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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 2 hours ago, tomwct said:

    In 2011, they took the guns away from the public, so it will be up to the Military to take back the government and return democracy to Venezuela, but the Military supported the past two Socialist Dictators including Maduro. Maduro was a bus driver and is now the richest man in Venezuela. God he loves Socialism. Venezuela was one of the richest countries in South America and now it's one of the poorest with no food and no jobs. The dogs are leaving for Brazil. So the Military must act to restore democracy or the Venezuelan People are screwed.

    yes like they did in thailand. 

    venezuela needs to go through a painfull period where they are weaned off handouts. the 150US$/barrel days are probably not coming back no matter what government gets put into power.

  2. 20 minutes ago, wombat said:

    its my understanding that the Gulf of Thailand is to shallow for subs .......is this true or false ?

    too late to worry about that now as they already built the submarine bases several years ago.  rather than admit it was a mistake they decided to go ahead and buy some subs. i am guessing they will end up the same as the air craft carrier which does not leave port so depth of water is irrelevant.

  3. 1 hour ago, daphnia88 said:

    Then you could've just adopted. I pity the woman you're "with" a.k.a your sugar baby

    odd thing to say but of course you are making a lot of silly assumptions. i bet you are a female. my sugar baby who is a year older than me is more happy than i have ever seen her. she does not have to work selling herself anymore and loves being a mum.

    single men cant adopt and i dont want to raise anyone elses kid. been there done that with a dead beat single mum in australia.


  4. 18 minutes ago, daphnia88 said:

    so in other words... being a sugar daddy.


    "other guys i know always take a mate along on dates with them so at least they have some decent conversation."

    I'm sorry but that's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. If you can't converse with her, what's the point of dating them or whatever you call it? Bang, pay, then leave. 

    dating was never my thing and i dont know why guys bother. i wanted kids so i had to make a sacrifice.

  5. 2 hours ago, daphnia88 said:

    if you're dating a Thai, you're dating a GIRL... (read: kid)

    i would not say dating i would say supporting, and then only till our kids are through highschool. i have seen guys try to date thai girls, it ranges from sad to outright pathetic. other guys i know always take a mate along on dates with them so at least they have some decent conversation.

  6. 11 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    But he is 'exerting effort' and that's pretty much all the Thai Labour Department needs to know.


    There are those who think that meeting your mates for a beer at the moobahn mom and pop store is contributing to the Thai economy. Then there's the reality of it all. Even the husbands who build family homes in Nakhon Nowhere are totally missing the plot if they claim that they have contributed anything meaningful beyond the x million baht to local Thai builders merchants.

    bit off topic but the western guys who build new houses on their thai girlfriends land are thailands wet dream. they bring a load of money into thailand and help the trade balance. each house must be the equivalent of many hundreds of tons of rice that needs to be exported. anyway, back on topic. there is good money to be made from these digital nomads. many are paying 35000thb per year for their study visas i am sure they would be willing to pay 50 000thb for an online working visa. thats a lot of money in a country where most people only earn 120 000 working full time for a whole year.

  7. 8 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

    Sorry don`t agree.


    If I am making incomes in my own country, England, then unless my incomes fall beneath my income tax personal allowance, I will be expected to pay income tax on earnings above my PA. The old saying; two certainties in life; we will pay taxes and die and the same applies in Thailand, because why should Thailand be an exception to the rule? If earning money legally, no matter from which sources, then we must pay tax according to the countries where we are resident.


    People who are not declaring their earnings and incomes to the tax offices are breaking the law, even if you don`t agree with it.

    doubt this guy would pass the tax fee threshold in thailand so even if he could pay tax he would not have too.  

  8. 3 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    People making money while illegally working in Thailand and avoiding paying income tax.


    To the same degree as those that succumb to the, "You barfine my sister me" plea maybe?


    You mean the same way as the many, many other countries that have generous and relaxed visa regimes for long-stay but ultimately illegal working "tourists"?


    The infinitely successful ED visa that has been systematically abused beyond all recognition.

    guy is not taking jobs from thais and is spending foreign income in thailand so he is an asset to thailand. they should recognize this and sort out some sort of system to let them stay.  

  9. 31 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    What the locals chose not to do is absolutely no excuse for foreigners to freeload. There's probably plenty of your fellow countrymen back home who have very strong opinions on this as well.


    I agree, let the Thai revenue claw back all they can from VAT, be it from residents or tourists.


    In the meantime, Thai Immigration can do its bit by showing the digital pikeys the one-way door.

    who is freeloading? digital nomads in thailand are helping the thai economy. if thailand was smart they would sort out some sort of better visa system for them. most of them stay on the thai study visa. i bet this guy nate is on a study visa.

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