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Everything posted by norfolkandchance

  1. At the end of the day. Might is Right. Leave it to the IDF.
  2. Yes. Understand that. Slightly off topic. At the height of the Cold War in the 80's the NATO policy was that if Russian forces couldn't be stopped on the plains of Germany in 4 days the nuclear option would be used.
  3. Battle ground weapons. They don't make a big bang.
  4. Go Go IDF. Nuke em till they glow in the dark.
  5. For a fair balance I subscribe to the 'Morning Star'. Try it some time.
  6. Perhaps they wanted Emotional Support Animals to accompany them back home and then eat them.
  7. Ah. The good old Guardian. Left wing rag you always quote. Try reading the Sun for in-depth coverage.
  8. Very funny. Just send it to my Thai partner who is a retired teacher of English. She was not impressed.
  9. The new man has only a year in post till retirement. I wonder who the next one will be.
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