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Posts posted by jbowman1993

  1. Best to pop into immigration on Soi Suan Phlu Bangkok with a couple of photos and the 1000Baht .. it'll take an hour and then its done and ready for your trip.

    While you can certainly do this, it is much faster and easier to get it done at the airport. They have a "reentry permit" booth in the check in hall. Make sure to bring 1 photo with you and 1,000 baht. You have to check in first, and show them your boarding pass at the booth, along with your passport, form with picture, and 1000 baht. Takes about 20 minutes

  2. The real question is how much stronger the baht will be once CHINA finally significantly strengthens their way undervalued YUAN. I fear the answer is probably someday 25 baht to the dollar. Oh my God!

    As you know, prior to July 97 we were there. Life goes on whether the THB is at 25 per USD or 45 per USD. Importers cry when the THB is weakening and exporters cry when it is strengthening, but at the end of the day, everybody adjusts.

    Well said!

  3. I have been reading articles about universities in Thailand seeking autonomy from the government buraucracy. They would still, however, recieve government funds. Students seem to oppose this idea because they claim it will increase tuitiion, without the guarantee of improvements in teaching. Proponents seem to think that faculty salaries will improve, and faculty will be held to a higher set of standards.

    Since I teach at Mahidol U, i have a vested interest in this discussion, and I was wondering if any of you had any insights or opinions about the situation?

  4. Thanks everyone for your advice and input. I really appreciate it!

    I'm not too worried about social security. I married a rich lady, lol.

    Since so many of you seem so knowledgable, let me ask. How do I go about filing for 2004, and 2005, which I neglected to do? I can't seem to find anything on the ITG website that addresses this issue.


  5. Some good replys on this thread , the revenge comments I feel are made by those who would have wet their panties in any real confrontation.

    Deal with the the reality of the situation.

    I have been here off and on for 10 years . Had two instances with Thai guys , where I ate it.

    One was a bar owner who was upset with me cause I walked into his place and took a girl out w/o drinking anything , he got in my face about it.

    One was a motorcycle taxi guy trying to charge me more than our agreed upon price.

    In the big picture , these were small nothing instances - so I let them flow like water off a ducks back.

    They easily could have gotten a bit out of control.

    The world I grew up in , if that world followed me here - things would have been very different.

    This were verbal altercations with the possible threat of violence , I stood down - but would have and was more than willing to defend myself.

    My concern is just that , defending yourself against someone waving a stick at you.

    I really wanted to know what calling the cops would do as we may all be in a similar positon one day.

    Recieving an admonishment from a sexpat, Gotta love it!!!

  6. Wait until you move out and spray his pick up with some strong paint stripper or run it with a key. What an ######.

    Qualtrough is right, patience is the key. :o

    Ice pick in the sidewall of the tire also works quite well!

  7. Ok, Thanks so much. I think I have a better handle on it right now.

    Even though I fall within (far far within, lol) the 80k exemption, I still need to file. I understand that now, Thanks Everyone!.

    So now, I guess i need to get straight with the IRS for the past two years (how do I even do that)? Or should I just file a new return next year for 2006 and not worry about 04 and 05? (Last time I filed was in 03).

    As for social security, I have no plans to go back to the US, even to pick up the extra credits to hit 40. Im married here, have a kid, morgage here, etc. Guess Ill invest in those cows and land after all. (And get my son a business degree).

  8. I have a question that I bet one of you knows the answer.

    I have been in Thailand for four years, and the past three years, I haven't bothered to file a US Tax return. I plan to live in Thailand permanently, and since I am making less than 15,000 US a year, I didn't see the point. (I heard that there is an 80k exception on income earned overseas anyway).

    (I'm blessed to have a Thai wife who makes a LOT more money than I do, as a university professor, lol)

    But recently I have begun to question that decision. I received my latest US Social Security Statement, and it says I have earned 37 credits, and need 40 credits total to be eligible for retirement benefits (in 34 years, when I turn 65). Should I begin to file, and pay the US for my Thai income (which is already taxed here), for another 34 years, so I can recieve social security?

    Or just say, "fugetaboutit" and save my money and buy some cows and land?

    Any insights would be appreciated.


  9. Hi, We are wanting to send furniture, decor etc from Chiang Mai to Hua Hin. THe shipping companies in Ban Twai & area all charge $15,000 to ship by truck plus $15,000 for 'packing'.

    The packing charge seems outrageous and we are trying to find out how people move things within Thailand if you need something larger than a pickup rental. We are looking to rent, hire, a company or person or drive ourselves and rent the vehicle. Also, not sure how sending by freight train works, so if anyone has any info or can link us up, that would be fantastic. cheers

    Are you sure that isn't 15,000 baht? Not dollars ($)

    30,000 baht to move an entire household 800 kilometers, and they come and pack up the house for you? Sounds reasonable in my book....

    My two BAHT

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