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Posts posted by jbowman1993

  1. I think we all realize that the 1997 constitution was flawed. It allowed Toxin to develop an innordinate amount of power, which he controled by influencing rulings, courts, supposed "independent" bodies, etc. He freely distributed cash to encourage support of his regime. In the end, his greed would be his downfall. 80 billion baht wasn't enough for him, he wanted it all, with no taxes, plus the huge power he has developed for himself. (Imagine how different this would have been if he had paid taxes on that money. WOuld he still be here?)

    This system that Thai government was working under was not representing the people, it was representing big business interests. The US has been in the pocket of big business for many years, but people have become so jaded to this fact, that they don't think twice about it.

    I believe Sonthi to be an honest man, who believes he is doing the best thing for his country. I wish him the best, and I hope that the new system that comes out of this is better able to tackle corruption. Following your concience in the face of money and power is commendable. I hope for nothing but the best for the Thai people and the country.

  2. My wife and I celebrated the arrival of our firstborn this morning at 5:30 at Phyathai 3 Hospital. Named him Alexander Terrence.

    He is cute, which he gets from his mother, not from me, lol. 3.4 kilo, brown hair, dark eyes.

    As the Croc Hunter would have said, "Get a load of this little choppa"


  3. Excellent Investment Property. 1 bedroom, 1 bath condo on Bang-Na Km. 3 for sale. The unit is 45 square meters and includes basic furnishings. It is located at the Green Place Condos (built 1999), less than 100 meters from Central Bang-Na. 24 hour security, private parking. The complex has a pool and fitness facility.

    The unit is currently available.

    Rental Price: 8,500 per month

    Asking price: 900,000 (firm)

    50/50 Transfer Fees

    For details, PM me, or call 01-450-3537







    Enjoying crispy fried chicken while dining in popular fast-food chains, not many people would think about the chicken's welfare, but Peta does. After launching a series of catchy protests against cruelty to animals across the globe, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) have finally brought their campaign to Thailand. Wearing a yellow bikini and sitting inside a small cage in front of a KFC restaurant on busy Silom road, Ashley Fruno, a 20-year-old Canadian activist, successfully got passersby to stop and listen to her message. ''I would like all of you to boycott KFC because it violates animals' rights. Please do not support an act of cruelty to animals,'' Ms Fruno shouted to the crowd. Peta claims that the more than 850 million chickens slaughtered each year for KFC are tortured in ways that should result in felony cruelty-to-animals charges. The chickens are drugged and bred to grow so large that many are crippled by their overweight bodies, Peta said. And many have their throats slit while they are still conscious, it added. ''Unlike other fast-food chains, such as McDonalds and Burger King, KFC has never done anything to improve animal welfare. That's why we have to continue our pressure on KFC,'' said Jason Baker, Peta's Asia-Pacific director. However, it seemed that few Thai consumers grasped the key message the group wanted to convey.

    Continued here:


    Count me as one of those people who does not think about the welfare of chickens. I save my concern for people.

    Also, they don't slit the throats of chickens (She's thinking about pigs). They just whack their head off with a cleaver. Quick and fast.

  5. I would say his life was not wasted, and I think he would agree with me. I bet if he had to choose a way to go, having it happen when he was doing what he loved the most would be his pick. That should be some small comfort to his fans and family. He educated and enterained millions and millions of people. His passion and enthusiam for all animals, large and small, was infectious.

    Sure, he was a bit overblown, but you could never deny his heart was always in the right place. I will miss him, and my sympathies go out to his family.

    Be at Peace, my friend.

  6. I remember driving with my father in his 1965 Pontiac GTO. Fire engineRed with a black interior. Three dueces on the monster engine. We were on the highway when a corvette drove up next to us and playfully egged us on. My dad opened up the bad boy and we blew the doors of the Corvette. What a great moment...

  7. Hi All,

    Im still exicited that my school (Mahidol University) was named as the top university in Thailand (ok, shared the honors with Chula and Chiang Mai). Also, the College of Music at Mahidol took 4th place in the "Social Sciences" program rankings. I still can't figure that one out. (It was printed in THe Nation this morning). Others in that list were the Chula Graduate Business Administration program, Mahidol College of Social Sciences, etc.. Seemed like a wide variety of programs all thrown together. Maybe next year they should have a music school catogory...

    But anyway, I love my job, and the teachers, admin, students, staff are all great!

    Which brings me to my next plug. The new Thai movie "Seasons Change" opened on Friday. It was filmed at the College of Music, and deals with music students at Mahidol COllege of Music in our Prep Program, and while it is a typical teen romance, it features several of my students as extras. It has english subtitles and more than a few laughs. A good hearted movie, overall.

    (If you have seen the film, I can assure you that the teachers who play major parts are not actually teachers, just bad actors.)


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