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Posts posted by NOC

  1. Yes, he originally he Piryathorn because he is blue blooded as they come and the go to man who is a complete numpty.

    Massive massive error.

    Now they have Somkid who is rolling out precisely the same ideas he had before. Situation is completely different than it was I'm trt time. Somkids policies are not some wonderful new discovery.

    They have been used and accepted the world over for rural development. Of course thailand now owns them as thaksinomics or blatant populism depending on your politics.

    Whilst Thailand continues to try and reinvent the wheels, the world is turning and people are innovating all over the world without having to ask permission from a pooyai. Thailand is neither exceptional or unique.

    People are people, u just need to understand by which rules they are playing the game...

    Yes, from the OP, "Gen. Prayuth seems finally to have realized these mistakes, and that the economy is his government’s Achilles’ heel."

    umm, hey Lostaday, is it possible for you to compose an original thought? All this copy and paste propaganda make you look like you lost a day...

  2. "Computer Crime Act and Article 112 of the Penal Code, which carries a maximum five-year imprisonment"

    It looks like the "Article 112" part of the alleged offence is deemed minimal, as LM can easily get you 15 or more years. The CCA part I can not judge without more details.

    Note that also in the Western world (and Australia) more and more one cannot just post whatever comes to ones mind.

    You can post whatever you want in the western world.

    This story is about the assbackward CCA laws of Thailand.

  3. I used to feel sorry for the "victims", but that stopped a few years ago, after I watched some of the customers in action. Without exception these people are selfish, and care only about their own "fun". I watch them operate the jet skis in an unsafe manner and in many, many cases, nearly injure swimmers. The renters are filth. They really are. These are not poor innocent victims. They know exactly what they are doing and they know who they are dealing with, and they just don't care. Anyone who has spent any amount of time on a beach like Patong will have seen the jet ski operators threatening people. They will have also seen the jet ski scum fueling the jet skis either on the beach or in the water, spilling fuel in the process. How can anyone who sees this then rent a jet ski? Watch the customers at Patong Beach closely. They dump their trash wherever they want, and they toss their cigarette butts onto the beach. The customers are supporting criminal and unethical behaviour. The jetskis are technically illegal. Every baht paid to rent one supports a criminal enterprise and supports corruption.

    I hope that many more customers are ripped off or injured. They deserve it. There is absolutely no excuse not to know and appreciate how bad these jet ski rentals are.

    I appreciate your sentiments and concur.

    I think it would be great fun to watch a covert group of tourists, sneak into the country and arrange to rent all the jet skis, all over Thailand, en mass, then pilot them out to the middle of nowhere and torch them.

    Of course they would need to film it and post it on youtube. They would also need a waiting vessel to pick them up and deposit them safely back into the country from which they came.

    The jetski scammers would come unglued!

    Having a ground crew to film the reaction from the scammers would be the icing!

    Now, that would make the news!

  4. Just a thought to all poster who are wasting their time commenting on a topic that will never be publicly appreciated.

    If the Thais used collective intelligence, rather than comparative scenarios, to base their future actions, we would all be better off.

    It's not about this one country, over that one country.

    It's about best practices for all.

    Please return to your regularly scheduled programming....

  5. Wow, how arrogant is that, one suspects self serving also.

    You may not like the degree to which Thailand has developed and you may wish it were at a future point that was closer to that of your home country, but making changes that suit the foreigner and make his/her life easier/better doesn't really help the 35 million rural nationals who are native to Thailand.

    It rather basic; they will learn over time through osmosis.

    In no way to I wish it were like 'my home country'. I just wish it were more fair, logical and intelligent, for them as much as for me/others.

    I think a lot of people from the west make the same mistake, they look at the country and the way it operates and think, my goodness, it doesn't make sense, so much is broken. But what's really being said is that they don't understand what they're seeing and that's quite reasonable. Most of the comments on this subject, ways to improve the Thai economy, are ways that might improve a western economy and don't necessarily fit here since most of them involve a complete make over everything here and that of course is an impossible task, not least of all because of the time involved, not to mention the cultural barriers.

    I get it. I've traveled, and see from more than one side. Thailand is an island, and a cash cow to those in power. Ignorance is still, however, not bliss.

  6. The problem with cutting interest rates is that it increases lending/debt, especially among the poor and government spending on infrastructure projects at this stage is likely too late to be beneficial, simply, it would take too long for those funds to cycle into the economy. One suspects one of the main answers might be to to prop up the rural poor whilst waiting for central spending to kick in, further tax incentives to business may also add some value.

    Government spending, through debt, is just a transfer of wealth to a banker somewhere.

    The best investment is in yourself, through education.

    Mirroring the success of others, and avoiding their mistakes, is a smart play.

  7. Wow, how arrogant is that, one suspects self serving also.

    You may not like the degree to which Thailand has developed and you may wish it were at a future point that was closer to that of your home country, but making changes that suit the foreigner and make his/her life easier/better doesn't really help the 35 million rural nationals who are native to Thailand.

    It rather basic; they will learn over time through osmosis.

    In no way to I wish it were like 'my home country'. I just wish it were more fair, logical and intelligent, for them as much as for me/others.

  8. I wear shorts because my buddy needs to breath...

    I wear t-shirts so I look like I don't have any money.

    Thai women, like all women, want a man they can talk too. Thai men speak really sweet to the Thai girls, but, according to many of them, that's short lived.

    Some Thai women know from the git that they don't want a deadbeat, and often that means a Thai man.

    The rest of the pop. that is not married by the time the are 30, realize Thai men have stopped talking to them, so the start to talk to foreign men.

  9. Bring in experts from outside as advisers. Economists and social engineers badly needed to guide military rulers who really don't have a clue.

    Haven't you ever noticed that they like people to come here and educate them. (read: share corporate secrets)

    Then they steal they idea and talk bad about the people who taught them.

    If they really want to 'save the Thai economy', they need to do the following. It's not brain surgery.

    Repel the criminal part of the defamation laws.

    Allow non-Thai lawyers to practice here.

    Overhaul the visa system and make it practical for long term expats.

    Allow foreigners to own land.

    Allow foreigners to own 100% of their investments, w/out the 4 employee per work permit requirement.

    Streamline the business process.

    Remove all costs for closing a business. (an expense saddled upon the business owners to create an income stream)

    Overhaul the education system so there will be qualified people for the jobs.

    Import and staff psychiatrists that the Thai populace can speak with for free, so they can somehow, over time, acknowledge and learn from their many, many mistakes.

  10. I stopped teaching Thai's due to the cultures attitude toward foreigners. They say hello, and I say 'goodbye', audibly! My TGF laughs!

    This may at first seem off-topic, but it's not.

    Thai databases get hacked just like other databases get hacked.

    There are only two reasons why you would post this dribble.

    1) You're Thai

    2) You're Thai

  11. She sounds like a good fun, can I have her number?

    Really. Create this scenario...

    Run some counter-intelligence on her, like using a picture finding app to find other pictures of her on the internet that support your suspicions.

    1) Get an answer to your questions first, then ask her the questions.

    2) Stay calm when she lies.

    3) Decide what you're going to do about it.

    4) Act.

    Before you leave the relationship, at least give your virgin a nice three way, and film it. It ain't no fun if the hommies can't have none!

    If you think that Thai's can't shut up when you give them a mic to talk into, just watch how fast the legs open when you have a camera in your hand. thumbsup.gif

  12. Not cowardice, the driver probably had no idea who he hit. Who was at fault, we don't know.

    Many times at the scene of an accident it is very dangerous for the driver who survived to stay.

    He left his vehicle, which is 99.99% registered to his name and the officers will see him at his house.

    This is true for all nations, the safety of the surviving driver.

    It's not true for all nations.

    Some countries have laws they enforce, and a person hurting a person who caused an accident, no matter how bad, would be subject to persecution.

    It's 'dangerous' here because the popo doesn't do their job, the people take vigilante justice, and it's convenient to leave, in case you had something to hide. That's what's true here.

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