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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. i would do a border run through cambodia or where ever is closer and fly out from there. cant blame this on thainess. woman the world over use these sorts of tactics. aussie bird i lived with did all sorts of crazy s#it. cops even got called a couple times which could have resulted in me loosing my employment. hope you dont have kids with her. i left australia and did not look back when i left her. 12 years later i just got my divorce from her. i dont know why we marry them.

  2. 4 hours ago, trogers said:

    Just normal garbage and sh*t hidden in roadside storm drains being washed to the sea by torrential rain...


    Mother Nature's way of exposing the reality of the Thai's nature.

    much of the black water is septic overflow. it builds up in the storm water systems and gets flushed out with the rain. a civilized country would have a separate system. maybe coming with pattaya V99.0

  3. On 24/7/2560 at 0:08 AM, observer90210 said:

    Well she is smart enough to know who she married (Mrs Trump that is)...and she is smart enough also to know why she is still staying with the Donald...so personnally I do not have any pity for the hottie Mrs Trumpy!!

    trumps girl is a gold digging w#@%# who puts most pattaya girls to shame. her divorce payment will more than make up for a little social discomfort.

    'i dont care for good looks i care for good heart'. being a gentleman/chump to a thai girl is opening the wallet on demand. opening a car door for her is less important.

  4. On 24/7/2560 at 9:32 AM, inThailand said:

    Yes! Its like eliminating bar girls, happy ending massages or soak and poke shops! Just down right crazy!

    army is sucking all the life out of thailand. hard to get a good balance i suppose.

  5. 13 minutes ago, zyphodb said:

    What mystifies me about this & many other laws here is, what is an "organic" law anyway?

      A law grown without fertilizers, weedkiller or insecticides?

     Is this just bad translation or something normal that I'm completely clueless about? 

    you can do a google search on it as it is not just a thai thing. seems it is being used to try to make some laws seem more natural or good. just BS as far as i can tell.

  6. 8 hours ago, cotton23 said:

    Thanks for the the replies everyone!


    I intend to work on a workers visa though...do you think that it's possible for me to do so?

    you need to contact a thai embassy in america and say you live in america to get out of the military service. if you say you dont speak thai then it helps. once you get the exemption you can come work in thailand on your thai passport. trust me you dont want to try to get a work permit on a foreign passport. i did it for 10 years.  i have researched this as my son is half thai.

  7. 2 hours ago, LivinginKata said:


    Photo snapping with smart phone very strictly not allowed. Goodness knows how they would react ... visa or extension cancelled I think.

    google camera glasses maybe. auto upload to facebook. now that would be something to see it happen in real time.

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