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  1. I was at a similar funeral last month. Around came the lottery seller. Into the Temple Grounds. Those in attendance asked the Monk to choose the lucky tickets which he obligingly did. They say Australians would bet on two flys crawling up a wall - but I couldn’t imagine even the most well seasoned punter having a bet at the Church during a funeral.
  2. Flew in to swampy last night and now trying to get home at Cha Am. Going via Ratchaburi province. Traffic very heavy and as always erratic. Looks like promises that Rama II works would be finished this year definitely out the window but I guess no one believed it anyway. RIP to the workers and their families. More tragedy on this terrible stretch of road.
  3. Unfortunately I can’t see Rama II being finished by then.
  4. Throw in them Thai Amulets and even the gunslingers will be out of work.
  5. Most Thais I know already gamble online - there are multiple Line Groups and betting is on things as diverse as Football scores and the closing numbers of various Bourses across the globe. Its called Hanoi Lottery. Most lose but I have had one friend win big (and bet big) only to be denied a payout when the Group closed. Don't kid yourself that this is not happening, unregulated, right now and that many Thais are becoming poorer for it. If it is legalised there may be some protection (for the winners who when they win big often find the site closed and no payout) and the Government might collect some revenue - but on the other hand legalising online gambling may make things more accessible and the problem worse - but hey which Thai doesn't already have Line? This is a bit like pretending Prostitution doesn't occur in the Land of Smiles.
  6. Ha that's nothing - we used to get sent to Australia for life for stealing a handkerchief or a loaf a bread.
  7. Yes cobber. I referred to a Bulls Testicles In colloquial tongue. Marmite is like warm beer - horrible. Vegemite however like a Chicko Roll - delicious.
  8. Roger. Also it’s Royal Decree 743 not 733. I have copies of the Thai and English versions on my phone if that was the case. But at this stage there has been no suggestion of linking Tax Returns with Immigration Status and movement across the border. Glad you posted your thoughts though cobber we are fortunate on this LTR Thread to have a good bunch all willing to offer sage advice.
  9. Can you provide a link to this mate? First I have heard of it.
  10. Your clock resets - I've had my LTR since 2023 and never done a report.
  11. The Thai Government could also amend the rules to ban Red Heads from entering the Kingdom. They are already trying to get more wealthy Global Citizens moving here - can’t see why they would then revoke RD 743 as part of the effort.
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