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Posts posted by NOC

  1. They were padding your bill in Samui. The government rate for apartments is 7 baht, or something close to that. Apartment managers like to add a % on top of that.

    The rate for houses is 3.5, or so. I have a 3-story, 4 bedroom townhouse. I pay on average 1500 baht. Get a house!

    The difference you pay in electric for an apartment, plus what the manager adds, plus having your electric get tapped by someone, plus the added stress of the noisy neighbors, plus crappy internet that you have to pay for, will more than cover the additional rental costs of a townhouse/house.

  2. They rarely state the immigration status of people like this.....Immigration needs to be more careful who they are letting enter the country and shame on the banks that have still not switched over to the newer ATM cards. An open invitation to criminals

    If the banks switched to newer cards they couldn't take the spread between what was stolen and what was reported. whistling.gif

  3. Here we go again. The US is putting it's nose where it does not belong. For a country with the largest incarceration rate and the longest sentences I am aware of, they need to clean up their own act first.

    Hmmmm....Although I am no fan of the US sticking it's military nose in other countries business, when it comes to fundamental human rights, I support any country with economic sanction-power doing what is right.

    Just as I hope any country with economic sanction-power to support Andy Hall if things go pear-shaped for him.

    I couldn't agree more SS! Because the UK and the US stuck their nose into the human rights of fishermen here in the Land of scams, thousands of slaves are being freed.


  4. This article was written by a 'journalist' employed by a paper doing business in one of the most bigoted countries in the world.

    The question asked, is really a comparison, in the same way that Thai's always try to compare; I must be better than you because I'm, richer/have white skin/hiso.

    What a small minded prat.

  5. Friend appears to be a hooker/gang member (full back tattoo).

    Sales assistant in Pattaya .......... makes me wonder!

    Perhaps with your superb detective and observation skills, you can identify whether these men with tattoos are hookers or gang members?


    It's a different culture, so there are different meanings to tattoo's. Here, a girl with a full back tattoo means she is probably a bar girl.

    A room in the Lumpini condo's is probably going to cost all of her sales girls salary, but she can stay out til the small hours drinking. Where's the money come from?

  6. From what she tells me about a Thai wedding - she says that has a lot of people and involves me giving out money (which I do not have at all) - so she said a Thai wedding is probably not good for me.

    She sent you a curve ball there mate every Thai wedding I have been to, including mine, the guests give money to the bride and groom my missus and I ended up with near 300000 on.the day, but we had a lot of people there. Normally the bride and groom give out some small presents to those that attend but definitely no money

    I was going to chime in here but Starky did it for me!

    This would be a huge red flag statement to me! Every girl this side of nowhere knows the guests give the couple money.

    You die first, she gets your VA

    Chok Dee!

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