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Posts posted by jbowman1993

  1. Use some common sense and a bit of Thai culture.

    Get another Thai neighbor or Thai friend to go with you to talk to the dog owner.

    Start by apologizing for the loss of the dog, explain that you do not think it was you, but state categorically that if it was you then you apologize un reservedly.

    Explain that on the morning of the accident you were deeply concerned over your daughter's hospitalization and that might have been a reason why you did not notice a dog in the street.

    Add that you have until now been concerned over your daughter's health and apologize for not having come to speak to the neighbor sooner.

    If they ask for payment, then tell them that you are not willing to pay for an accident running a dog over in the street, but that you are willing to make a donation to the local temple.

    If you are unable to do the above, consider moving house as the last thing you need anywhere, especially in Thailand, is aggrieved neighbors.

    Just follow the advice GH laid down. This isn't rocket science people. Its just everyday life in LOS.

  2. The members on this forum can do a great job of answering specific questions you might have, but you are not going to get anywhere with this "tell me how to make money on the internet" sob story.

    Get off your ass and hustle. Send out resume's. If no one is biting, retrain yourself. Go to night school, etc..

    As my Dad used to say: "There is no free lunch in this world".

    On the other hand, you could keep doing what you are doing, and guys like me will take away the jobs that you could have had, if you made the effort. :o

  3. "Muu Baan Dek" is a terrific non-profit organization for children.

    Foundation for Children 95/24 Moo 6 Buddha Monthon 4 Sampran, Nakhon Pathom 73220 Siam (Thailand) Tel. +662-8141481-7 Fax 8140369 email: [email protected]

    I have to agree with Ozone here. This is a great organization that needs lots of help. You can go and just spend time holding the babies. They need the human touch really badly. There are plenty of older kids too, if you want to go run around with them, or read them books, etc.

    They need donatations of basic supplies: rice, milk, clothes, etc.. Also, money is always needed too. My wife and I stop in and drop them huge bags of rice periodically. Here is the website for the organization.


  4. Hi, I have a question. Can I live comfortably in Thailand? I just sold my company to a Singapore firm in January, and made a nice profit (78 billion baht). How much will I need to spend on a nice studio apartment downtown? How much on food (if I eat Thai food everyday)?

    I have some expenses that our unavoidable. I have to spend 10 billion baht to bribe people regularly, from farmers to government officials to judges, but aside from that, I can use the rest of my money for my purpose.

    Thank you.

    Dr. T

  5. I've spent the last 3 months living with Thai people, and their dependence boggles the mind. I remember one time a Thai friend of mine was mad at me because I didn't show up to her house as expected and she "couldn't sleep alone." Now name one act more solitary than sleeping. MAYBE being comatose. But, personally, if I was comatose I would rather have people around, because usually if you're comatose you'll be needing some medical attention, whereas when you are simply sleeping, you generally do not. She had to find somebody else to come over so that she could go to sleep. :o

    Let's be specific now. It doesn't boggle the mind, it boggles your mind. Your culture values solitude and detachment. That is not something they like here. It is not sanuk. And believe me or not, belief in ghosts and spirits play a big part in not wanted to spend time alone.

  6. If you guys haven't played The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion yet, you are missing out, big time.

    It is, without a doubt, the greated PC game ever created. Those aren't my words, those are the 100's of game sites and magazines who have reviewed it.


  7. Most important asset to have when living in Thailand, coming from the US, is a healthy dose of openness and acceptance. I've seen so many American's who burn out here in less than two years, because they are incapable of unclenching and accepting cultural traits.

    You can tell those who are not long for Thailand, they start every conversation with, "Can you believe that they did___________? That would ever happen in the US.

  8. My family has had good success in the restaurant business. Key is to make sure you are not under capitalized. Also Location, location, location.

    Otherwise, you could always try selling monkeys! Everybody loves a good monkey.

  9. I'm really happy about this result. I hope that a set of 5 new Election Commissioners can come in, and we can have public confidence restored in the whole process.

    I've never blamed Thaksin for doing what he can to survive. That is what politicians do. But when the EC refused to accept responsibility for their failed elections, their days were numbered. Leadership 101 - If people working under you commit criminal acts, you, as the their supervisors, are responsible for their conduct.

    Thanks to the criminal court for holding someone responsible!!!!

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