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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. 31 minutes ago, Thailand said:

    Forecast for Sunday 2nd April, Note there is a zero chance of snow.  1503742.GIF

    Damn - just tuned up the Skidoo

  2. 45 minutes ago, themerg said:

    Dry season means DRY. A lot of dirt blowing around.

    This is how a Thai friend describes dry season.

    Hanging your clean clothes outside to get them dirty.

    Rainy season will be here soon.

    Then people will complain about the rain.

    This is not Europe, The USA, Africa, South America, or Northern Asia.

    This is the beautiful tropics. This is beautiful Southeast Asia. This is beautiful Thailand.

    This is beautiful fruit and 20 billion beautiful flowers everywhere in Chiang Mai.

    If you don't like it here, go some place else.

    Quit your bitching and complaining.

    Live with the weather, like the Thais do.

    I am from Albany, New York, USA and there is no snow or ice in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

    I live in Thailand and I Love Thailand.

    Are there many kind, considerate, helpful people living in your part of the USA ? Suppose not ... or is it a country-wide thing ?

  3. Most of Fords transmission problems are caused by their unending quest for the Holy Grail - fuel economy. And customers pay for the learning curve, and suffer the consequences along the way. None of the new electronically controlled models offer a substantial improvement over a torque converter auto box with a lockup. And these transmissions last the life of the engine with maintenance schedules adhered to. And really - how good a fuel economy are you going to get with the bloated models experiencing these difficulties. More advertising hype to get Joe Dumbo to buy one.

  4. 1 hour ago, transam said:

    Just ask me a question regarding it....A farang motor in farangland....Go for it...:smile:


    On 3/7/2017 at 4:24 PM, transam said:

    We are talking about LOS regarding used stuff.........Not farangland.........:whistling:

    Pot - this is Kettle. Kettle - meet Pot.

  5. 43 minutes ago, Ryder88 said:

    ''My God I've been kissing this girl for months ...french kissing I felt I wanted to vomit when I found out''

    Meat is meat. You do not eat the outside, you eat the inside. Ever see how pigs are raised ?  Kept in steel cages. Or chickens ? Same. Or beef in a feedlot ? Knee deep in excrement. 

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