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Posts posted by jbowman1993

  1. Grandma Nium congratulates Abhisit

    By The Nation Dec 18 2008

    In a heartfelt telephone call on Thursday aired by Channel 7, granma Nium Phanmanee, 84, has congratulated Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and gave him a blessing to stay long in office to bring about the country's prosperity.


    Grandma Nium congratulates Abhisit

    I share in Gran Nium Phanmanee's sentiment for a brighter, more inclusive and more unified future for all Thailand.

    Deeply respectful wai to Gran Nium :o

    Cue one disparaging comment from Phuket, Grandpops or Journo....

    She looks like General Sanan Kachornprasart - in drag.

    Never be predictable...you lose your edge that way.

  2. Grandma Nium congratulates Abhisit

    By The Nation Dec 18 2008

    In a heartfelt telephone call on Thursday aired by Channel 7, granma Nium Phanmanee, 84, has congratulated Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and gave him a blessing to stay long in office to bring about the country's prosperity.


    Grandma Nium congratulates Abhisit

    I share in Gran Nium Phanmanee's sentiment for a brighter, more inclusive and more unified future for all Thailand.

    Deeply respectful wai to Gran Nium :o

    Cue one disparaging comment from Phuket, Grandpops or Journo....

  3. Curiouser and curiouser.

    You make a statement about sending people to jail and sueing them.

    When I ask who, you change the entire story.

    Now its the Bangkok post editor fired! Or are you going to tell me who he killed for speaking his mind.

    FTR I did like Frank Zappa!

    Back in my day, we had to walk 10 miles to school, through snow drifts 10 feet high. You darn kids have it too easy today

  4. Oh dear, didn't take long for Democrats to put their foot in it!

    "You see, people in the north-east are employees of people in Bangkok," he said. "My servants are from the northeast. Gas station attendants in Bangkok are from the northeast."

    Yet, his words summed up a shortcoming of the Democrats that many analysts are pointing out makes it unelectable on its own: it is a party of Bangkok elites.

    I would love to hear the audio to that quote, as if that is a credible quote that speaks volumes to the type of leader he will be.

    Abhisit didn't say this.

    The words come from a utter fool under the circumstances.

    MP Charoen Kanthawongs, a lawyer with the prominent firm Tilleke and Gibbins

    I am sure Abhisit wanted to sew this guys mouth shut , ASAP.

    It's unfortunate that Sondhi doesn't own the Straits Times. Then his mouth would have effectively been shut!

    This is what they think. It really is and I know a few PAD on here are slow, but surely they must be starting to sense that something is wrong now. Either with their own thinking or possibly the worlds media and the majority of Thais (outside the Army and Elite and ASTV).

    Do you really think that you, SRJohn JD(inabsentia these days)INasia, H90 and a few more have hit on something that the rest of the world has missed?

    Pehaps you are right. Time will tell.

    Hey! You darn kids, get off my lawn!!! :o

  5. The Red-Shirts exercise their right to peaceful protest, in the usual way, if they wore yellow shirts in these photos then there would be a flood of condemnation on TV. Did anyone mention the word 'terrorists' yet ? :o No, and perhaps correctly, they're just getting carried-away a bit. But at least the police didn't gas them this time.

    Did they act violent so far? yes.

    Should those that did be arrested? yes

    Have they been called terrorists yet? no

    Why have they not been labeled as terrorists yet???

    Because they have not taken over a government building, tv station, seaport, train, 4 airports, shot a TV vans, or kidnapped any police yet.... If we see them turn to such tactics I am sure you will see the flood of condemnation and they will be called terrorists....

    But until then you are not beeing fare when trying to compare the two.

    As I said before, red, yellow - they're both idiots. Lets move on and get this country back on track.

  6. Last night as the missus and I were taking our 3 yr old Toyota Prerunner to the landscaping store, and were stopped in the left lane as a bus loaded and unloaded passengers on Boromrachachonnani Road, when a guy slammed into us about about 50 kph from the rear. No one was hurt. fortunately. My truck only had minor damage to the bumper but the body appears to be unharmed. The front end of his car was undrivable however, as it had wedged itself underneath my truck, radiator fluid everywhere.

    Police arrived within 5 minutes, marked off the scene with spray paint and asked us to move our vehicles to the side of the road. I drove mine and we pushed the car. The police took a few minutes, pronounced the other driver at fault, handed the other driver's licence to us to hold on to (in case he did a runner while waiting for the insurance companies, apparently). Both of our insurance company guys arrived about 45 minutes after the accident, took pictures, assessed damnages, filled out forms, and we were on our way within the hour. His fault, and no talk of "Bilk the foreigner".

    Sometimes it works the way its supposed to, and for those occasions, I am grateful!


  7. The lack of class continues...

    Govt won't last long: Pheu Thai

    By The Nation

    Published on December 16, 2008

    The Pheu Thai Party says it's ready to be the opposition party in Parliament and predicted the Democrats' coalition government would not last long.

    "We will do the opposition's duty at our best. We will give the new PM a chance to rule the country first and not rush to file a no-confidence motion, as the country is too ruined," former People Power Party chief whip Wittaya Buranasiri said after a Pheu Thai meeting.

    A source, who asked not to be named, claimed the Democrats were not likely to hold power long as the government must pay for what it had done.

    "Things that go round come back round [to harm people who do wrong]," he said, without explaining what the Democrats had actually done to justify negative repercussions.

    Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva was elected as the 27th prime minister yesterday. He beat Pol Gen Pracha Promnok, leader of Pheu Pandin party.

    Wittaya praised three veteran politicians: Pracharaj Party leader Snoh Thienthong, Pol Gen Pracha, and Gen Chettha Thanajaro, the former Ruam Jai Thai Chart Pattana leader. All three voted for Pracha, who was nominated by Pheu Thai Party.

    "They are respectable politicians, who keep their words. They are honest with people. It is hard to find such these days," he said.

    Snoh, who proposed Pracha to the House as a candidate to be PM, said he had no regrets over his nominee being defeated by Abhisit.

    "For me, it's a victory as Pracha and Chettha stood by me to solve the country's problems. I beg all of you to wait and see what will happens to the country after this," he said.

    A source, who asked not to be named, said Snoh expected to be an opposition leader as Pheu Thai leader Yongyuth Wichaidit was not an MP.

    Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Promphan said Abhisit should explain to the House on the day his government delivers its policy statement how he would "take responsibility" for being a draft dodger and the military's involvement in the formation of his government.

    He said his party would not appoint a shadow Cabinet to scrutinise the Democrats' coalition.

  8. I'm reminded of why I love Thailand, and choose to live here. They will always find a Thai solution to the problem. It might not make sense to our western sensibilities, but it will suit the people and the moment. The flame wars are starting and I'm going to make an exit.

    I wish Abhisit the best. I've met him, and find him to be an honorable and educated man. I have faith that he'll try his best, and hope that he'll be about to unite a divided country. I love Thailand and wish her well. LLTK


  9. Nothing but class from the redshirts

    Several injured in rock throwing by red-shirted people

    I would refer to my previous "incapable of losing gracefully" comment.

    Lets see PAD shot bullets at the TV van, RED throws rocks? I wonder what one is more deadly?

    PAD's dems loose, they go on a 2 year bit that includes things like overtaking government buildings, airports, seaports, trains, kidnapping police, taking news stations, and you call that "losing gracefully"?

    The reds did not loose a vote by the poeple the dems did years ago.

    1st) PAD and the Democratic Party are, if I'm not mistaken, two entirely different organizations with two entirely different aims and means. Just because 1 Democratic MP its a member of the PAD doesn't make them blood brothers.

    2nd) Why are you arguing about the PAD to me? I think they are both idiots (red and yellow).

    3rd) People on this forum really have no basic understanding of parliamentary systems? You don't vote for a leader, you vote for a person to represent your local area. Those people in turn meet and they vote on a leader. The MP's decided that 1 year and 2 inept PM's was enough for the PPP, and voted to go a different direction. That IS parliamentary democracy..... If you look at the popular vote, the DP and the PPP where virtually identical. But popular vote doesn't matter. If it did, elections would be way different.

  10. Nothing but class from the redshirts

    Several injured in rock throwing by red-shirted people

    A reporter and several other people were injured when angry red-shirted supporters of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra threw rocks against vehicles leaving the Parliament compound.

    The red-shirted people became angry after Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva was elected the next prime minister.

    The protesters blocked the gates of the Parliament for about 30 minutes but were later pushed off by police.

    They then waited at a gate and threw rocks at vehicles which were leaving, breaking their windows.

    Sitthichai Jaruhiransakul, a reporter of Prachathat, was hit at his nose, causing it to bleed.

    The Nation

    I would refer to my previous "incapable of losing gracefully" comment.

    For myself, I would say that the situation needs to calm down, and hopefully this PM will be able to do that, gracefully. I think at this moment, what we need from the TV pundits are good thoughts and well wishes for the future. The gloom and doom forcasts aren't really helping anything, and frankly, how could Ahbisit possibly fail. Look who his predecessors where? Samak and Somchai. A circus monkey could have managed the country better than those two buffoons.

    If you want to point to the reason the Democrats are in power, point it squarely at those two. They set the bar so low that the country basically hit rock bottom. No where left to go but up. Thankfully, we have an intelligent man to help lead us in Thailand ascendancy.

  11. Well he looks every inch a capable man does "Mark"

    Lets hope that this is the begining of a great new political dawn in LOS.

    I wish him good luck.....he is sure to need it

    He does, but unfortunately he is an elitist who have never even bothered to have a look in a rice paddy. A man also who was undermined by Sanan two years ago and now depends on the very same kingmaker to survive as PM. On to of that the biggest political crooks Newin and Suthep bothe corrupted till the bone will influence him. If he is lucky he will stay in power for 6 months.

    Well, fortunately, we'll be able to see :o

    One of the hallmarks of the Thaksin brigade is their inability to accept ownership for their mistakes, and their inability to accept losing gracefully. Its ok though, just makes the other side look better and better.

  12. I just read better education should be on his agenda. If that's the case I have a little bit hope for this country. A better education system is the single most important thing for the future of this country.

    My boss (one of those who know), mentioned that Ahbisit will take over the Education Portfolio, in addition to the PM. This is the single best news that can come out of the vote today. Education will be on the forefront, and not the back burner. The single best way to help those in the TRT heartland = give them a better education so they can earn more.

  13. Anyone care to speculate as to how the PAD will react? Will this be enough to keep them from causing any more disruptions?

    I wouldn't be concerned with PAD reaction, but rather with the Red Team's. I'm afraid they are capable as yellow one, to cause havoc and disruptions.

    As I hope society in general will do - Perhaps its time for TV red shirts and yellow shirts to put the shirts back in the closet for a while, and try to work for the good of the country. A new party in power with a new elected PM deserve time to announce their policies and implement them.

    so as soon as yellow wins the game should end for best of country?

    Every side has their good days and bad days. The political pendulum does not stand still. One party cannot hope to stay in power forever (this isn't singapore lol). The Democrats last held office in 1997. Its nice that the pendulum can swing back. Abhisit will have a small grace period, and has large tasks before him Lets see how he performs, and how the PTP performs as the opposition party.

    What would be a success?

    Passing the ASEAN policies and holding the ASEAN summit in February would be a great start.

    Putting education as a priority, as well as enacting new business policies that will help lift a struggling economy.

    As a person familiar with expats (having been one himself), I would look for more progressive policies on foreigners in Thailand, as well as more progressive policies in other areas as well.

    Finally, creating a Constitution Amendment Panel that encompasses all strata of society, to make amendments to the existing constitution in a transparent and society-involved way.

    I'll put my money on Abhisit to do these things, and do them quickly.

    PTP will have to find out how to get along with Thaksin, for he will surely see his passport revoked, and extradition proceedings against him commence. Look for Khunying Pokemon to do a quick runner out of Thailand for good, in the next 2 weeks, as well.

    There will be political gamesmanship and power brokering, surely. But first and foremost, this election will help Thailand's image, which is a strong key to economic recovery.

  14. Anyone care to speculate as to how the PAD will react? Will this be enough to keep them from causing any more disruptions?

    I wouldn't be concerned with PAD reaction, but rather with the Red Team's. I'm afraid they are capable as yellow one, to cause havoc and disruptions.

    As I hope society in general will do - Perhaps its time for TV red shirts and yellow shirts to put the shirts back in the closet for a while, and try to work for the good of the country. A new party in power with a new elected PM deserve time to announce their policies and implement them.

  15. This is a good day for the country, in my opinion. That they finally managed to put a politician in office who is educated and articulate, with a clear passion for developing education in the country, is one of the best things Thailand could hope for. I wish him nothing but success, as he has a huge and difficult job in front of him.

    If you hear that banging sound, that was the final nail in Thaksin's coffin. (or was that T's head against the wall, either way...)

  16. The aim was to get rid of Thaksin's band of thieves.

    Hi animatic

    Without doubt this was ONE aim ....... but I think you are being a little disingenuous by continuously shouting this ..... whilst seldom (never) mentioning the other less admirable aims.

    The unfortunate reality is that under current conditions the nation shall benefit by the installation of the Democrats to government. Unfortunately it takes real optimism to dream that this Democrat line-up shall perform any better than their predecessors. The debts owed and the deals made by the Democrats to re-achieve power shall certainly hobble the party like never before. And "before" was never that good!!

    Whilst Abhisit provides an attractive figure head I must wonder WHO shall actually be calling the shots. . Military---Media Mogul or Other? Oh ---- I know ..... a majority committee made up of : "socially active -- non political --- professionals."

    After years of ugly figureheads, I'll take what I can get.

  17. Pracha arrives for meeting late

    By 9:40 am Monday, after House speaker Chai Chidchob opened the special session of the House, Puea Pandin Party leader Pracha Chidchob has not arrived yet.

    Source - The Nation

    Pracha votes for himself

    Puea Pandin Party leader Pracha Promnok voted for himself during the roll-call PM voting at 10:20 am Monday. He did not abstain in a traditional practice.

    Source - The Nation

    Classy to the end...

  18. From The Nation Political Blog

    Dec 15, 9 am: Good morning. A friend of mine, a die-hard home-based PAD who didn't join the protests called late last night and said she didn't know how she could sleep. (So I suggested she go to the web and read this updates) Hope most of you didn't have the same trouble.

    Anyway, it promises to be a thrill, although we don't wake up to see shocking news reports on TV or websites. Latest counts have Phue Thai in command of around 206-210 MPs, and the Democrats remain confident that Abhisit would beat Pracha by about 40 votes.

    Abhisit has arrived, smiling and looking every bit someone who will have his biggest day. My humble pie is ready.

    Dec 15, 9.30 am: House speaker Chai is declaring the special House session open. There are 437 MPs eligible for the vote. All but around a dozen have arrived and signed in.

    Gossip of the day: We have heard from one source that Thaksin had been calling many MPs my himself over the weekend, and during the phone talks, he made this plea to everyone: Please save my life. Please save my life. :o

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