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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. over prescription of antibiotics is a problem the world over. once resistance becomes a problem the pharmaceutical companies will make a fortune creating the next drug to be over prescribed. system works up to a point that there are just no drugs left to create.

    nice article but of course it is unlikely to change anything. 

  2. how much is the deposit? its probably not worth the hassle. i dont recall getting the deposit when i cancelled true visions. infact no one ever came to pick the boxes up so i got a friend to return them after i left.  in retrospect its probably better for anyone reading this to not return the boxes till they get their deposit as long as the monthly fee is stopped. 

  3. i have had a business in thailand for 10 years. cards are stacked against any business with a foreign work permit or with part foreign ownership. the whole 49% ownership is just a control thing. you can put in 100% but you will not have control. if you believe your wife has what it takes to start and run a business then go for it. put in what ever you can afford to loose.  PM me if you want any details, it is mostly advice that has been posted on other threads.

  4. 14 hours ago, losworld said:

    Crazy.  So they can have a dick and be considered a female? Male/Female identification is based on sex via the human anatomy.  

    apparently it is to do with the gender of the brain. not sure how it is checked. there is a man competing in the females weight lifting competitions in new zealand who is winning every competition they enter. seems a bit unfair and the female competitors look very pissed off.

  5. the only thing i saw degrade in pattaya over the last 10 years was the sea water quality. prices barley seem to go up outside walking street. possibly many foreigners that can afford it may be spending thai summers abroad. thailand is even better to just winter over if possible. i hope to do the nz winters in thailand for my retirement if possible. dont mind if pattay is becoming less popular as it will mean it stays good value.

  6. 20 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    OP, it sounds like you have worked out its the toilet, but I spent a couple of days chasing a toilet smell only to find out it was the floor drain with a broken bell trap, no s or p trap under the floor, some of them only hold a very small amount of water and thai cleaning ladies love removing them. Often they get replaced with a standard drain cover without the bell. I had a cleaning lady that got a screwdriver and removed all the bells (because they get clogged) in the floor and shower.

    Image result for floor drain bell trap diagram

    dam thats clever. bit higher maintenance but would be worth it if the smell is bad. in the past i have used wet cloth put over the drain holes to reduce the smell.

  7. i have heard you can go to the police station and register you are being harassed and they may tell her to stay away from you and give you a number to call if she comes near you. there will be a fee however but it sounds like it would be worth it. 

    another option is getting sole custody which i think sounds like a better option and a good step toward cutting ties if that is the better long term options. i have a couple friends who paid their ex girlfriends to get sole custody. make sure you do it through a lawyer. good luck.

  8. would be interesting to see what happens with the net after he takes if off the turtle. we have rescued a few in jomtien over the years. i prefer to burn the nets but it backfired on me when someone came forward and claimed they owned the nets. i was a bit more discrete about things after that. poor turtles are our front line of defense against the rise of jellyfish numbers and we are not doing them any favors.

  9. 14 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    people with a lot of money need many bank accounts.


    I have six as an example.


    I had a girlfriend in Los Angeles who carried $20,000 in cash with her everywhere she went. She had $10 million in the bank.

    it is good to have an account for each property and each business venture. makes life simple come tax time.

    yingluck was making US$50 000/year so she probably has many more than 12 bank accounts. thats serious investment capital.

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