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Everything posted by placnx

  1. Please provide a reliable link concerning PLO rejection of the Saudi peace proposal. The Palestinians would definitely like a two state solution if the horrific settlers would be sent back to Israel and be banned from the Haram al-Sharif. No problem for settlers who have no animus to remain in the West Bank subject to local law. Since Israel effectively controls all access to Gaza, even through Egypt, Gaza is called the world's largest open air prison. It is why Israel will (if the US comes to its senses) hopefully be held fully to account for the ongoing collective punishment on over 2 million largely innocent people.
  2. Saudi Arabia and others have long been opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood from which Hamas sprung. So it's likely that they don't want an Hamas offspring.
  3. Who could get Hamas to relinquish political control? Principally the countries which would finance reconstruction, mainly the GCC countries. There was a very good monologue by Daniel Levy which covers his idea of how to getfrom here to there. https://www.aljazeera.com/program/the-bottom-line/2023/10/21/why-does-the-us-not-support-a-ceasefire-in-gaza
  4. The Google Chrome browser has Google Translate to switch it all to English.
  5. As others suggested, in Israel the mood could change for various reasons and the generals could not follow through with their (and Netanyahu's) plan to eradicate Hamas. So I suggested that Hamas could be made to give up power by external actors who would see that a political alternative replaced Hamas. There would still remain the question of a security force so that remnants of Hamas could not stage a coup.
  6. If you use the physical card in Thailand, someone can copy the CVV on the back of the card. So getting cash from an ATM is usually better (unless there is a skimming device in the slot).
  7. If after a while a ceasefire happened leaving Hamas in place, various countries in concert might force a transition to a new Gaza government, perhaps through elections, as a counterpart to their providing big reconstruction aid. The alternative where Israel finds itself in control of Gaza might be problematical for handing off to a third party. No local actor(s) would like to be seen as collaborating and dealing with what would likely be much more damage than we see currently. Media reaction reflects local attitudes, so in some countries there may be red lines in different places in regard to humanitarian issues, for example. In the US Fox News can certainly manipulate opinion of a significant share of the population, but again those people have their general preconceptions, so Fox just works to concentrate the mind to react regarding the news item 'du jour' they choose to headline. Last week Sean Hannity was telling viewers to harass congressmen who were resisting the selection of Jim Jordan as Speaker of the House. It backfired. https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/pressure-campaign-by-jim-jordan-supporters-backfires-in-house-speaker-race-92779873
  8. My first link, WSJ/ipsos poll has some interesting figures: "About half of Americans agree that America has a responsibility to “support Israel in its war with Hamas” (52%), “push parties in the Israel-Gaza conflict to negotiate” (53%), and “protect Israeli civilians” (54%). Two in five (41%) say the U.S. has a responsibility to “protect Palestinian civilians” and one in four (28%) say the U.S. has a responsibility to “work towards Palestinian statehood." BTW, the poll you cited has some remarkable breakdown figures, such as: "Broken down by age, 52 percent of 18-to-24-year-olds said they sided more with Israel, while 48 percent said they sided more with Hamas. In contrast, 95 percent of respondents 65 years and older said they sided with Israel while 5 percent sided with Hamas."
  9. Here again: https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/wall-street-journal-ipsos-poll-israel-hamas https://globalaffairs.org/research/public-opinion-survey/prior-attack-israel-majority-americans-supported-talks-hamas https://today.yougov.com/international/articles/47606-israel-hamas-war-americans-support-israel-have-doubts-about-biden-poll https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/16/americans-want-us-to-help-get-gaza-civilians-out-of-harms-way-survey https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/hamas-attack-us-attitudes-israel-palestinians-shifted-party/story?id=103892349
  10. A number of polls discuss some previous time when view of Israel was higher or view of Palestinians lower.
  11. I see a lot of different sources. Wherever it was, I found 60% to be quite remarkable. A number of the polls frame the question as to whether people have a favorable attitude about Palestinians.
  12. I was talking about before the conflict, but some polls may also cover afterwards, and some links have a series of polls reported. There are various questions asked. So there are various percentages depending on the question.
  13. I have replied (to myself by mistake). Please see above.
  14. I posted various polls above. What is clear is that attitudes toward Israel in various aspects are waning, but still around 50% on most questions.
  15. i could have mixed it with BBC program cited previously, but here are various recent polls: https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/wall-street-journal-ipsos-poll-israel-hamas https://globalaffairs.org/research/public-opinion-survey/prior-attack-israel-majority-americans-supported-talks-hamas https://today.yougov.com/international/articles/47606-israel-hamas-war-americans-support-israel-have-doubts-about-biden-poll https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/16/americans-want-us-to-help-get-gaza-civilians-out-of-harms-way-survey https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/hamas-attack-us-attitudes-israel-palestinians-shifted-party/story?id=103892349
  16. Somewhere we saw that to view filed reports one clicks on box next to address and then clicks on "search", no mention of inputing dates into middle or right side fields at top of window. Didn't work. At previoud attempts when we put in dates, got "no data" response. In our inital attempt on 23 September, we did the filing soon after setting up the account. Result was "in progress" not changing to "informed". To file now, what do we put in these date fields? 1) Actual date of entry/check in, which was in June? I am living in a house, was returning from a foreign trip, and filing TM 30 because Chiang Mai Immigration has a different rule than the national one, so we have to file even if returning to home on a reentry permit. 2) As for check out date, last time we put expiry date of current retirement extension in December. We just tried to put in June as check-in date, but system responded "Check-in Date must be within 24 hour" . This is one of those Catch-22 things, since you will be punished for telling a lie! Maybe it would be better to forget about it and show the filing on the old system????
  17. You can watch the program here: https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press-full-episodes
  18. On Meet the Press last night I heard that 60% of Americans polled support the Palestinians. Sorry I don't know haw the poll qustion was phrased. This poll was probably done before 10/7.
  19. Yes, this "self-hating Jews" trope rears its ugly head again. It sounds evocative of the Soviet Union where dissidents were said to be crazy and sent to psychiatric institutions. Actually some Jews recognize injustice and crimes committed by the Israeli government, ISF, settlers, and actively oppose that.
  20. Obviously AIPAC, ADL and many Washington think tanks have a visceral hatred of JVP. Why? Because public opinion in the US is turning against what the Israeli government, IDF and settlers are doing to Palestinians.
  21. In a recent post I said that there are fringe people at who may chant River to the Sea amidst thousands (as shown in London by BBC) who are obviously normal people showing humanitarian concern. I do not support the River to the Sea chant or concept. JVP is for peaceful resolution, opposing apartheid, and using BDS to get there.
  22. For the record your generalization about my opinions concerning Hamas. I don't equate inhabitants of the Gaza Strip with Hamas. My concern is humanitarian and for justice for the Palestinians. It's true that the PA is wont to hold elections against any credible opposition, since Abu Mazen's side would lose due to corruption and incompetence. I was just watching a BBC program "Global News Podcast - The Conflict Special Episode 2" in which a newsperson recounted a comment from a high American offical at the time that they would not accept the election results.
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