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Nick ZepTepi

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Posts posted by Nick ZepTepi

  1. Hi all, I was planning to get a tourist visa 60 days with 30 day extension from Thai embassy in  Phnom Penh next month. I have never used that embassy but when I looked at their website it seems very strict.
    Does anyone know what its like and what I would need to show to get a tourist visa there?

    You have to use one of the many agents. They make a call you get a yes/no or you need this evidence first. Pay your money collect a few​ days later.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

  2. Hi thanks for the replies and yes, apologies for the very broad questions.
    Having visited a few times I'm comfortable my friends wife is a trustworthy source and would not fleece me. Also agreed an initial 6 months would allow me to get a feel for the place and make more informed decisions.
    I guess the crux of what I'm asking is, in your experience, are there ways for me to leave without all my belongings after the 6 month period and then return with a view of making a future (all being good after 6 months)
    Thanks again

    Sent from my iPad using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Yes, there's options, start with a METV which can be extended to around 9 months, then you could probably do SETV from various Embassy around Thailand for a couple of years, then education visa. This might take you to 50 where you can get a retirement visa.
    Or if you have the money buy a elite 5 year visa.
    More details on all these in the various forums.

    Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk

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  3. I am SURE that the thread-starter knows about that information. He is writing that he will buy land "through a friends wife",  you know...

    Not necessarily, the query is so broad it's akin to ask a mechanic how to build a car after reading a few books.
    Demonstration of foundation knowledge is needed or answers like that will appear

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

  4. this is why you still derailing the topic, yeah ...?

    Thanks for your contribution, please see post ... ah, we had that already there ... well, then:

    Whatever, if you say so, as if anyone cares anymore. At all.

    I care about you. 

    It's with kindness and care I & others highlighted a few things in the hope you would "take it on board" learn a bit of common sense and skid similar in the future.

    Perhaps as you alluded to in your first post about karma "may it come back and bite them in their greedy ..."

    It seems what you projected out did come back and bite you in your ignorant .....

    Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk

  5. >I have been paying a toyota hilux bougth from a thai owner for the passed year with an agreement that i should find a guarantor for the finance by January (6 months after). Unfortunately i have found out now how hard it is to find such person.
    The thai owner is now threatening me that he will take the car back and im not going to get any money back for my payments for one year.
    What are my rights regarding this matter should that threat actually occur?
    Thanks for all the help
    Sent from my SM-T819Y using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

    Their name,their car.You can't hold up your end of the deal.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

  6. Alright Freud Sigi, nobody really cares for your psycho 'expertise' here - at all.
    It has been stated clearly & repeatedly how that mix-up occurred and that it happened to many. That's all there is to it, anybody who wanted to did get it long since.

    Anything else from your side is expansion and clearly off topic. Which is why it was thrown out once already.
    Thanks for the participation as useless as it was.

    Sorry for triggering you.

    All the best in your travels.

    Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk

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  7. Yes it does.
    I only skim headlines but i recollect seeing the first newsmedia headlines about extending the freebies until august.
    Then the official announcements came out a few weeks ago stating the freebies until august were only for selected countries.

    If you don't know by now not to trust the media you've still lots to learn.

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

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