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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. Don't know what that has to do with my question though...because everybody here has a beautiful gf.

    You need to see an eye doktor! the gf's i see are downright un-attractive. And thats putting it kindly.........................hahahahaha.

  2. If he is only going to be in the US for three months, why worry about it

    The IRS does not have black lists at ports of entry nor do you go into any police data base

    The procedure for the IRS notifying you is via your last known address and the proceedings can take months or even years and the only thing that they can do quickly is freeze your bank accounts, which doesn't sound very likely based upon the information given by the OP

    Now if the OP's friend is thinking about obtaining Medicare coverage while in the US, that is a whole different ball game

    Now he is afraid, that upon entry to the US, instead of cruising around in a Motor-Home in Arizona for 3 months, he will spend 3 months in an IRS interrogation facility !

    It's the IRS, not the CIA, they don't have interrogation facilities, just like there are no death panels as a result of the Affordable Care Act

    Where do these urban legends come from I wonder

    There are death panels. They just arent called death panels!

  3. Dont use the scamming scum


    - Call the hotline numbers and report the driver, or the tourist police, and take his photo and photo of the car reg no., etc.

    - Call grab taxi or All Thai taxi and deal with honest operators.

    You dont know if their honest till you deal with them. Same goes for girls..............lol.

  4. Used the metre, but still wanted more, saying it did not include moterway tolls, luggage .....

    Did you all-inclusive your deal or was it 350 baht plus extras................lol.

    I offered 400 from nana to suwannapoom, 5am. Driver took it but still turned on meter!

  5. You can't move to Hawaii..without a million dollar visa I don't think, but You can come here for a while and buy income property. Owning the land or condo. We have a great shortage of housing, so rents are really strong.

    Just an idea.

    One great post I've seen here is how to move money (back) out of Thailand..

    A very smart guy suggests a stock account,

    Then it gave more options..

    Good luck


    65% down gets you break even cash flow................hahahahaha.

  6. Try the temples located on Soi Cowboy or Nana...she is likely engaged in some heavy meditation there...

    Customer count is way down. I wouldnt be surprised if some got on their KNEES(not what you think) and prayed and prayed some more.

    Its the middle of HIGH tootin season, for buddhas sake. The girls should be flying off the shelves so to speak....lol. But they arent. Kinda sad.

    They say the BAR tourist is the last to go.

  7. "...in Paris the gendarmerie were happy to allow the islamists to create their own mini caliphates where only Sharia applies,..."



    Why do "Conservatives" get caught repeating lies, over and over again? Because they never confirm if its a lie or not. Because they like the lies. Even after they are corrected, they keep repeating the lies.

    Conservatives prefer lies, because The Truth has a well-known "liberal bias".

    Truth is subjective, and often multi-faceted. In other words, complicated.

    Lies can be as black and white as the messenger wants.

    They like simple, black and white.

    "With us, or against us." comes to mind.

    Name some lies conservatives keep repeating. Balance budget is good. Balance budget is good. Balance budget is good.

    Socialism is bad. Socialism is bad,etc.

  8. There is nothing wrong with buying a house in your wife's name. Just don't get taken by a shyster lawyer who is telling you that he can protect your investment. The bottom line is that you have to be prepared to pack your bags and walk away from your investment at any time your wife is tired of you. If you are not financially prepared to walk away with nothing, than buy a condo in your name BEFORE you are married. Lawyers love making Thai companies that allow you to own property. They are able to charge huge fees, provide nominees and an accountant to prepare tax returns on a bogus company that has no earnings. After some time you find out that this company is indeed bogus and you will then lose sleep wondering if/when the government is going to enforce the law. Yes, I have bought properties for my Thai wife. I would have no financial problems walking away from them if things go wrong. After her putting up with me for more than ten years, she is entitled to the property. I do have a condo that was bought BEFORE we married, so I would still have a roof over my head and I won't miss any meals. Always have a plan "B".

    Its not an investment! Give your wife, son or daughter a house, even the GARDENER-------FINE!

    WORDS matter!

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