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Posts posted by jbowman1993

  1. I don't think "hiring foreign consultants" will have much effect. Can't imagine the Thai government would risk losing face to do something like that.

    I drive on the roads daily, and find them to be scary places as well. But I just buckle my seat belt, pay up my insurance, and take my chances (Which are a lot better in my two ton Vigo than most people in their scary moto-sais).

  2. Why all the hostility? This is just a business deal. If I company doesn't meet a deadline, there are usually penalities negotiated into the contract. There is an inherent nasty undercurrent to this thread.

    As an American, I have no problem if Airbus drops them as many suggest that they should. Im sure Boeing will be happy to take their money instead. lol

  3. I personally like British people. This is a culture that gave us James Herriot, W. Churchill, Fawlty Towers, Chef (one of the funniest comedies of all time), Are you Being Served, James Bond, great beer, great plays (Willy Shakespeare), great big Thatcher hair, Big Ben, London Bridge in Arizona, USA, etc..


  4. First off, how many abuses have been commited against the native Australians by Europeans, second your country has been following the US and its policies like a lost puppy dog for years now, so If you have a problem with the US I suggest you work on getting your countries nose out of our behinds.

    Troll! :o

  5. Ok,

    Thanks for all your help. I suppose now I am more confused than I was at the beginning., lol.

    On the back of my UBC box, I have the RF, the video plugs (red, yellow, white), and the scart outlet (the pronged thing).

    I've heard people recommend using each of them. I really want to be able to program my DVR to record any show at any time, without having to manually change the ubc station. The salesman at the electronics store seemed to think that thsi wouldn't be a problem.

    I also want the DVR to be able to download the program guide from UBC as well, so I suppose i need to learn more about the software mentioned. xmltv and TvXB.

    This is complicated, but I like a challange! Does anyone have a "Dummies Guide" to this installation, so I can use this machine the way I've described? The two models I was thinking about were the Sony and the Phillips. Both had a 250 gig hard disk. The salesman sold both, and recommended the Phillips has having a better head.


  6. American holiday, Thanksgiving is traditionaly celebrated on the last Thursday of November. The date has varied since the original Thanksgiving celebrated by the Pilgrims but the last Thursday was set by Federal law during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt, if I remember my history.

    For me, I like the buffet of all the traditional items, plus some Asian dishes, at the Westin Grande on Sukhumvit. Have been going there for Thanksgiving and Christmas for the last few years.

    You're off on two counts Lanny.

    Thanksgiving in the US is celebrated on the 4th THursday in Novemember. Usually that is the last Thursday, but like this year, that is not the case. Thanksgiving is Nov. 23rd this year.

    And it was made a holiday by Abe Lincoln during the dark days of the US Civil War by Abraham Lincoln

  7. I tried Bourbon street a few times, but got tired of the haphazard way they cleaned the buffet line, and they kept running out of things, and took forever to replace them

    Last year, we tried the Landmark Buffet. It was excellent, with all the Thanksgiving trimmings. (its at the Atrium Cafe).

    Best is, if you bring a party of 4, you get 50% off the price of hte buffet (1,500 goes down to 750) Not a bad deal for a wonderful dinner. I already have my reservations, so I don't feel bad sharing my secret.

  8. The amount she gets each month is proportionate to the number of times she opens her legs.It's probably not the PC way of explaining things but that's how it is.

    At the moment she's on 100K a month so you do the math :o

    Thats not a wife, thats a hooker. lol

    I'm one of the "liars" here who's wife makes more than I do. Almost 3 times more, in fact. But we don't worry about hers and mine. It all goes in one account. We are partners in this together, after all.

  9. Breaking News from The Nation.

    They just caught him.

    Thai-US Fugitive with Bt1 million reward arrested

    Police arrest a dual Thai-US national wanted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in Phitsanulok province on Friday for allegedly murdering his pregnant wife 12 years ago.

    The arrest of Saner Wonggoun, 59, followed an announcement by the FBI a week ago that it would pay a reward of Bt1 million for information leading to his arrest or prove his death.

    "Saner was arrested while he was selling goods at an open air market in Phitsanulok," said Pol Col Naphol Kosorulaksananopas, a member of the special investigation police force that made the arrest Friday morning.

    "He did not his name or face and was using his Thai ID card, although it had expired three years ago," Naphol told Deutsche Press Agence in a telephone interview as police escorted Saner to Bangkok.

    Saner is on the US's "most wanted US fugitive" list as the prime suspect in the murder of his wife, Sopha Yodpet, in California in January 1994.

    Both Saner and Sopha, of Thai descent, were naturalized American citizens living in the US at the time of the murder.

    Saner, from Nakorn Nayok province in Thailand, moved to the US when he was 21 and joined the US Air Force in the mid-1970s, rising to be a cargo supervisor at Travis Air Force Base, California.

    Shortly after Sopha's body was discovered wrapped in a sleeping bag that had been dumped off Highway 1 in Marin County, California, Saner purchased a one-way ticket to Bangkok where he arrived on January 14, 1994, according to police records. Sopha was eight months pregnant when murdered.

    Since his arrival in Thailand, Saner has gone missing, avoiding a joint Thai-US effort to track him down for the past 12 years.

  10. A country and its citizens have the right to determine their own laws. As visitors, we have a choice, accept the laws, and work within them, or go to another country that is more favorable to our situation.

    The arguement that the vsa's discriminate against poor people doesn't hold water. The US requires that you show a sufficient amount in the bank, just to get a tourist visa (if you are Thai). Thailand is a poor country with a lot of poverty stricken citizens. It's first concern should be to those citizens. How they choose to do that is their business.

    It is a sad cliche on this forum that if you don't like the country, you need to leave, but in instances like this, perhaps it will prove to be many people's only choice. A country has the right to control the people living within it's borders.

    And for those who always bring up the strict investment regulations, they must remember. Thai people wish to save the country's land for Thai people. If those regulations were ever lifted, the Saudi's and the Japanese would probably own half the country in under a year.

    My dad always taught me that when you are a guest in another person's house, you ask permission before getting a beer out of the refridgerator. We, those of us living here are guests. I would encourage us to live quietly and peacefully. Let our "Jai rohn" tempers settle, and be pragmatic about the situation.

    My 2 satang


  11. Ok, Last week I was at the hospital for several days, because my son was born. On Friday of last week, I got a high temperature at night (102.5 F), but it seemed to die down during the day, leaving me feeling fine. Since then it has been doing this cycling, up at night, down during the day. Right now at 8 at night its about 102. Aside from feeling hot, I feel fine. No respitory problems at all or any other symptoms for that matter. Just a strange lingering fever....

    Doing the usual (rest, lots of fluids, etc, ibuprophin). Any advice before i have to pack up the wife and baby and go back to the hospital?


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