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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. The 400,000 lump sum, I don't have anymore, so I would need to use my salary. I would just prefer to be on a work visa (it's just my preference) as it is far less hassle than lugging my young family and complaining GF to immigration; always a stressful time. I thought it would be straight forward to switch.
  2. The extension I am on now: I used 400,000 that I had sitting in the bank at the time last year. Now, for financial proof, I can show over 40k monthly income which I have earned with a work permit for over a year now.
  3. Exactly, I thought I was asking them to change me to that kind of extension. Even though my salary does meet the requirements to remain on the family extension, I'd just rather be on a regular work extension cos it makes everything simpler and less stressful (without involving my family) by just doing it through the school.
  4. I don't get this logic though. Suppose I got a job that paid less than 40k a month; I wouldn't satisfy the requirements for the family extension, but wouldn't they still allow me to do an extension based on work?
  5. I have a strange problem on this topic. I actually tried to do this today in Bangkok. I tried to do an extension based on work (previous extensions were based on child, done at an immigration office in another province). The officer said that in addition to all my work documents (which are correct), they also need me to bring my child's ID card & birth certificate and also my bank statements for a whole year (actually 15 months cos they want to see the financials I used to do my extension based on child at the other province). So weird, right? I went to change my extension to work and they are holding me on the financial requirement for a family extension which shouldn't even come in to it for a work extension. I can't get my head around it. Any ideas why this would be? I mean, I have over 40k coming in from my work, so it shouldn't be a problem -- hopefully.
  6. I wonder was there a test in 2020, or 2021? Was it two years they didn't offer a test? If so, I wonder if that could be grounds for requesting a 5th waiver for those who need it. Because it seems unreasonable that they changed the rules in the 2020 and then don't offer a test for us to comply with the rules.
  7. Thank you for your info. May I ask, what year did you finish your education degree, diploma, or certificate? I think those who finished their education qualification from 2020 onwards need to take the test.
  8. I think everyone graduating in education post-2019 has to take the test now. I don't think the course matters. Or maybe someone else knows? If you do an M.Ed are you expect from the test?
  9. It is too late to apply for these ones now. We have to wait for the next dates to be announced
  10. I wonder if it is possible to get additional waivers (e.g. a 5th waiver) while waiting for the test (assuming you already have a post-grad diploma in education or higher)?
  11. There is a test in February. Anyone going for it?
  12. 1. A copy of a valid passport. (Only foreigners) 2. Copy of educational qualifications 3. A copy of the educational report and 4. A copy of the qualification letter for graduates of higher education from abroad from the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation What on Earth is Document 4? For that matter, what is Document 3? lol
  13. So, should English teachers choose Teaching Profession test or English Language for Communication test? Or do we need to choose more than one for the teaching license? I don't get it; I thought there was only one test (i.e. the Teacher's Licensure Exam). So, here's the current schedule: Friday 18 February 2022 09:30-11:00: the use of Thai language for communication 12:30-14:00: Using English for Communication 3:00pm-4:30pm: Using digital technology for education Saturday 19 February 2022 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m: teacher's profession Can't we just take Teacher's Profession to get the license? Or do Thais teachers need to take the Thai one and English teachers need to take the English one, too?
  14. Anyone know what happens if you fail? Can you just do it again at the next available date?
  15. I wonder if there will be two Madrids now, or if they will just move?
  16. Is it just cos the PGSEi? Or is it anyone applying after that year? Thanks
  17. You only need a Dip Ed (one year) or more for the license, so it has nothing to do with that.
  18. How come Madrid still ain't open? Have they bit the dust? And I know it ain't a pub, but the French restaurant?
  19. So, the poll allows multiple choices and its anonymous. I have just included typical beer prices that I have experienced recently in downtown Bangkok and other tourist areas in Thailand. I know it can be cheaper up in Isaan and maybe elsewhere and I also didn't include shop prices obviously. I also get that it's highly subjective. In most UK cities beer is cheap, in my opinion. Even good beers that are imported and let's not forget that income is much higher in general....and the owner has to pay decent salaries to their staff and higher taxes as well (and then there's rent, not to mention utility bills are expensive in many Western countries). In Thailand, I think it's just the rent that's high; the staff salaries are very low and I think taxes are low here too (also utility bills are cheap here right?) I tend to think beer is expensive here, especially for local grog. I could be sitting drinking fine Belgian beer in a British town in a pub with the heating on in the dead of winter being served by a barman getting paid fair income (and I assume the owner still turns a profit).......for the same price as sitting drinking Thai beer in an open air bar in Thailand being served by unprofessional barkeep. I mean, in some bars here the draft is like flat rotten eggs; you have no choice but to drink bottles. I was in a little bar down Sukhumvit the other night and I must have seen at least 100k pass through the till in just a few hours. I get that rent is probably high, but staff is cheap, utilities are a little, and taxes aren't that much here. I mean the mark up on a small bottle has to be like x4 the price they buy it at in many places (especially after 8pm...don't get me started on that policy). Anyway, what's a fair price for a beer? lol
  20. So, I know I have obviously missed out a lot, but I tried to pick most of the popular pubs and bars that have been around a while or have a big name and are located in the main expat hangout areas in Bangkok. If you don't see your favorite on this list, please feel free to post it in the comments. Cheers.
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