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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. 3 hours ago, Jai Dee said:

    There is a report button available for every single post on the Forum.

    Mods cannot possibly read everything, so if you find something offensive please report it and all online mods will be alerted.

    True. But I have seen posts disappear, yet the very posters themselves do not. And I have seen Mods reply to Topics while leaving offensive post in situ. Difference of opinion ... perhaps. Or perhaps not. Some of these posting are long time members - maybe they are covered by a Grandfather clause.

  2. 1 minute ago, BaldRichard said:

    that the board is now more about business revenue and monetizing  than community or customer service or a "forum" (accepting thatt it was always a business but less obvious and more balanced), that the topic itself may be shut down, or that your reply will simply disappear are concerns in themselves.

    I have found this also. When george started it there was much more helpful responses and less vindictive behavior. Sadly - judging by the forced Ad Blocker fiasco a short time ago - monetary dictates have now become paramount. The way of the world I guess. Personally, I have been here long enough now that I know people who can answer most questions I have. In that respect the degree that I find TV Forum useful as a source of info has diminished.

  3. Law changed a few years ago. No second hand bikes allowed to be registered in Thailand. Unless you first obtain a license to import motorcycles. And jump thru a whole bunch more hoops. Your cheap bike will not be cheap after this. A fellow poster imported his BMW - posted the experience on this Forum. Memory serves - took 2 years and cost a bundle. Advice given above is good - buy one here. Or temporary import.

  4. 6 months ago the new owners 'Improved' the website. Still has the same problems, and more besides. Very slow to load, post a reply, it says saving ... Look how long classifieds took to get going. This Forum can be a great source of info - but the new owners need to kick whoever they got the 'upgrade' from right square in the cojones and fix it. And enforce the rules they require members to abide by. Trolls, Derogatory, Inflammatory, Racist, Sexist posts must be removed and the posters sanctioned. But I fear that if the rules were followed - as you say - there would be very few posters left. Shame really - was a good website before, and can be again. But <deleted> fix it.

  5. 5 hours ago, Ace of Pop said:

    Don't put coating on it..It's just a waste .Read the Hanbook it's got clear coat Just wash it.

    The clear coat on a base coat/clear coat system is to make the paint shine. If you have ever seen this system being applied, the color coats are dull. First time you will swear something is wrong. There is no shine what so ever, until the clear goes on. . The glass/ceramic aftermarket coatings are a shine enhancer/protective coating for the existing base coat/clear coat.

  6. 31 minutes ago, smotherb said:

    I doubt the complainers have a good time left in them. I have heard these same complaints for fifty years. I too like Songkran. I always enjoy it; if I get wet, I won't shrink or melt. Maybe at 72, I just haven't gotten too old to enjoy a fun time.

    Hear Hear. Love Songkran. Great to see so many happy people having fun. Kids laughing and having a Ball - what's not to like. Some shenanigans - Pfffttt ! But then I am 18 - inside. Now and Forever

  7. 6 hours ago, Gary A said:

    If you have a fast powerful bike, it is impossible to ride it slow. The power is there and you WILL use it. I know.

    Agree. And my post above described the way to do it. The V8 is no more dangerous than a 650, or 1000, or any bike - even a Scoopy. Top speed depends on gearing, and big HP numbers just allows you to accelerate to that speed more quickly. Which is the fun of it. No such thing as too much.

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