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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. Mine has 6 piston PM brakes - twin up front, single read. Andrews cams, Port and Polish, adjustable forks and shocks from a Sport. Stock head pipes with the balance tube to enhance midrange, but slip-on mufflers. Sets of car alarms no problem. Passed a guy on a CB400 on the MHS loop once - in a corner - bet he still cleaning his shorts ! Had an FXRS-SP back in the day. My first Dyna-like bike.

  2. 14 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

    Funny with all the HD hate guys here,

    From guys who have never sat on one, let alone rode or owned one. My Dyna is made for the open road. Want to go to Singapore ? Made to eat up the miles in comfort. Rode it on the MHS loop many times, but you got to work at it. Cruise the Super Slab - that where it likes it. Premium ? The best tool for the job. And nuthin' sounds like a HD

  3. Politics the world over will not change until the way leaders are chosen is changed. Special interest groups pay Boo Koo bucks to get their fav elected, and then the hands come out for payback. When the people are dumbed down besides, kept like mushrooms, and lied to 'For Their Own Good' it is no surprise that the leaders who do get elected are like this. Taking USA as an example - a racist crook, a B movie actor, father and son tag team weasels, and now ...  A good start - Ban lobbying, term limits, accountability - break the law, go to jail

  4. When I lived in Udon Thani was seeing a girl there. Off and on. She was gorgeous - and full if it!  Got Curious, so put a tracking app on the fone she uses with 'Friends' He-He. She went home, I drove by the house late at nite ... Nice place. New Jazz in the driveway. She always asked for $$$ for taxi home. 555 Did not care one way or the other, but my curiosity got the better of me.

    When will she pay - you will not live long enough to see it !

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  5. I have a list of taxi drivers. All speak English. Do not use them much, but friends coming for a visit use them many times.

    Commercial vehicles must have insurance to cover 'For Hire' passengers.

    Let me know about one case, involving an Uber driver, where the passenger was injured and all costs were covered by the insurance, and I will post a retraction.

    Until then, use who you want, where you want, when you want.

    Been driving - and riding - here over 15 years. It is not bad, you just have to learn how. Some people find this more difficult than others.

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