakness and I bought a Yamaha R3. The missus said it wouldn't be a problem. But riding in to the village on that was like driving in in a Ferrari... Everyone came to investigate and first question was how much? 185,000 baht is a lot for such a flamboyantly selfish machine. People's attitudes changed towards me. Not only in the village, but everywhere.

    I will be going to live there soon and not sure how it will be.

    My wife doesn't normally want expensive clothes or to show off, but she seems proud to ride around on this as a show of status...

    I think it would be a good idea to sell it but not so easy

  3. I get the feeling where the OP is talking about no one cleans up dog crap.

    I was only saying to my Mrs yesterday with all the soi dogs, I don't remember one time seeing dog sht anywhere?
    funny I said the same to my missus not long ago. I've never seen any in the village.
  4. Be warned: they spit poison too!

    (not joking, from my own experience)

    Does anyone know if all cobras spit, or is it just certain types?

    I've seen em on telly, they are very accurate at hitting you in the eyes!

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  5. The only one of those that is based on a solid foundation is mathematics because it is 100% man made. So it's the only thing we truly understand. But it's man made. Of course geometry is built on mathmatics.

    Evolution is fact only in that we know for sure the things we design evolve. That's what technology is, it's evolution of design. Not evolution of something magically created by chance. And we use our experience of evolution of our designs to try to explain life on this planet. You probably believe it proves that the idea of creation is wrong. The reality is it indicates that the universe is evolving by design. Design = creation. If it was proven it wouldn't be called the theory of evolution.

    Newton's law's, relativity and palaeontology all based on an extrapolation of a tiny amount of known data taken from a snap shot of one hundred years, extrapolated across millions of years looking from within a model of the current conditions based on the assumption that these conditions are ordered.

    Your theory of evolution is based on the opposite assumption of chaos.

    Darwin didn't think it was proven beyond doubt, or he would have called it the Facts of evolution not the Theory of evolution.

    Everything that is called a theory is so because it is based on assumptions.... but you somehow missed that

    Everything that you think you know is based on the dreams and fantasy of educated men and you follow it blindly with closed mind because you mistakenly believe it as fact.

    We live in a sand box and although we are getting pretty good at manipulating the sand to make some amazing things with the sand, we cannot and will not, ever be able to make the sand.

    Who are you talking to and what are you talking about? My wife believes some people are due more respect than others as a birth right. I believe everyone is deserving of respect until proven otherwise.
    Do I need to quote a post for it to be obvious who I'm replying to? When I was talking to you I put OP, but you ignored that question and the conversation moved on without you

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  6. The only one of those that is based on a solid foundation is mathematics because it is 100% man made. So it's the only thing we truly understand. But it's man made. Of course geometry is built on mathmatics.

    Evolution is fact only in that we know for sure the things we design evolve. That's what technology is, it's evolution of design. Not evolution of something magically created by chance. And we use our experience of evolution of our designs to try to explain life on this planet. You probably believe it proves that the idea of creation is wrong. The reality is it indicates that the universe is evolving by design. Design = creation. If it was proven it wouldn't be called the theory of evolution.

    Newton's law's, relativity and palaeontology all based on an extrapolation of a tiny amount of known data taken from a snap shot of one hundred years, extrapolated across millions of years looking from within a model of the current conditions based on the assumption that these conditions are ordered.

    Your theory of evolution is based on the opposite assumption of chaos.

    Darwin didn't think it was proven beyond doubt, or he would have called it the Facts of evolution not the Theory of evolution.

    Everything that is called a theory is so because it is based on assumptions.... but you somehow missed that

    Everything that you think you know is based on the dreams and fantasy of educated men and you follow it blindly with closed mind because you mistakenly believe it as fact.

    We live in a sand box and although we are getting pretty good at manipulating the sand to make some amazing things with the sand, we cannot and will not, ever be able to make the sand.

  7. So anyway... to OP. How do you know that there is no power to superstition? You know that almost everything that was taught to you at school will be proved wrong if it hasn't already?...

    Why? because most of what they teach in school as facts, is really just the currently accepted beliefs that are based on the not so solid foundation of assumptions.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  8. A bribe to me is attempting to get other to engage in illegal or immoral act. Call it a peace offering if you decide to go ahead with it. Your "reality" is based on logic and rationality, hers is based on religion and tradition, if you reported it correctly. You are both entitled to your own system, and highly unlikely either of you will change. Similar to rational atheist trying to convince Christian that their religion has no basis in science or evidence. Ain't gonna happen. I would suggest you just give her space, kick back and do something you like and wait her out. "You're right from your side, and I'm right from mine. And we're just one too many mornings, and a thousand miles behind" - Bob Dylan

    She is not a farm girl. She is well educated from respected universities. If she says something I disagree with I ask a question or present another point of view. If I say something she disagrees with she tells me to shut up.

    Get the picture? I'm open to debate or disagreement on any topic. She is closed minded on almost every topic.

    Other than that she is a good wife.

    "closed minded for debate" is a given trait around these parts, so much so that most folk realise pretty early on.

    I got an angry lecture for telling three grown adults that believing in ghosts is nonsensical.

    What can you do but take the good with the bad.

    the fleas come with dog

    hang around a gym and your gonna see some d!ck

    ect ect

    You assume to know that there is nothing metaphysical in this existence.

    That's hardly open minded.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  9. Where can you drive for fun in thailand?

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

    In the mountains for one...


    Very romantic...

    Have you actually driven on that road?

    Even if you do find a nice road with no traffic, in Thailand roads suddenly turn to shit and or strange things suddenly appear in the road... I came around a corner on my bike and saw a guy crossing the road with a rickety farm shack balanced precariously on the trailer of his rice tractor... luckily I was being careful.

    OK seeing someone literally move their house is not an everyday sight, but things like buffaloes are.

    Thailand is not a wise place to have fun on the roads. Off road is safer and more fun.

    And you don't need a flash car to impress the ladie's...

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  10. I believe in my Higher Power (God, as I perceive him/she/it) I respect other people's beliefs whatever form they take. I would not be impressed with a person (particularly if it was my wife) belittling my belief. The least they could do is respect it, as I respect theirs.

    Maybe you could forget about bribing your wife and instead use this occasion to learn something about yourself, about growing up and possibly about learning how not to be so rude to the one you possibly love very much..

    The argument was about politics/tradition not religion.
    Since when did politics have anything to do with superstition and tradition?

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  11. I angered my wife by a chance remark about Thainess, telling her to grow up and smell the roses; we are not living in some kind of fantasy land where superstition and tradition take the place of reason and reality.

    My point is; now I am debating how to get out of the dog house. Do I bribe her with food and shopping or do I just let it ride and fester and maybe lead to a full scale argument and end in me leaving?

    If you can't respect her beliefs then you will always have this argument. If you want to change her beliefs you won't do it by insulting her, her family and her nationality.

    If you want to educate her in what you believe is reason and reality, then you will need to gently show her real world proof. You'd be better spending your time and energy doing something that has a better chance of success, like turning lead into gold...

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