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Posts posted by NOC

  1. I wish the fiber router in&out of my mooban wouldn't quirk every nth day rendering the whole 50Mb connection useless until the guys reset it guitar.gif

    That must be annoying but at least you get great internet most of the time, that's a great speed for Thailand, most places can't get fiber.

    They'll sell you 50 mb of fiber, but you won't get 50 mb of fiber. Thailand's internet does not have the infrastructure for it.

  2. most Americans watch 7h of TV a day, so forget a coup d'etat , all have been lobotomised since years.

    this is years that the USA government is spitting on the Constitution and human rights and nothing has been done so far. they have created a police state with working poors and slaves in jails.

    God bless America (So I get a free burger smile.png )


    You should stick to troll posts.

  3. The respondents mostly came from the NRA (gun owners and manufacturers) mailing list. They always respond to eveything controversial involving the government, while others are busy working or taking care of their families.

    The government wants people to be too busy working and taking care of their families, to the point that they don't have a clue what the government is doing.

    I'm glad some people have their eyes wide open.

  4. When most of the world's terrorist acts are perpetrated by muslims, then Islamophobia becomes a natural reaction.

    Most of the world's acts of terrorism are perpetuated by intelligence agencies to create conflict, among other reasons, which in turn, profits the banks and large corporations.

    Most Muslims, as a whole, are normal people just trying to live their lives. I don't particularly like their culture, but most aren't trying to hurt someone. Most aren't racist. Two things that I value.

    As for the constitution, of which the Nation writer knows little (if anything) about, the shredding process started decades ago. wai2.gif

  5. I don't have first hand experience with Jive, but from what I have read it seems like a good piece of software. It has nice functions from a business perspective. It has a free softphone you can download and you can get a number from anywhere.

    I've called Panama on my paid for skype number without call quality issues, but the free skype to China calls suck.

    If you don't need the number, use Zoom. The call quality is crystal clear and you record video and audio, if you want.

    I use a Microsoft life chat 3000 headset, FWIW.

  6. They were padding your bill in Samui. The government rate for apartments is 7 baht, or something close to that. Apartment managers like to add a % on top of that.

    The rate for houses is 3.5, or so. I have a 3-story, 4 bedroom townhouse. I pay on average 1500 baht. Get a house!

    The difference you pay in electric for an apartment, plus what the manager adds, plus having your electric get tapped by someone, plus the added stress of the noisy neighbors, plus crappy internet that you have to pay for, will more than cover the additional rental costs of a townhouse/house.

    Sounds like you got taken. The cost of private electricity I believe is in between 3.5 and below 4 baht a unit. If you are paying through the management it is common to pay as high as 8 baht a unit. I have heard of as high as 10 baht a unit. I pay 6 baht a unit. It cost money to run the lights and the elevators in a building plus out side the unit maintenance. If you are just paying for your unit to the power company rest assured your condo fees have been raised to pay for these other outside services.

    I didn't get taken at all NJ, I was referring to the OP, not me. My situation would only be better if it were free.

  7. Joe,sometimes its best to say nowt.

    regards Worgeordie

    I didn't say anything to the hairy-armpitted one, but I may just possibly have given a disapproving sideways glance.

    I'm beginning to suspect that my parents may be at fault. I'm not sure if I ever saw my father's armpits even if he was fixing the car or digging the garden.

    Actually, he was the one supervising any manual labour around the house so that is probably why. I remember my mother and I , (a skinny 12 year old) creating a garden from scratch in our newly built council home. We had to remove some massive boulders and wheel heavy barrrow-loads of soil about the place. My Dad would be standing with a cigarette in one hand and a cup of tea in the other saying "If you need a hand there girl, let me know". Not much need to remove your shirt under those circumstances, I suppose.

    It's always the parents fault. That's why the psychological term, 'family of origin', was coined.

    Now you're supposed to beat your mother to death and blame it on your father, so you can reduce your prison sentence.

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