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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Is this even still a thing nowadays in Nana Plaza? I have spend plenty of time around the Nana area and I can't say I've noticed anyone that looked underage, nevermind as young as 13. But pop into a few karaoke bars in local residential areas as well as out in the sticks and you'll see: at least half of them look underage and not just by a year or so. I think we know where the problem really is -- and it ain't Nana Plaza (which has security checking the IDs of every Thai female going inside....jeez)
  2. It's quite common at school shows and parents nights for the teachers to work unpaid overtime doing..... whatever, basically. They are often MCs, entertainers etc etc. The teachers will often do shows as will the students. There's always food n drink obviously,maybe not always booze though.
  3. Amen. It's changing for the worst. And look at the progressive freakshow West.
  4. Apparently, traditional Thai dancing and serving drinks to guests is too much to ask. I think they just weren't offered overtime and that's what their problem was.
  5. I am sensing they weren't offered any overtime cash. Vaseline required.
  6. They have no right to take the deposit that was given to cover damages, unless something was damaged, of course. The other deposit to cover the last months rent, obviously they keep that. If they are keeping the 2 months deposit which was supposed to be for breakages and damages - despite nothing being damaged - I don't see anything wrong with you causing damage up to that amount. That's what it's there for, right?
  7. Ironically, killing countless innocent people in the process, yeah..... ????
  8. Well, I didn't hear very many (any??) complaints around the world over the last few decades while the West was invading and terrorizing various countries in the Middle East. Time to get off the moral high horse.
  9. Bingo! First, it was, "we just want to get married..." Then, it was, "...and as a married couple we should have the right to have children" (whether adoption or surrogacy) Now, it's "our boy is not a boy, he's a girl and needs puberty blockers" and also "we need to teach kids about anal sex in elementary schools" What next?
  10. More rubbish. 99% of straight people don't even care about marriage. I have better things to care about. Aside of that, there's no such thing as fully equal rights in the world. I can accept that.
  11. That would be absolutely fine with me.
  12. That's interesting. I wonder if their study showed the new phenomenon of blacks with lower scores being accepted and whites with higher scores being rejected.
  13. The rest of Europe should take a leaf out of Poland's book.
  14. What benefits does marriage offer over civil partnership?
  15. Uhm, obviously, because they actually got an education.
  16. What did she invest it in?
  17. Capitalism is the only vehicle to freedom. Socialism is inherently evil.
  18. Another problem is online gambling and underground lottery
  19. Yeah, I offloaded my gambling nutcase EX to an older richer farang. Glad she's in the rear mirror.
  20. It depends. For manners and mentality, probably Japanese. For looks, SE Asian is fine, but perhaps Latino or black would be preferable. For a proper relationship I'd probably say white - preferably anglo background - irrespective of whether she's from Australia, Europe, Canada, America, South Africa or whatever. But it's highly subjective, of course
  21. While I agree with you that he's probably not a qualified electrician I can also inform you that virtually every fully qualified electrician in the West has had a little buzz once or twice in their careers.
  22. The link you posted to the police website clearly states the acceptable reasons/purposes for the certificate and the supporting documents you need to show to get it for your purpose ???? This thread was supposed to be about using an agency to get it if you do not fit into one of the accepted categories or if you do not have the supporting documents to fit your purpose. I used bold to highlight that because I didn't get a single answer that was on topic.
  23. I started this thread before I contacted agencies, obviously. I wanted to know the process from other who did it before. However, I copped a lot of flack from guys here who weren't aware that you could use an agent or who thought you could just walk up there yourself and get a certificate without an acceptable purpose.
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