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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. I posted the question some time ago - "Do any Uber drivers have commercial insurance to cover pay-for-hire passenger accident fees?" I got zero answers, probably because none do. So use the cheap service while you can - and hope you are not involved in a crash. 300 baht - around $10 or $12 bucks - up to you.

  2. 29 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:

    It is a two lane road, not good for overtaking on, or speeding on, either !


    I did not blame the driver, I merely suggested that had she been driving slower, maybe she would have not ended up in a ditch.

    Look at the dash lines - good idea how fast she was going. Not that fast.

    Drive slower - no accident ?  Like saying stay home - no accident. Hogwash

  3. If it was simple - or even marginally do-able - many, many people would have already done so. The lack of success stories sould be grounds enough for you to give up any attempt. Unless money is no problem. Even then - customs are not dumb. Seen it/heard it all before.

  4. My first look would be for an intake leak. Sucking air between the carb and the cylinder. Leans the mixture out. The wandering idle is a symptom of this. Quick check - get the bike warmed up, let it idle, spray WD40 around the intake plumbing. If the idle speed increases, you have found your leak.

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  5. I really do not see what the problem is. Inconvenience - sure. PITA - yes. Many have responded that they have used PG for years with no problems - or large ones anyway. Myself included. No missed connecting flights, nothing but - as they say on the East side of the Pond - A Spot of Bother.

    So maybe cut a bit of slack here - we all see things in a different light. Explain your position, and if it fails to connect, move on. Or ...


    Great Voice !!!



  6. 1 hour ago, trogers said:

    He spoke the truth, which TAT should include in their flyers - international airports here in Thailand requires 2 hours to process all required formalities.


    Coupled with the horrendous traffic, you should make your way to the airport 4 hours before your flight departure.

    Read it again - or keep trolling every topic ...


    The chief reminded passengers of the need to make sure they have plenty of time - one to two hours is the recommendation - to clear all airport formalities, especially during peak times.


    Clearing Security, Passport Control, Walk to your departure gate. 

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