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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. 29 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

    Buying a BM will just be jumping out of the pan into the fire,pricewise.Get a Jap bike.

    BMW bikes are getting to be a more reasonable choice. Good dealers are now to be found - these come to mind -


    TART Motorrad BMW Service Station
    Tha Sai, Mueang Nonthaburi District, Nonthaburi 11000
    Phone: 095 597 4917
    GPS: 13.869743, 100.510430

    Motorrad Cave / Tart Motorrad, Lampang:

    18.204384, 99.3896012
    Contact Jay directly at 093-2952495


    Long time Beemer riders recommended

  2. 37 minutes ago, Stubby said:

    Someone suggested using the TV on the tech forum canthai55. But my TV is too big, and it would require rearranging the furniture. And someone else pointed out that the resolution is usually lower on TV screens than a quality computer monitor. They said that the refresh rate is usually slower too, which could add to eye strain. These things considered, I think I'll pass, but thanks for the suggestion ;)



    Usually lower ... on a cheap TV maybe. My Sony TV has a resolution of 1920 x 1080.  My laptop 1600 x 900. 4K is 3840 x 2160  8K is 7680 x 4320. That being said be sure and check before you buy. Many sold as monitors have lower resolution than a TV

  3. 41 minutes ago, Asparutta said:

    I am in a kind of in between - I'm in my 30's and will be visiting Chiang Mai for 3 months (investigating whether to live there with my budget) - together with my wife and 9 y/o son...... while we are no backpackers...our monthly budget is around 1,200 Euros in normal spending money (with some tucked away for any emergency).


    I wonder how we will do with this budget, I have a feeling we can do well, although many here told me we won't. With this budget we did great all over Hungary, Ukraine, Russia (Asian Part), and Mongolia - we stayed for 1 year in each place...... 


    we normally rent a 1 bedroom basic appt - in the center so that we dont need a lot of transport or a car.....

    we don't cook at home, eat out, go for walks, go for sport activities, visit parks and places of interest...

    we blend into the society through activities of interest such as table tennis (going to an actual club) and chess, and any other thing that might help us make local friends....


    What is your Opinion guys? we have managed in so many countries, will we manage in Thailand? :) 

    Is one Topic on your plans not enuf. Advice given - and Ignored. Two new Topics from you already hidden. Your OP said you are too busy to research yourself - yet you have time to open multiple new Topics and post in others.

  4. 53 minutes ago, jimstar1 said:

    C M J you are a Idiot these People are A Holes  songramn is a Religious Festival foe Thais Not for Idiotic Farang who think they are No 1 if they came near me as this time of year I would retaliate with all I got and I hope the  A Holes have good medical insurance  because they will need it and all my Expat friends agree this use to be a great festival years ago but now is just a excuse for Drunken Farangs to act like complete Morons  and these Morons are over a week to early


  5. 19 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

    Actually yes, it is a common theory.


    If you want to know the measure of a people, watch how they are on their roads (where they are faceless and have power over others) and how they treat those at their mercy.




    19 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    And  the  relevance of that  as it pertains  to Thailand  as  a developing  nation which attempts a  minimal  social welfare system  is  what? 

    This is the post I was referring to.

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