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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. If a make and model of bike is popular, many suppliers will step up and offer accessories. Think KLX and CRF. For the more obscure models, they can be hard to find. Your options - buy for another model and modify, or build from scratch. As you have found yourself.

  2. 17 hours ago, Morch said:


    There is a difference between criticizing Israel's ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories, and the views which you pushed earlier on the topic. The former is, indeed, pretty much internationally recognized, while the latter is not.

    And what view did I push - you lost me there. The reminder comment I suppose. Seems I remember a passage from that book - 

    A command based on words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount : “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” The Mosaic law contains a parallel commandment: “Whatever is hurtful to you, do not do to any other person.”

    Note : “Do unto others ...” is a central ethical teaching of Jesus, often referred to as the Golden Rule.


    Note to Israel - maybe read your own book


  3. 11 hours ago, Morch said:


    Pull the other one. Spewing one-sided anti-Israeli views on most related topics in which you partake. As if the above posts were not enough of a reference.

    Spew ? My - and the rest of the worlds - opinion. It is one sided. Not being able to farm their land - or live on it. Subject to the whim of an occupying force. Make all the apologies you want - what the nation of Israel is doing is wrong. 

  4. On 4/26/2017 at 8:32 AM, oilinki said:

    Hih? I guess that was a joke.

    (Jingthing blocks me because I don't give unwarranted love to Jews),  don't let it disturb you.

    People who refuse to hear the other side of any argument - and there is always another side - show their Intolerance of others opinions and display their own arrogance. And I am far from being anti anyone or anything - excepting Fanatics, of any stripe, for any cause - anywhere.

  5. 59 minutes ago, Saradoc1972 said:

    A UN-agency, not the UN as such, told it like that without UN-Secretary authorization, until the "report" was pulled hastily and the Jordanian woman authorizing it was made to resign.


    Sorry for the delay, I had to first get past the penis-enlargement ads on the site you quoted. 


    Here is the story by Reuters,  and what Haaretz thinks of it.


    And here a map of the member states above totally un-biased UN-agency, "ESCWA", is comprised of. Waste of money, really.


    Ah Yes - the old 'Any condemnation of our policies is anti Semetic' Defense.


    Reminds me of the concentration camp guards defence - 'I was only following orders'


    The report is true. What is happening is exactly that.

  6. Any heavy duty bumper will protect your truck in an impact - front or rear. Problem being that must trucks ride high, and if impacted with a lower vehicle most will go under the bumper with the most heavy component - the engine. As for having your child in a seat - good idea. But the bumper will not mitigate damage - only a controlled crush zone will help by spreading out the impact over time and over a large area, as they are designed to do. And beware of any custom bumper as the air bags might not work as designed. As far as the rear of your truck 'skating' while driving over rough ground ... it is designed to carry a load. Unladen the suspension suffers from too much compression and rebound damping - hence the tendency for the rear of the truck to 'step out'.

  7. How it has been maintained is key. Get it up in the air - check the underside for collision damage. Suspension parts easy to repair. If the engine oil looks good and the engine itself makes no noise, auto transmission fluid looks red and does not smell like burnt toast, further inspection warranted. Cylinder leakdown test easy to perform with an adapter made from an old spark plug, pressure gauge and air compressor. Will tell you if rings and valves are good. Being 25 years old will be a plus as the electronics will not be so complicated. You have experience in judging old cars ? If not, a professional will help you make the decision.

  8. 56 minutes ago, taninthai said:

    have you still got the full set off 18 and 21 inch wheels that came with bike then........i might be looking for 2nd set ..keep one set with road tyres on and have the others set up with off road.

    Still have them - but keeping them. My BIL has a bit of land in the mountains. Raises bees. Need knobbies to get there.

  9. Re Ford in Thailand. This is the crux of the matter. No matter how well made, how much better they are than other makes, if and/or when you need service it is at best a long time coming, and at worst something which will never be repaired to your satisfaction. Same as Ducati here. Would love a Multistrata - but having to deal with Ducati Thailand is the same as having to deal with Ford Thailand. They are only good vehicles if you can drive/ride them. Fix the quality, improve the dealerships, and you may have a winner. Until then ...


    Immigration officials at airports and other border posts are not concerned about the TM.30 form, neither on departure nor on arrival.

    So why do it ? Immigration does not seem to require it. Did 2 90 day reports. Never asked for it. I repeat - BOBS


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  11. The petrol station in CM uni had a lad who fixed my puncture.
    He had a 'Bradal'  with a closed slot in the end.
    He inserted a short length of 'Waxy' cord, then drew it out trimmed it up and re inflated the tire.
    I rode gently across town to my Man who looks after my bikes, he inspected checked tire pressure and pronounced OK. That was about 3 months ago and I have checked but never needed to top up pressure.

    Tire plug. OK if speed slow
  12. 2 hours ago, canthai55 said:


    The Lady is trying to post helpful information. Whether you agree or not is moot. Do not like her posts ? The ignore function works perfectly well. And saves the rest of us for having to read such as yours. And posts by others in the same vein.


    1 hour ago, FolkGuitar said:


    Whether you agree or not is moot. Do not like the posts ? The ignore function works perfectly well. And saves the rest of us for having to read such as yours. And posts by others in the same vein.


    Your either missed the point or ignored it. Forums are about debate. Telling people to not post is not Debate. Quoting others posts verbatim without adding anything to the conversation is not Debate.

  13. 51 minutes ago, madhav said:

    She sold your car which was under your name without your knowledge? Damn...

    There was quite a Cabal of disgruntled X-Wives in that town. As soon as someone was having a problem, they would swoop in and suggest taking the husband for everything they could get.

    But faced with a criminal record she caved. Paid child support for my son - her ... SFA

    The looks I got from the Coven !!!


    37 minutes ago, Bill97 said:

    Great, so just stop posting, on immigration topics, please. We too have had enough.


    The Lady is trying to post helpful information. Whether you agree or not is moot. Do not like her posts ? The ignore function works perfectly well. And saves the rest of us for having to read such as yours. And posts by others in the same vein.

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