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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. I get that, lol. I haven't left the country in a decade, so I know what extensions of stay are. After your visa expires, you are on an extension of stay. Emphasis on: AFTER your visa expires. Before that you are still on your visa and it inherently has a duration that your are allowed to stay for. And it's possible to overstay the visa.
  2. Exactly my point. Thank you. Lol. The immigration officer stamps you for the duration allowed by your visa. How are you managing to do mental gymnastics to say that visas don't have a time duration that you can overstay?
  3. Then why do visas come with a specific duration (e. g. tourist visa is 2 months)? If you stay longer than this you've overstayed your visa, right?
  4. I'll never understand why they have such a problem with just letting people pass by in front of them. Though, this is the first time I've known them to take on a train in their game. How does this mentality get ingrained? I don't think it's explicitly taught, yet from a young age you can observe this in Thais. If anyone has ever worked at a busy school, they'll know that even the kids don't let you pass by in front of them in the corridors -- they'll move in front quickly so that you have to walk behind them -- which is quite challenging when it's crowded and they all do the same thing, so you inevitabley get blocked and have to stopped. Same can be observed in a taxi. The drivers seem very adverse to going in behind someone; they'd rather push in front. Is it a loss of face thing: to let someone get in front of you rather than behind you? Or to choose to yield to someone, rather than get ahead of them?
  5. I'll tell that to immigration next time they try to fine me for overstaying a tourist visa. Haha ???? So, why do they have overstay fines then for people who overstay their visa? ????
  6. Interesting take What annoying accent? Mostly, I've noticed they have a sort of Queen's English accent or a neutral accent. Sometimes you'll hear the Africans accent come out here and there. I'm not sure about the superiority or inferiority chip on their shoulder, but if you are referring to white South Africans -and I'm guessing you are - didn't their government just decided to restrict water supply to white farmers? I saw on the news the black South Africans had a massive rally and were all chanting "kill white people" (if the translation on the news is accurate). I think if I came from I'd have a but more than a chip on my shoulder, lol. I'd be afraid of genocide.
  7. FruitPudding

    Grab tips

    That's not what I'm told. I know waitresses and massage therapists in local establishments. They say they get zero tips from Thais. And I've never seen a Thai guy leave a tip for his haircut in all the years I've been here. I mean just think if your kid was that waitress. Might make you think twice about tipping too.
  8. The only thing disappointing about this article is the use of the word "transwomen" rather than the more appropriate "ladyboys " And is there a video??
  9. Interesting, they didn't show the horrific side of this surgery though. And how do you think they feel after it's done?? I've read accounts of girls who got them removed at 17 and by the time they got to 21 they were suicidal. They said they hated how they looked after surgery and felt like a freak. They wanted they old body back. Why don't they treat this condition with mental health therapy, rather than a scalpel? Can you explain?
  10. Precisely. And who do cartoons appeal to? Who do you think the target audience is? You know.
  11. Maybe, we are anti about encouraging girls to take puberty blockers as a tween and then cut off her breasts as a teen. Maybe, we think it shouldn't be supported or normalized -- and definitely not taught to children who are often confused and impressionable. Advertisements are insidious by nature, that's how they work. Might as well glamorize wrist cutting. Put that up in the coffee shop window. Free razor blade with your coffee???? See how crazy it is?? I'd support them if they had a mental health awareness advertisment, but not cutting off breasts or any form of genital mutilation.
  12. It's only naturally used when you genuinely don't know the person's sex. For example, if the person was wearing a hat, mask, hood, balaclava, or something else that stopped you from identifying their sex you'd say "they" in the singular because you couldn't tell if it was a he/she. But you wouldn't just call your brother "they" because he insisted on it, ????
  13. How do you burn a kitchen worktop? Aren't they supposed to be heat resistant?
  14. To be fair, it's the landlord that was being shady by not listing them.
  15. Exactly But the new words that are introduced to English come naturally, rather than forced on some moral high ground.
  16. Certainly not, unless they buy me a few drinks first. ????
  17. It's not that difficult. My instincts tell me this is a female. Having acquired English as my first language in the pre-woke era, I will naturally call her 'she' and it's correct to do so. It's just natural because that's the way we acquired the language. It may be different in a few decades. The English language is free and changes.
  18. The problem is: these sniveling little maniacs are telling people how to speak the English language. Like, seriously, how dare they? Language changes take time, you can't shove it down people's throats. That's not the solution to everything, unfortunately. You get to choose your own name, but you don't get to introduce countless new pronouns to the English language and then force everyone to use them.
  19. It is kinda a mind bender though when you are dating a 20 year old and then you realize that when you were her age........she wasn't even born yet!
  20. I find this hard to believe.
  21. The only thing with Thailand is the lack of unique places: - Isaan is just one big rice field. - The north is just smokey smoggy hills - The south is just one big polluted beach with cheeky people preying on tourists. - The center is just nothing with a side pad krapao every day. The west might be worth a look actually. I've never been so I can't judge.
  22. Uhm, people get put into care home because they are unable to care for themselves ????
  23. I wonder if the Thai guy gets this in his criminal record (assuming he paid the settlement fine of 1000 at police station)?
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