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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. 2 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

    Number of entitled cry-babies in the world nowadays is amazing. It's a trivial issue. Just get off the damn plane and if you're really so upset by it, take up the legal case thereafter if necessary.

    Trivial - a Concussion is Trivial ?

    First you say - Obey the rules.

    When pointed out that the passenger was obeying the Rules - now he is a crybaby.

    The Fascist Security - and United - are totally at fault here. Can you not see that - the law has been linked for you to read.

    Give your Head a Shake


  2. Check for fuel leaks. If you paid 9K for it, most likely it has never had maintenance. Has a carb ? The fuel hoses from the petcock to the carb are probably old, hard as a rock, and split, leaking fuel. Or the float bowl needle and seat is bad - the fuel fills up the bowl and dumps out the overflow. Do you have any mechanical knowledge at all ? Sounds like you do not - so take it to a shop.

  3. 53 minutes ago, Richard-BKK said:

    Moto2 forces riders to fine tune the riding skills and not rely on power to win the race. Moto2 is alsovery important for chassis and suspension development.


    Same in N. America. For some car classes. They have Claimer Rules - where you can pay and buy the engine from the first 4 finishers in a race. Intended to keep costs down, and develop driver skill and suspension development.

  4. 17 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

     Some rules just need to be adhered to, or it invites anarchy.

    On the contrary -

    In this case, we have a medical doctor who refused to de-plane, and security was called. He acted immature, for sure, and in the process of forcibly removing him from his seat, his head was slammed against an armrest.

    So why is this case different?

    Because the man had a legal right to keep his seat.


  5. My view - if you want a car with that Toyota engine, better to buy a Toyota car. By the time you source a good one, pay to have it installed, go to DLT and change the blue book, try and get the Toyota aircon working in a French car, and all the other minor things you must do with the electrics to get it to run in a car it was not designed for ... you could have bought a good car. Peugeot on its last legs - trash it. Unless you can do the work yourself, have the time and knowledge, - and it helps to have one or two screws loose.

    • Like 2
  6. Idle speed is controlled by - if FI - an IAC. Idle Air control. You might be well served to purchase an OBD code reader. Mine pictured below, but many options - like plug into car and download an app for your fone. No more guessing, and you can clear faults yourself. Seem to remember JoeW offered help in sourcing parts. Was he not able to - or was he not contacted ? Impossible to change the blower fan ? Only one thing is impossible in life - not dying.




  7. 28 minutes ago, Saan said:

    Despite what some may say many Thais care for their cars and keep them in excellent condition.

    This has been my experience also. To most people a car is a serious investment, and they take care of it as best they can. Of course, lack of a motoring heritage counts against them, but many are learning quickly, and the younger generation who grew up with cars have this down pat. Would much rather have a local mechanic work on my car - I know a few good ones - that get bent over like in the west, where the going rate for shops now is $120 per hour.

  8. Modded mine. Flatslides, expansion chambers, port and polish. Bought it on Vancouver Island, loved to run the Malahat hiway. Guys on bigger bikes would disappear in the mirrors. And that was on the old rock hard bias ply tires. Would love to try one now with some 17's - nice and fat. Now-a-days, I would Turbo it for more power as the price is good for a small one.

  9. 50 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    What would you use for roof beams/joists, nearly all houses use steel at present since wood is not a viable alternative here.

    Steel for sure. Primed on the ground, cut to length, erected and welded, and a second coat sprayed on in situ. Then cover the underside of the roof tiles, including the steel, with the PU spray foam. As it is waterproof, steel will last.

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