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Nick ZepTepi

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Posts posted by Nick ZepTepi

  1. They just say evidence of travel which is why I asked. I could understand it being within 3 months if they explicitly said you can't get more than 1 tourist visa in any given time period but that's not their policy. They seem to have it setup that after 1 TV you're in some gray area where you're maybe a criminal, maybe not but we're not gonna say just to keep you on the edge of your seat and sweating.
    And they give examples of travel.
    It is common practice that an individual can back 2 back tourist visas, the number of Embassy's in easy reach means you could go a whole year without visiting the same embassy twice.

    The problem arises when the IO counts the total time you have spent in the country without a break of more than a few months.

    They suspect people of working especially if your less than 40-45, above that you have to be able to convince them you've retired with sufficient funds and waiting until your 50.

    As stated Vientiane will issue 4 SETV before red stamping you - that's 1 year, then 3 or more months break traveling elsewhere would be a good plan

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  2. How did you do that? I just bought a round trip ticket to Phnom Pen from Chiang Mai (Bangkok Air) for an absurd $360!!
    From the HCMC website

    Passport or travel document with validity not less than 6 months
    Visa application form completely filled out
    Recent( 4 x 6 cm.) photograph (s) of the applicant
    Evidence of travel (air/bus ticket to and from Thailand)


    Bus ticket out is OK. But it must be a full trip out not to a border town.

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  3. I was curious about this. So the ticket MUST be within the 60 days of the visa? What if you plan to get another tourist visa after that? I'm just about to get TV from Phnom Pen but I was planning one more before I leave in the summer.
    It depends on the Embassy this was the reply from ho chi Minh, when I asked.
    I booked a flight out at 89 days from arrival.

    Dear Sir,

    Yes you can book a ticket to leave Thailand after 3 months. Because for the SETV, you can stay in Thailand 2 months and can extension one more months in Thailand.

    Best Regards,


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  4. Although I'm not sure, is it because you did not have a ticket out of Thailand only a intention.
    The bus to Cambodia is evidence of a entire booking to leave the country.

    It will be interesting to find out. But thanks for the heads up on the financial, they did check that when I went 2-3 months ago. I could show significantly more than the 20kbaht in a UK bank which might grease that ticket out wheel.

    The very positive thing about HCMC is they replied to my email inquirery within a couple of days.

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  5. Thank you both.  Maybe I'll plan ahead 3 months.  But...
    Really?  On the Thai Consulate website for HCMC all I can find is "ticket showing a transit in Thailand".  It doesn't specify air or otherwise.  When did you apply in HCMC, and did they ask to see a ticket?
    If you know you're gonna get another SETV then planning that trip isn't such a bad thing.

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  6. It's hard to say.
    It's possible the server address has to start with pptp.yourvpn not the usual www. Or Https

    Does your VPN provides tutorials? The one for manual settings for PPTP on Linux or android might be suitable as your router will use a Linux operating system.

    Other options are to use somthing inbetween like a raspberry pi. But the learning curve and hassle increases.

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  7. Just came back from Hong Kong.
    I can still confirm that it is still hassle free to get a SETV. Im holder of a Czech passport. I have 2 visa exempt entries, 1 SETV from Prague, 1 Non - B from Prague,  and now 2 SETV from Hong Kong.
    All they asked for:
    1. Filled out application with photo
    2. Copy of HK entry stamp
    3. Copy of passport data page
    4. Passport
    5. 300HKD fee
    They just browsed trough my passport. Asked me if Im working (probably because of Non- B) and then just took the papers i mentioned. Total time i spend there was 5 minutes. They told me to pick up my passport next day. No problems at all.
    Great, no flights, no Bank statements.

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  8. Empty of what? Movies or add-on apps?

    Google for tutorials on adding add-on apps, adding repositories,

    It's a steep learning curve but easy after a short while.

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  9. 23 hours ago, narkeddiver said:

    Does anyone know of a shop that sells these or is it a case of ordering from the internet?


    Thanks in advance


    p.s. Wondering how many Raspberry Pie jokes get generated :smile:


    I have 2 X raspi 2 for sale. They have bluetooth & WiFi dongles, I can set up a sdcard that dual boots libreelec & raspian.

    Pm me

  10. Those soffit boards remind me of the external shutters they had in Portugal. each slat had a gap between then and of lifted would have small slots of light coming through much like yours but horizontal.

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