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Everything posted by placnx

  1. The historical treatment of People of the Book, i.e. including Christians & Jews, was nice relative to the apartheid which Palestinians in Israel and the Occupied Territories have experienced. They didn't experience home demolitions and wanton execution.
  2. As I noted before, the "article" is from the Editorial Board of WSJ in the 3-page Opinion section of the print edition. There facts are not obligatory as it is not reporting news.
  3. Just to enlighten readers who don't have time to read these numerous comments, you are implying that the Gazan deaths were small in relation to other conflicts, and I reminded the readers that because Gaza's population is a tenth or less than the countries with conflicts that you mentioned, the Gaza death rate is proportionally similar to the situation in those countries, if not worse.
  4. Correct, and a reasonable motive for supprting the Palestinians!
  5. Reportedly, France made a deal to not act on the warrant if Israel let it participate with the US in monitoring the Lebanese ceasefire. Notwithstanding, the independence of the French judiciary could persuade Netanyahu not to take chances with visiting France.
  6. There was an arrangement with Egypt for Israel to monitor the border remotely.
  7. You are confusing the Chief Judge of the ICJ, a Lebanese, with Karim Khan, the prosecutor of the ICC. He is British, born in Edinburgh.
  8. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have issued extensive reports on Israeli apartheid. Here is Amnesty's short version with a link to download the full report: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/
  9. No, they were mostly living in the diaspora for millennia. Of course, the Palestinians may well have absorbed part of the Jewish population who preferred to convert to Chistianity or Islam and/or who intermarried.
  10. When we consider proportionality, in terms of populations of the countries that you cite, Gaza is at the same level, if not greater.
  11. Whoever was the ruler over the area called Palestine does not matter. The point is that the people of the area over millenia have developed their distinct culture, different than Syrian, Egyptian, Jordanian.
  12. This is pretty irrelevant. If it were a case of the judges taking bribes, that would be a matter for investigation. South Africa has a long history supporting the Palestinians. The late archbishop Desmond Tutu reportedly siad that Israel's apartheid was worse than South Africa's.
  13. You are mixing up the actions at the ICJ and the ICC. Anyway, your claim impugning South Africa regarding its action at the ICJ is just your non-factual. I watched South Africa's excellent factual presentation, and that, plus the intervention of around 50 countries supporting the South African position (including the less noteworthy countries that you mention) , served to convince the Court that the case was warranted, but we may have to wait years for the result. Now on your claims regarding the ICC warrants to arrest Netanyahu & Gallant, numerous NGOs observed the aid that was delivered or blocked. Interestingly, after US prodding Israel allowed an average of 37 trucks per day into Gaza in October, not the 350 trucks demanded by the US. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/gaza-humanitarian-access-snapshot-7-10-october-13-november-2024-enar https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/nov/11/aid-gaza-trucks-food-lowest-level-year-despite-us-ultimatum
  14. The UN needs to go through a reorganisation akin to bankruptcy proceedings whereby the Security Council permanent members will see their power to block reduced to legitimate circumstances.
  15. But 124 countries have agreed to act on the ICC's warrants.
  16. The ICJ a/k/a World Court says that the 1967 borders delineate the borders of Israel (and that the settlers must be evacuated ASAP), so the land question is decided. Under legal definitions and examination of the circumstances, qualified observers have remarked on Israel's effective control of all Gaza's borders, plus sea access, and so some have likened Gaza to a prison.
  17. The whole WSJ opinion piece is propaganda, not meant to be factual news. So Netanyahu says that the ICC decision is absurd. Do you expect him to speak truthfully (except when he spoke at the beginning of the war advocating war crimes)?
  18. The beheadings of babies were debunked a long tome ago. Rapes if any were from a lack of discipline, not an intended weapon of war. What is contemptible is the US vetoes against the 14 other members of the Security Council who want a ceasefire and aid distribution.
  19. I looked the "report" on the WSJ website. It is not news, but actually an opinion piece by the Editorial Board. Anyone who reads the WSJ knows that with regard to Israel, the Editorial Board follows the Netanyahu propaganda line. More reliable than the WSJ Editorial Board is the ICJ, which stated in February that there is a risk that Israel is committing genocide, and it is examining the evidence to eventually render a judgment, but that may take years. In the meantime the ICC has issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu & Gallant for war crimes, but whether the charge of genocide is added later is another question.
  20. Advice is a good dealer. M185 is good, but it seems to require a USB receiver. This mouse is no longer listed on the Logitech site. It depends on whether you are doing something specialized such as Excel or gaming, or not. If not, Logitech MX Anywhere 3S uses Bluetooth without a USB receiver. Does your laptop have up to date Bluetooth capability? Does the laptop work on Windows 10/11 or Apple OS 10.5 or later? Other mouse models have extra buttons that usually can be set for specific programs. Be careful when you buy to avoid mice that require USB receivers.
  21. Yes, and Jay Bhattacharya was appointed to head NIH (National Institutes of Health) , the principal government agency that conducts and supports medical research. He is one of the three initiators of the Great Barrington Declaration, which was supported by DeSantis in a 1h45 event in the state capitol in March 2021. This group was backed by a libertarian think tank in Great Barrington, MA. It gave an academic, quasi-scientific mask for the anti-vax view: https://thefloridachannel.org/videos/3-18-21-roundtable-discussion-on-public-health/ https://www.news4jax.com/news/local/2021/03/18/fact-checking-claims-made-by-experts-brought-in-by-desantis-analyze-his-covid-response/ https://www.queensu.ca/gazette/stories/5-failings-great-barrington-declaration Bhattacharya is a senior fellow with the conservative Hoover Institution.
  22. Who is L'Liar. If you mean Clinton, ICC was only established in 2002. While Iraq is not a member, Afghanistan joined in 2003. Maybe the Taliban do not have a good lawyer, or don't want to antagonize the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_parties_to_the_Rome_Statute When the Treaty Conference approved the Rome Statute in 1998, seven countries voted against, including the US and Israel. The US wanted the Security Council to control the Court (so that it could not be charged). "Israel's opposition to the treaty stemmed from the inclusion in the list of war crimes "the action of transferring population into occupied territory"" (first Wikipedia citation). This is an excellent analysis written after the 1998 conference: https://web.archive.org/web/20120414184236/http://www.asil.org/insigh23.cfm
  23. Harris is going to have lots of free time after January 20th, so why disappear now?
  24. Here Netanyahu is comparing his situation with the Dreyfus case in late 19th C France, which was a notorious example of antisemitism. This Netanyahu subterfuge is an example of a strategy that has been going on for around 10 years to make criticism of Israel and antisemitism synonymous. The first example in the US were attempts to suppress student speech on California state university campuses. Not long after the IHRA definition of antisemitism became the core of an international campaign to suppress criticism of Israel, especially its treatment of Palestinians. The motives are not lost by vigilant people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Working_definition_of_antisemitism#Criticism Besides this Criticism section, the section "United States" has the following: "An attempt to enshrine the definition in US federal law in 2024 encountered strong opposition, with 1,200 Jewish academics opposing the move as a dangerous conflation of criticism of Israel with antisemitism that would threaten freedom of speech.Their open letter asserted that '(c)riticism of the state of Israel, the Israeli government, policies of the Israeli government, or Zionist ideology is not — in and of itself — antisemitic." Here is the location to find the IHRA definition: https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism The campaign is now international: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_combating_antisemitism_envoys Some countries where antisemitism is a serious problem started the ball rolling as early as 2004 (US) and the EU followed in 2015. The Israeli Special Envoy for Combatting Antisemitism, Michal Cotler-Wunsh, said on CNN last Sunday that there were around 35 such envoys. I thought that she meant Israeli envoys: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/11/17/world/video/gps1117-rising-antisemitism-and-the-amsterdam-attacks This story was built around the events in Amsterdam, where viral video was initially claimed to be locals attacking Maccabi fans, but the creators of the videos later reported that these were scenes of Maccabi fans attacking locals. NL has a far-right government which was quick to accuse their own Muslim citizens!
  25. Play it safe and drink beer from a bottle.
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