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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 3 hours ago, 2008bangkok said:

    It still baffles me how a plane can just disappear without trace never to be found again or a single body, Its not so much the conspiracy theory (of which there are many) its just the sheer fact that nowadays with all our technological  advancements that we can lose a plane, brings absolute fear every time i fly.

    best theory is it was shot down over the disputed south china seas. mate is a pilot swears thats what happened.

  2. 3 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    Believe it only when it is proven that he is in jail and really does his time. What about the killer from 
    red bull?

    he will buy his way out of jail if he has the money. rich people dont stay in prison long. it is only for the poor. the only 2 people i know who went to prison in thailand were offered a payout deal when they arrived. it even has a standard THB/year value. jails must be a great business although i doubt many people who have money end up getting sent there in the first place.

  3. the elite visa has been a failure despite being a very good deal.  the new one is stupid. so is the multi entry tourist visa. thailand could easily improve tourist revenues but for some reason they dont want too. i doubt they are going to worry about quality expats either. just hope the retirement visa is still going when i move back.

  4. 30 minutes ago, AhFarangJa said:

    I guess if I am voicing an opinion, then this is close to it.

    I too agree that certain people deserve the death penalty, especially if the evidence is overwhelming. One such case comes to mind from a month or two ago regarding the thugs who murdered a man for his I phone.......clear cctv evidence.


    Sir, people such as I mentioned above do not act as a civilised member of society, so do not deserve to be a part of it..


    where do you draw the line. where you draw it and where someone else draws it will be different.  other factors is that it does not seem to deter criminals and it is very expensive. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, impulse said:


    It would be great if it worked the way a lot of people envision it.  But the reality is that the vast majority of digital nomads make a few extra bucks a month with their blogs to supplement their real jobs.  


    For every successful one they let in they'd get a hundred wannabe's here mostly for the cheap sex who would eventually cause a drain on the social fabric because they can't get the real job they need to supplement. 


    i actually believe there is a way to do a visa for digital nomads. they put so much effort into auditing me for my visa and work permit each year it would be less work for them to verify a digi nomad to weed out the fakers. just talk of course as it is not going to happen. thailand is going on and on about trying to get more tourists but they should be trying to get and hold people who just want to live in thailand and spend money. the witch hunt looking at every foreigner who stays over 30 days must be working is counter productive for everyone.

  6. 2 minutes ago, AGareth2 said:

    Does this mean the Digital Nomad situation will be reassessed?

    why would it? of course it would be a benefit for thailand to have digital nomads living in thailand spending their income but for some reason they dont see it that way. over a decade in thailand i never saw any improvement in visas for those who were just wanting to spend money in thailand. if you can show income or funds in the bank why not give a visa? i had high hopes for the multi entry tourist visa but no, it was made so difficult to get it is a waste of time.

  7. 8 minutes ago, impulse said:


    You're right.  The requirements are onerous for a small shop- especially a one man operation.  But that's indicative of the type of investment Thailand is trying to attract.  They're trying to attract investment that's going to put Thai people to work, with the implied benefit of also upgrading the local skill sets.  I'm not going to pretend to know if that's good or bad policy.  But it is what it is.




    i would say they have made it so expensive for a foreign run business to run that it is almost impossible to compete with thai businesses. actually over the 10 years i just finished in pattaya mine was the only business that i knew of working under this structure. if they are trying to attract this type of business it is a complete failure.

  8. 41 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

    Very good to see that this case has not (yet) been swept under the carpet. A totally despicable murder by people who thought they can get away with anything because daddy is a policeman. Hopefully they will receive the maximum sentence !

    but it is being delayed probably by payments or meddling by well connected parents. these guys should be locked up by now if the justice system was any good.  its already over a year and how far has the case gone. great that the witness is testifying in court, he has big balls.

  9. 3 hours ago, impulse said:


    You're confusing the need for a work permit for doing any work in Thailand with the rules that say you can't do certain protected jobs, even with a work permit.


    If he's making money filming YouTube videos in Thailand and doing post production in Thailand, and posting them from Thailand, he is working in Thailand.  I don't think there are any rules against foreigners taking on that work, but it is work.  Which requires a work permit- and that requires a business structure that qualifies him for a work permit.  Or more discretion to stay under the radar.  He apparently had neither.




    yes you are right however to get the work permit he will still need a work premises and need to hire 4 thais. not that he needs them.  i have had my shop for 10 years. cost of running it with 4 staff is quite a bit plus all the fees and taxes makes it impossible to justify for most people. in this case i think the guys goose is cooked and he will have to move on.

  10. 6 hours ago, cracker1 said:

    In Samui there are many bars closed for many months. I am told that foreigners own a lot of these bars with Thai Company structures in place. They presumably employ (on paper) the required number of Thai people and possibly pay them a small monthly salary throughout the year.

    They open the business in the High Season for 2 or 3 months and either make a profit or loss that satisfy's the Tax man and the Immigration office.

    Perhaps this is how a foreign Business owner can be permitted to stay a long time in Thailand ?

    everyone should forget this opening a business to get a visa unless the business is very profitable. the hassle and expense makes the 5 year elite visa far far more attractive. i have had my business for 10 years and if it was just for the visa i would have been better of getting 2 of the 5 year elite visas. opening a bar for a few months would not even cover the expenses of the bar let alone the visa and work permit and accounting and taxes and social and.................

  11. 6 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    Too true, but typical RTP mentality nonetheless. They have to be seen to be doing something even if what they are doing is pointless and a waste of time.

    But wait! All is not wasted. Someone has made some good commission on the purchase of expensive cameras.. 

    remember last time they reported this? story had a photo of a cop with a bulky camera mounted to a pole on his helmet. he looked very pissed off.

  12. 1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

    This would seem to confirm that it was not the harness straps that failed, but rather the clip to the tow line was unclipped or failed  in some manner. So he must fallen while wearing the harness. Better reporting would have saved pages of speculation here. 


    It should be impossible to undo a clip under load, even one with a poor design. Very tragic.

    wont make any difference to anything.  back to business as usual next week, it it is not already. even section 44 cant change anything in thailand.

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