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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. I've not been affected by it due to living in Thailand, but I would not want to be in the West. What's going on in schools over there in the name of wokeness is just sick. Also, France (and other parts of Europe) is pretty much burning to the ground and this is largely due to woke do-gooders making the country vulnerable. The Left are also joining in with these riots, so they support it.
  2. Past tense of 'wake' That's the only definition I know. I've asked some woke people for their definition, but still waiting for an answer. I won't hold my breath.
  3. Most woke people can't define it either. There's no mania on the anti-woke side. The plenty of manic folks on the woke end of the spectrum from what I see. And it's being supported and pushed by the left media
  4. Can you give some examples of such common sense behaviors and attitudes? I think it's just gone radical.
  5. We are talking about simply having a bank account here.
  6. I don't see what's so controversial about this guy's video. I am happy to be living in the Land of Sanity (never thought I'd say that) away from all this woke BS.
  7. Yeah, it won't end well. Most relationships are doomed, especially here. Vast majority of local women looking for farang are just looking for money. What else is the attraction in farang? It ain't the white skin or long noses. They also sacrifice their respectable status in Thai society to become the "farang wife" which is never said in a nice way. It's for money and for their family.
  8. You are kidding, right? How long does it take to get a bank account? My kid got a bank account at 8 years old. Away with yourself. How many sick buffaloes have you treated?
  9. Researching and stockpicking, mostly. Eating and drinking. A little yoga. Not much time for hobbies, to be honest. A bit of reading. Playing hide the pickle.
  10. Mate, you said you've been here 20 years, what did you expect?
  11. I admire the Thai immigration policy. They have it set up to benefit their own country -- as it should.
  12. My friend's eldest daughter was not happy at all when she found out he'd married a TG the same age as her (or maybe a bit younger.) ????
  13. One is worse. The experienced know this.
  14. It's a bit over rated. Being an academic doesn't really guarantee anything in life
  15. I'll never understand why parents don't just invest in assets for their own future financial security and the financial security of their child, rather than pushing education so hard. The kid would be better served with a few rental properties in his name than a physics degree he doesn't want.
  16. It's 50/50. She married a foreigner too. And they have a kid together. It's illogical to say that the farang has to blindly accept local culture especially when it's a detrimental aspect of it. And, btw, this high pressure education thing is not actually Thai culture; she's just a pig headed "mother" with a big ego.
  17. Come on. Use your brain . How can Biden be in charge when he doesn't even know what day of the week it is . Clearly someone else is in charge. But who?
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