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Posts posted by SamuiRes

  1. Something is amiss here. a quote from one of todays press releases

    "He said that after the reconstruction of the crime scene on Friday, the case had progressed and the police had not ruled out anyone. Officers even took DNA samples of more than 20 local women, British media reported."

    I read this through twice so I was not misreading. After withdrawing the FBI request due to the new found in-house knowledge re using DNA, they found semen in one of the victims...... then they are doing DNA testing on 20 women ?????? Do they think that these women are going to provide a match for the semen found in the victim.....

    Is this not beyond consideration? ... or the women of Koh Tao a little different?

    Maybe the book they found this morning on "How to Do DNA Testing" should be reread.

    At first reading of course it does seem strange to test the women. However, as DNA can trace blood lines, what if they found a DNA compatible trace in one of the women? Would that not narrow the search down to her family line and possibly someone who had already left the island? Maybe not so off the ball park as it first seems - except for the fact that we are assuming logical thinking from the BIB!

  2. Sadly infrastructure projects here never seem to allow for ongoing running and maintenance costs. Samui has a few examples. Take the dozens of shining new street lights near to the Pier in Bangrak. If one works now you are lucky. Shades and bulbs broken and never replaced. So dark at night people have been killed on this stretch of road. Look at the promenade around Chaweng Lake. All the flowers originally planted died and were never replaced and the walls are crumbling - some dangerously so. Look at the roads - even those supposedly re-laid as the one from Bandon Hospital to the Airport. Started falling to pieces within days of completion and is now just a mass of poor quality repairs.

    • Like 1
  3. I agree they are an eye sore but were approved before the new regulations came in to force. Even under the new regulations, that hill is under the 80 metre elevation limit so would not be subject to the same restrictions. The previous requirement for pitched roofs required a pitch so low that it gets hidden by the parapet walls. The new regulations are good for the island as long as they are enforced of course!

  4. Check out Tesco and Big C as well before you order on line.

    We bought a good one in Tesco about a year ago.

    You may be lucky! We had been looking for ages as well and then one day Tesco had them in stock.

    Of course with Tesco's abismal supply chain and inability to keep any of its shelves fully stocked you will have to be lucky.

    Worth looking though just in case!!

  5. This just came through on a Google Alert for KS.

    Direct flight to link Kunming, Thailand's Samui
      English.news.cn   2014-08-03 16:51:12 fanxiang13.gif fanxiang12.gif bigphoto_tit6_b.gif t+.gift-.gif
    BEIJING, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Yunnan Lucky Air, a subsidiary of HNA Group, will launch a direct air route linking the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming with Thailand's resort island Koh Samui, starting from Aug. 12.

    The flight will cut travel time between the two regions to around two hours and 45 minutes.

    The route will be served every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, with outbound and inbound flights numbered 8L9897 and 8L9898.

    Koh Samui in Thailand's southern Surat Thani province is a popular travel destination for Chinese tourists.



  6. I had "supersight surgery" performed by Dr. Somchai at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital in Pattaya in May 2007. Operation was on both eyes (both done at the same time). After a month my eye sight was perfect being able to read the smallest print on medicine bottles with ease and with out glasses. After about 6 months my eyesight had started to deteriorate. Dr Somchai told me it was likely due to scar tissue after the operation and that I may need a laser skim to correct this. I returned to my home country and had this skim performed by a local opthomologist who was very critical of me having the original operation done overseas. He performed the skim ( a scag) on one eye only, to bring it up to the level of the stronger eye. My eyesight has continued to deteriorate since then.

    I have seen Dr. Somchai several times afterwards and was advised that there is nothing wrong with my eyes and that the operation was a success. I have given up seeing him and may get advice from others if I can trust them. I have now gone from no glasses immediately after the opp. to my second set of glasses for computer work and another upgrade now necessary, driving glasses and an upgrade necessary, glasses for reading and just for walking around My vision is very blurred. The operation which cost me 210,000 Bhat is in my opinion a complete waste of money and I would advise anyone considering it to be very wary and do lots of research.

    They refused to do both of my eyes at the same time. The concern is that should something go wrong with the operation, the worst case scenario is that you lose the sight in one eye but still have the other. That is why I had a 7 day gap between the two operations so they could see that the first was a success before the second. To me the fact that this Dr was prepared to take that risk with your sight is a very big reason to avoid him regardless of how good he thinks he is. The top hospitals will not do it which rather tells its own tale.

  7. I had cataract surgery in both eyes about three years ago at Rutnin in Bangkok. Ten days apart for each eye. Baht 55,000 each. Simple procedure, about 15-20 minutes on the table. Slight prick for the anaesthetic and absolutely no pain or discomfort. Next day when they removed the bandage, I could not believe the difference. Everything was so sharp and colours so vivid. Well worth the expense. First appointment for assessment only Baht 1,100. My consultant was Dr Hathairat

    Pipitvijitkorn. Very professional. She recommended not to have the bifocal lenses due to the "starburst" issue as I drive at night, so I need reading glasses which is not a problem.

  8. Im not going to enter the debate about whether you should or shouldn't. You will get hammered with these types of responses here unfortunately.

    One of the biggest issues here in Thailand with operating a profitable small business is the lease terms. The landlord has great control of your business and it is difficult to find landlords who are not just reasonable but also understand business themselves. They are often Thai/Chinese and dictate their terms without any real world considerations. Most contracts run for 3 years so after 3 years if you and the landlord have a falling out you may find your key money and/or rent increasing dramatically. Also confirm what your electrical rate will be too come ro think if it as I had a friend who was charged 4x times the rate as it was never discussed at the time of purchase (she paid the first month then threatened to abandon the shop unless the rate was brought back to par the following months- lets just say she no longer runs the shop).

    You also need to discuss the business face to face with the landlord before any payment is made to the owner. Ensure you confirm it is the landlord you are talking too. Confirm all lease terms before settling with the business owner.

    Be prepared to be frustrated by uncompromising landlords and if you do find a good one, develop the relationship even if you dont go through with the deal as a good landlord is half the battle won IMHO.

    Dont invest money you're not prepared to loose (I know I said I wouldn't get into that debate but... yoy do need to know that)

    Best of luck and enjoy the challenge and the journey. If you're not having fun doing it, walk away.


    I consider that pretty good advice.

    All businesses have a learning curve.

    Sometimes the cost of that learning curve is less that what you might consider paying for a business.

    Comments above about leases are very true.

    The reason most leases are only 3 years is that beyond that they have to be registered at the Land Office to be enforceable and that means the Revenue Dept have access to the part of the landlords Income.

    Agree that you may deduct Withholding Tax from the rent. Honest landlords will not have a problem with that. It also helps you as a deductible expense.

    If you are taking over an existing lease as part of the business, make sure you understand all the terms which at that point will be non-negotiable.

    If you are setting up from scratch with new premises then you do have the possibility to negotiate terms.

    Electricity - always try and pay direct to the PEA, but if not agree the unit rate before hand.

    And the final piece of advice - be prepared to say NO and walk away.

    Other opportunities will present themselves.

  9. I don't get why its so hard to actually find a drug and administer that is going to kill you instantly, there are heaps to choose from

    Except due to political correctness the drug companies have started to refuse to supply the ones they used previously which were quick.

  10. Thanks for all the responses. I would add that we didn't have a problem. It's just that we have never had a posse of officials suddenly arriving on the doorstep before! Furthermore the properties are privately owned which makes things very difficult for

    the officials to check who is occupying the property. Guess that will be their problem!

    Not really. All they have to do is check the visa. If the person in the house has a retirement or long term visa (or similar, extension to stay etc.) they will already be registered at Immigration. If they only have a tourist visa then I would suggest these regulations apply to them and it is the responsibility of the house owner to inform Immigration.

  11. This started in Phuket a few months back and is not a new law, just one that suddenly seems to be being implemented as many others since the Military took control.

    This is an extract of the regulations

    Notification of residence of foreigners for businesses

    According to section 38 of the 1979 immigration act, "House owners, heads of household, landlords or managers of hotels who accommodate foreign nationals on a temporary basis who stay in the kingdom legally, must notify the local immigration authorities within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the foreign national." If there is no immigration office in the province or locality of the respective house or hotel, the notification is made to the local police station. In Bangkok the notification is made to the Immigration Bureau. The notification of residence of foreign nationals is made by the manager of licensed hotels according to the hotel act, owners of guesthouses, mansions, apartments and rented houses using the form TM. 30.
    The notification of residence of foreign nationals within 24 hours can be made in a number of ways to make the notification as convenient as possible:

    • In person at the respective office, or
    • Through an authorised person at the respective office, or
    • By registered mail, or
    • Via internet.

    Filling in the foreign national residence notification form (TM. 30)

    Please fill in all requested information according to the foreign national's passport, as often arriving passengers do not fill in the correct data on the arrival card. The form can be typed or handwritten in clear block letters. Leave a space between name, middle name, and surname.

    • If the passport number is preceded or followed by a letter, fill in the letter too.
    • Write the arrival card number (TM. 6) in the respective field. The arrival card is stapled into the passport. Both letters and numbers of the arrival card number must be filled in.
    • Arrival date means the date of arrival in Thailand. Date of accommodation must be filled in on the front page of the notification sheet.

    After the officer in charge has verified the information on the notification sheet (TM. 30), he accepts the notification and hands over the lower part of the form to the person making the notification. This part must be kept for further checking.

    For details contact 0-2141-7881

    • Like 1
  12. I suppose the response from certain people was inevitable.

    This was not really about losing 50 Setang.

    It was about blatant dishonesty and even when challenged, he did not have the sense to just give me one Baht, but actually gave me two 50 Setang coins which he had just said he did not have.

    • Like 1
  13. Change 7/11, go to another one or family

    Prepare a 50 satang coin when you pay (you add to the bill)

    Usually (for me) they don't give change only if 25 satangs. 50 they do give.

    7-11 was just the latest example and it happens in all of them and the FM'S. I agree and try to hang on the 50 Setang when I have them - I actually have two now to use next time!!

  14. I am not wealthy, nor am I poor. Normally I do not let these things get to me but the constant short changing in 7-11's in particular irritates me but I normally ignore it as there are far more important things in life. This week however I feel the need to rant a little.

    I paid my office electric bill for which the change should have included 50 Setang. Not have.

    I bought separately milk for home which also required 50 Setang. Not have.

    OK so give me 1 Baht.

    I pointedly indicated 50 Setang on each purchase i.e 2 x 50 Setang.

    He reached into the adjoining till and gave me 2 x 50 Setang coins.

    Blatant dishonesty which after 12 years here I should be used to.

    Got that off my chest. Rant over and back to enjoying the myriad of good things about living here.

    • Like 2
  15. I have True Visions Anywhere off my Gold package and have just logged into Australia Network with no problem - Channel 127

    Good for you but many of us gave TRUE the flick when they lost the EPL. Nice to know ABC is still available despite reports of its demise.

    Well having zero interest in soccer the loss of EPL made no difference to me. It would do if they lost the rugby on Setanta though. I do understand the frustration with True Visions - not the best service orientated supplier in the world.

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