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Posts posted by jbowman1993

  1. Unless you've got a fast talking, smart Thai person to help, I'd say your chance of getting them to accept less are pretty small. The farang pathetic smile, pointless hand gesture arguments don't work that well (I know, I'm a master of these, and it gets me nowhere, lol)

  2. My wife is a 40, a graduate of ABAC and Mahidol CMMU. She works as a financial controller for an American manufacturering firm - makes 150k per month.

    I work as a teacher, have 3 degrees - Mahidol U assistant professor - make 70k per month

    We pay our maid 4k per month.

    We have two restaurants that employ serveral of my wife's family - they make 15k per month

    Other workers - 7~15k per month (depending on skills)

    Wife just hired an accountant at her firm, speaks english well, for 40k per month

    Workers in her plant - 5~10k per month depending on longevity

    Her boss, an american expat - makes 400k per month, plus expenses.

    Thats all the salary figures I know of, offhand.

  3. You guys are missing the most important element of the hot dog. It has to be BEEF. Pork sausages, or pork dogs, are a poor comparision to a juicy beef dog, like you find in the baseball stadiums in the US, with plenty of relish, mustard, ketchup, etc....

  4. I supposed to go to work a Mahidol U but backed out at the last minute, could not bite the bullit on the salary cut. I know its well respected school. Wierd during the slary negotiations the nice Dr. acted like I was getting something special and he was making concessions and in the end I think all I was offerd was a standard package.

    I was working at a private uni, decided to leave there too though, circumstances, forced me out (not work not visa). I found greener pastures though. I remain hopeful about returning someday. Eventually they will have to pay market price if they want to get anybody any good.

    Hopefully you were not going to teach english!

  5. The best baby seats for the very young are the rear-facing ones, take a look at the consumer guides, they vary tremendously on how effective they are, some really flash ones have glaring attachment faults.

    When it comes to "adults"....Im not even sure that's the right word - The “up me, I’m over 21” attitude doesn’t really cut it for me....

    We all know that driving in Thailand is quite risky and requires a pretty high level of skill and concentration and we are all aware of the vagaries of failing to attend to this...

    However if you don’t take the maximum precautions provided for you - seatbelts, helmets etc., what happens...out of no fault of your own you end up in an accident.

    No seat belt...you are thrown around like an egg in a box, receive injuries that may or may not be fatal.

    If not you get a hospital bill...this might be paid for by your insurance...in other words US! Our premiums as well as yours pay for your hospital treatment, so it directly affects others...

    Your family are put through the hassle of anxiety, financing your treatment; you take up a hospital bead that you might have avoided if you’d worn a seatbelt. Ambulances are called, roads are blocked, people are late for work etc etc...If you have an accident of course you affect others.

    And if you die..... or are permanently disabled, what about your family, dependants and loved ones, if you ask me it’s showing little respect for them. They have to pick up the pieces, they have to survive without the number one breadwinner and if you’re insured the same thing applies again the money comes from ALL our premiums...all this hassle because you think it’s “up to me” if I wear a seatbelt or helmet or whatever.

    Governments don’t introduce these laws because they want to “nanny” people it’s for sound financial reasons, they cut down on hospital bills and all the related social and health costs that ensue.

    The idea that driving slower will help is also misleading when it comes to injuries; imagine if some walked passed you with a lump hammer over their shoulder and caught you a passing blow....it could fracture your skull....and that’s at walking pace, when a car stops suddenly in an accident , your body wants to continue at the same speed, without a seat belt it does, that means you will hit the dash, steering wheel windscreen etc at 40 kmph...a lot more than walking pace....that can cause easily enough damage to be fatal, the same applies to a side on collision from another motorist.

    And one more thought....rear seat passengers....ever thought what it's like to head-butt a driver at 40 kmph?, or what a drivers' seat/headrest tastes like? just don't wear a seatbelt - but not in my car - OK?

    Agree 100% Great Post Wilko!

  6. I'm not sure but it does seem very young .... I can't imagine wanting to fly 7 days after giving birth unless it was an emergency anyhow! My friend flew Emirates when her son was 4 weeks old and that was fine - he slept most of the time.

    Of course, it takes a lot longer than 7 days to get a passport, or even a birth certificate for the child here in Thailand, so that is basically meaningless...

  7. I got this message on the top of my Internet Explorer window this morning (It actually says Internet Explorer - Hacked by Godzilla)

    What does this mean? Is it a viris? I have AVAST running and up to date, as well as AdAware SE, and use window's firewall.

    Only thing I can think of this that my wife brings her thumb drive home from work.

    Can I get rid of it?


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