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Posts posted by mrrizzla


    An Honest, statement by the PM, Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit, being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and gover

    Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch. He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,debatable if the next one does any better,

    Well educated military officers with a respect for the concepts of separation of duties and the independence of government institutions do not talk in this fashion. Please look closely at the conduct of the military in the UK, USA, Denmark, Australia, Israel, Netherlands, Germany etc. and you will understand.

    Not one Asian country




    South Korea

    Japan has a strange situation with its military. But has embraced democracy and done very well because of it. The last coup attempt there was near the end of the war.

  2. As well as the last 3 years of education not being provided, this bit I found rather spine chilling:

    Article 30 states that civilians can be forcibly conscripted as laborers not only in times of war but anytime an emergency decree or martial law is in effect.

    Jesus Christ. Pol Pot and Kim would be proud of that one.

    And people actually willed for and wanted this government!

  3. quote-Paulo-Freire-washing-ones-hands-of

    All you guys working in Thailand, retired to Thailand or with wives and families in Thailand are just as guilty of supporting the Junta as Pontius Pilate was of killing Jesus. If you stay in Thailand or go there on holiday then you are indirectly suppprting and financing the regime.

    Stop bitching about what's happening and get out of the country now. By staying in Thailand eventually your money makes its way into the pockets of the elite. By staying in Thailand you give tacit support to the Junta because they can turn around and say 'well you're happy enough to stay here'

    Stop washing your hands and get out of the country. Send a message by leaving this pariah state. If you stay then you are complicit in the crime against the Thai people.

    It would be a rational response.

    I think investors are making decisions unfavorable to Thailand every day now.

    This will be the Junta's undoing.

    It would be a rational response.

    My wife will not leave her elderly parents.

    I am not cold blooded enough to walk out on my wife and daughter.

    Yeah but according to some posters Jag, if you don't like the glorious military "government" (I wanna use a different word but it is banned) of Thailand then you know you should just LEAVE.

    Cos it is that simple for some posters whistling.gif

  4. An Honest, statement by the PM, Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit, being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and gover

    Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch. He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,debatable if the next one does any better,

    Well educated military officers with a respect for the concepts of separation of duties and the independence of government institutions do not talk in this fashion. Please look closely at the conduct of the military in the UK, USA, Denmark, Australia, Israel, Netherlands, Germany etc. and you will understand.

    Those countries have had more than a thousand years to develop democracy yet Thailand has had less than 100. Look back into history and see which of those countries have invaded the others an put in their version of "democracy" over the years.

    In the UK in 1918 women got to vote, but ONLY if they were over 30 and house holders. It wasn't until 1928 that all women over 21 were allowed to vote.

    How about the USA when women waited until 1920 to get the vote.


    Australia 1902, Denmark 1903, Israel 1948, The Netherlands 1919, Thailand 1932.

    Look at "democracy" as an on-going project worldwide by all the countries of the world. They are travelling to a roughly similar destination at differing speeds. Most western countries have achieved their main goal years and decades ago but in the last year or so have modified democracy due to both home grown and international terrorism.

    Freedom of speech and freedom of movement are being restricted in Europe after being loosened for quite a few years. Is that democratic or not? The countries are still democratic but for example some social media websites are being shut down. The police and the army carrying live weapons are patrolling the streets and cities of Europe and the UK.

    The police and the army carrying live weapons are patrolling the streets and cities of Israel where millions of Palestinians are disenfranchised, yet Israel claims to be a democratic country.

    Many countries in the Arab Gulf claim to be "democratic" but according to some standards they are not.

    The USA claims to be "democratic" yet still holds people from other countries in Guantanamo. Are they "democratic"?

    What has the USA holding people they believe to be dangerous criminals got to do with whether they are Democratic or not? The concept of democracy basically dictates that persons of a particular country have the opportunity to elect groups of individuals to represent them.

    Now how has that got anything to do with the USA holding people in Guantanamo?

    Democracy is not simply a matter of elections as they are only the first step. That should be followed by transparency, accountability, honesty, moral standards and many other parts of democracy.

    Do you think it is democratic for one government to interfere in the democratic running of another country because the first country doesn't like the way a second country is run? Is that your version of democracy?

    Had a chance to read that asia correspondent article I have now posted twice or are you willfully ignoring it?

  5. An Honest, statement by the PM,

    Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit,

    being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,

    taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all

    manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention

    of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and govern

    Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch.

    He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,

    debatable if the next one does any better,

    No one forced him to be the leader of t

    he Coup and no one is forcing him to stay now.

    He made a choice, stand by and watch the situation deteriorate more., or as he chose to do, once made ,

    I think pressures from inside and outside pushed him into the role as the head,

    Time limit i think he was sure would be short, until he has seen first hand the monumental problems with both sides of government,

    I think of him as playing a referees role and being a longer game than he has wanted, the essence of his time is being able to walk away

    and have the understanding of the people, and (all sides ) of the next potential government, ( act with integrity )

    Unless you have been privy to what has been said to opposition peoples it is pure speculation.

    Being accountable and i think he will be , pity we could not say the same for the previous 2 PM's

    Denial is still their defence.

    Being blunt and no idea about playing politics to the extent he has had to do , how would you have done?

    Seeing through all the rhetoric is just a man who loves his country, acting in good faith for that country,

    very easy standing on the outside throwing dispersions , but do you have all the information,? do you have the deep seated love for the country?

    when did he intervene? when could he have intervened prior to when he did,? As you know he could have reacted many times earlier.

    Many things i don't agree with, some of the advice he has been given has been shoddy to say the least.

    Would you have done better doubtful , would i have ?doubtful , anyone on this site doubtful ? you play the hand you have. (guaranteed not to please them all)

    Asian politics sure is no easy road.

    I am but a (GUEST) in this country, still free to come and go.


    You keep drinking that sweet, sweet Kool aid buddy.

  6. Interesting this was even reported, thus raising her profile in the media. Coconuts did the story but down near the bottom of their article, they quote the Daily News. I clicked on that link, takes you to a Thai article with a blurred out picture of someone (I presume Ms. Hi So) clipping the fingernails of a bed ridden patient.

    Thais are commenting in the comment section below that article. I don't read Thai. Be interesting to hear what the gist of the comments are. Any Thai readers here willing to have a look?

    I'd be interested to know some of the comments too. Thai readers assemble!

  7. An Honest, statement by the PM,

    Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit,

    being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,

    taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all

    manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention

    of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and govern

    Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch.

    He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,

    debatable if the next one does any better,

    Ohh boo hoo.

    He had been planning to PM since 2011. He was happy to take the role for the elite her serves, so he should learn to suck it up.

    How observant of you and I am sure you can back up what you have said.

    You know, the usual way with links and reports, otherwise it is only your opinion which is worth as much as anybody elses opinion. To you it may be worth something but to Thais it is worth the same as mine. Nothing.


    Oh I was wrong it was 2010 actually. Straight from old toad heads mouth.

    Happy reading.

  8. At the moment there's 3 high-profile cases running..each involves a Hi-So, each case has been 'mis-handled' by both the RTP, & the prosectutors..it has taken the most recent crash, & loss of life to bring the other two back into the spotlight...

    ...NOWS the time for the 'powers-that-be' to make an example to all motorists in this country..including ALL those that think their family's financial status gives them a right to do what the hell they want behind the wheel of a car!

    Now is the time for reform...This is not just my opinion, but possibly all the thousands of Thai folk who have expressed their views on social media over the past 2-3 weeks.

    These people ARE the powers that be no? So dream on...

    Yes I want to see the reforms and return happiness to the ppl, anti corruption NCPO soldiers of the JUNTA that the ppl support come n get involved and really do something about it. PLS!

    You'll be waiting until pigs evolve to have wings and learn to fly then.

  9. Also on the issues of "stability" the deep south of Thailand is still a warzone. The army have complete control now and yet seem happy to ignore all the death and destruction down there.

    But hey you know, all those hugely minor by comparison protests (that the army were comlplicit in) here in good ol' center of the universe BKK are over so ya know, go military rule! whistling.gif

  10. An Honest, statement by the PM,

    Who i think will be glad to walk away from the cesspit,

    being a blunt abrupt person is his military training and dealings,

    taking the uniform off and having to suddenly be a statesmen dealing with all

    manner of the problems that were already taking place, plus the intervention

    of military rule to quell the violence, and then ( try ) and govern

    Time will tell if all his efforts have been for zilch.

    He has tried to the best of ( his ) capabilities, limited they may be,

    debatable if the next one does any better,

    Ohh boo hoo.

    He had been planning to PM since 2011. He was happy to take the role for the elite her serves, so he should learn to suck it up.

  11. Orachorn “Praewa” Thephasadin Na Ayudhya,

    A royal name! So she can shout and scream at the peasants and they will bow down to her. Just like the old days again.

    I think there's some misunderstanding of the the Na Ayudhya name.I have no idea about this girl's family links but over the years I have come across a number of Thais so named who were quite ordinary and without any Royal or aristocratic connections.My impression is that it's a pointer to hi so status but certainly not a guarantee of it.

    Yes one of my students had that surname and came from a normally family. She is a brilliant person.

    However, I think I found her daddy on a chart of Thailand's richest generals. He has half a billion baht to his name. I'd love to link it here but I'm scared to lol. Take a look in the NCPO grant themselves police powers thread.

  12. I said the Junta is better than any prior elected government or prior military government- I did not say they were perfect by any means. Their coziness to China is simply a ruse to show the West they have other choices. I am not advocating a confrontation with china. I am advocating a firm response and not a belief that China is a long term friend. As far as being daft and a supporter of Donald Trump. I may be daft to some people and I do not support Trump but I do support Bernie Sanders because his vision of America is also my vision. Whether I am daft is open to opinion. I will let history and the future be the ultimate judge of that.

    A junta supporting Sanders fan? There's an oxymoron if I've EVER heard one. You know Prayuth is far more akin to a Thai version of Trump don't you? A ultra conservative nationalist...

  13. The Chinese are a clear and present danger to the World. They want to control all of SE Asia to protect its source of natural resources and to feed its people. In that way- a happy populace will allow the Chinese Communist Party to remain in power for eons more. Vietnam is well aware of the Chinese danger and resists intrusion into Viet internal affairs. Thailand's coziness to the Chinese government and its mass of tourists is a dangerous move that exposes Thailand to undue influence by china and a loss of its sovereignty. The Chinese do not do favors for anyone- there is always a quid pro quo- history is rife with Chinese treachery. America is in the same boat- the huge trade deficit with the Chinese is completely unsustainable and the recent UK gesture of eternal friendship to the visiting Chinese leader is pure folly.

    Weren't you singing the juntas praises in another thread? It's your precious junta that are lifting their skirts to the Chinese.

  14. jamesbrock that is interesting indeed. But you see he is one of the "good people" so I steadfastly refuse to believe the NCPO are anything else than Thailand's own justice league of superheroes.

    Now...where's that kool aid...

    Yeah, they're all squeaky clean...



    General Na-Ayudyah is worth nearly half a billion baht. Is he the daddy Praewa the toll way killer?

    No wonder she got a joke of a sentence...

  15. Things are going well in Bangkok. Isn't that nice. Do you ever get out of Bangkok, or do you think Bangkok is all that matters?

    How long have you been in Thailand? Did you know that up until the year 2000 the Thai government spent 90% of government investment on Bangkok? Bangkok was building state of the art infrastructure while the majority of the country lived a third world existence.

    Thaksin had many faults, but he did increase government spending to badly neglected parts of Thailand where the majority of the people lived, building roads, schools and clinics. Parents saw fewer of their children die of preventable diseases and more of them graduate from secondary school and go to university. Thaksin showed the Thai people that the Thai government can serve all of Thailand, which is why he and his parties keep winning elections. It's also why the traditional powers in Bangkok, and expats who confuse Bangkok with Thailand, hate him.

    The Thai people have experienced democracy and like it. The only thing that will bring lasting peace and stability to Thailand is for the Bangkok elite to accept real democratic rule in Thailand. Until then any peace in Bangkok will only be a respite between the violence.

    This is so true. I will state 1 real life experience. B4 Thaksin came into power. My wife has a shop in BoBae and Pratunam selling clothes. Every other day Mafias would come n collect extortion money for protection n would just come and take whatever they like. When Thaksin came into Power, this matter was brought to his attention becos 1 of the shopkeepers got beaten up badly cos of refusing to pay. Thaksin n his ppl came down personally and had a meeting with all the shop/ business owners affected. He rounded up all the mafia in the area and threw them in jail. And all these mafia came from where? we all know.. So my wife n her family benefited so much from the Thaksin time because everything was so much fair. Opportunities and economy was so good that every other person was doing so well under the Thaksin regime. and then suddenly he got thrown out n subsequent coups happened and everything went down and all the people who voted for Thaksin n benefited from him went down becos of the coups. So how can anyone who got so much goodness from Thaksin n benefited from him ever changed their minds when they get screwed left right up down centre by the coups, junta...

    I guess that if Taksin just paid his tax and obeyed the laws he would still be leading the country. Now he is abroad with 4 billion$ (2 got confisticated i read) and can't come back.

    How much money does a Thai need to be happy and feel rich???

    You could ask Prayuth.

    Or maybe better not, he might haul you in for "adjustment" for questioning his vast wealth.

  16. geriatrickid and heybruce dropping some absolute truth bombs. Yunla has taken his ball and gone home because he cannot actually counter any of the FACTS that geriatckid posted.

    If you dislike Thaksin, fine. There is a lot to dislike about him. But acting like the army the Thailand's godly saviors is myopic and foolish. History has proved that wasn't ever the case and low and behold history is repeating itself now.

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