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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. Goodness me.

    It seems that the choice is

    A/ delay the constitution if the referendum is not successful until the public vote oyes on it thus delaying elections on the promised date. Of course some will whinge and state "told you say, can't trust Prayut" and "typical of this govt and is of no surprise"

    B/ If not voted in don't delay the process and pass a constitution used on previous ones thus ensuring elections are held on the promised date. Of course some will state "Come on junta lovers, spin this one!"

    When the referendum is held and if it is a no vote then both will result in people blaming the Junta for something.

    If it is a yes vote the comments will be "rigged results"

    Poor Prayut can't win if he does and can't win if he doesn't. Just keep moving forward Prayut. No matter what you do the usual suspects will complain.

    And yet in your own profile you tell that you re against non-elected governments.

    So just to ask, even if, as usual you never answer :

    -What Prayut and the Junta has done so far?

    -How is the freedom of speech now days compared to Australia, your home country?

    -How do you feel when you see a woman arrested for a <deleted> red bowl and a thumb up? Do you think Aussies would find this normal?

    -Of course the results will be rigged, do you really believe 98% of the thai people support this Junta as the past poll shown?

    This chart will just put the military in control like in Burma, do you like to see Thailand as the lowest growth in ASEAn because of the poor management the army has done the last two years.

    You must be pretty upset to have seen the Minister of Economy, as it is the one Thaksin hired and tje Junta finally decided to hire him because they were clueless about what to do

    You must be pretty upset to see the Junta decide to give 200,000 thb to each village in the north...like Thaksin did...no doubt you will be the first in the street to fight against this

    The thai media do not speak of that but, as you don not like unelected government who kill and frighten kids :

    How do you feel when the Junta just told the whole family of a militant will be deported if he doesn't stop ?

    What is your opinion on the fact that NONE of the coup have solved anything?

    In the eyes of the Junta everybody who is not with them is a usual suspect, as you are a farang you re a suspect whatever you think

    And on e side not, Prayut is everything but poor... but he doesn t want to let us know where the money come from...

    seriously mate, libing in the North is not good for you, you re surrounded by the Red and probably have nightmare every night

    but but but Thaksin reply coming soon.

  2. It's just boring now. Boring and silly. Like or loathe the US, they know perfectly well what is going on - it isn't that bloody complicated.

    And we also know what is going on in the US. Those who can't do, teaches others to do...

    yes we all know... there is an election going on and complete press freedom to expose and comment on it. Any more completely stupid and unrelated analogies you can invent?

    Unrelated? I rather an apple be called an apple. Yes, Thai politics is restrictive, and they are not using any charade to cover this fact.

    But Democracy in the US is a charade, and not being called as such. Voters are given a Sophie's Choice.

    Which political parties are not under the pockets of big businesses, which also control the media?

    Which political parties would dare to fault big businesses and imprison their bosses, rather than to churn out more national debts to bail them out?

    Bernie Sanders.

  3. maybe these students activist could put forward their own charter or at least let everyone know what it is they don't like

    student fees excluded as that is something for them to take up with the next elected government if they think they are hard done by, I have no opinion on the matter that I would post here

    Perhaps you should try clicking the "read more" link and you would be better informed, too hard? OK then here you go.

    "The group highlighted what they see as seven flaws of the charter in literature they distributed: permitting a non-MP prime minister, an appointed senate, ongoing use of the junta’s absolute power, reduced social benefits, an unelected committee empowered to seize control from a civilian government, placing civil servants above citizens and a less representative district MP election process."

    *smedly disappears*

    He and billd776 can now lovingly wipe the egg off each other's faces!

    Hopefully. Or just continue their reign of "But Thaksin/stupid students" early posts then bolting when the facts hit them.

  4. It's just boring now. Boring and silly. Like or loathe the US, they know perfectly well what is going on - it isn't that bloody complicated.

    And we also know what is going on in the US. Those who can't do, teaches others to do...
    The fanboys answer to all criticism of the junta? Point out the minor faults of other countries. I've yet to see one of them give an honest opinion on AA.

    And in the US there is hope in Bernie Sanders to change the system there. You could disagree with me on that and it would be your right. No one is getting locked up or "adjusted" because of it.

    Democracy in its current guise has many flaws but military rule is practically medieval. Do these posters ignore what's hqppened in Myanmar these past 60 odd years?

  5. Students - people who still think they know everything. It is often a shock when they actually get a job, even in their chosen field, to find how little they know.

    Students used to appear at our plant during uni holidays (commonly called xmas beetles). Their arrogance rarely lasted long. One attached a note to a 200 litre drum with the formula for drum surface area to calculate the contents with dipstick, to which someone added 'Or tap on the side.'

    Trust you to have a condescending, snide opinion. Just like the Thai elite you so desperately wish you were part of.

  6. Everyone who posts on this Forum should remember one thing,


    Please remember the imo illegal war,... oil grab ... that my country, the UK involved in recently.

    Just look at PROJECT FEAR propaganda campaign being used in the UK by multi-nationals, the EU etc,

    to try and get the British people to vote to remain in the fraudulent corrupt EU, ON June 23RD.

    As I have said before, you can always leave Thailand and move back to where you came from, instead of bitching on the Forum.

    A luxury most Thais don't have.

    Your narrow mindedness and arrogance are astounding.

  7. A lot of people on the Forum like to bitch about the current powers that be.

    They could always move back to where they came from.

    For myself, I left Glasgow as I was sick of the SNP, and the corrupt, fraudulent EU.

    I enjoy living here in Thailand, .. I take nothing to do with Thai politics, so my advice to all the moaners is

    move back to where you came from.

    Yeah screw the Thais! As long as I have my cheap beer and sunshine who gives a rats bottom about what the locals may want from politics.

    I would never, ever tell a Thai living in the uk to "go home" over politics. There'd be a chance to learn from their input.

  8. maybe these students activist could put forward their own charter or at least let everyone know what it is they don't like

    student fees excluded as that is something for them to take up with the next elected government if they think they are hard done by, I have no opinion on the matter that I would post here

    Perhaps you should try clicking the "read more" link and you would be better informed, too hard? OK then here you go.

    "The group highlighted what they see as seven flaws of the charter in literature they distributed: permitting a non-MP prime minister, an appointed senate, ongoing use of the junta’s absolute power, reduced social benefits, an unelected committee empowered to seize control from a civilian government, placing civil servants above citizens and a less representative district MP election process."

    *smedly disappears*

  9. Did the gentleman concerned say the same thing about the PTP government after 3 years?

    That is not bias but equalisation.

    If you complain about one side then you must give the same attention to the other side.

    This gentleman concerned was a prominent feature in the PDRC shutdown and thrown his support behind the "whistle revolution". Sometimes you need to do some goggling before you catch the PM foot and mouth disease.

    "Sometimes you need to do some googling before you catch the PM foot and mouth disease."

    MUCH too late for that. Ladies and gentlemen, we have this month's clear winner of the "egg on face award".

    I give you:


    I love it when a knee jerker "BUT THAKSIIINNNNNN" poster gets egg on their face.

    I bet he wont show up in this thread again.

  10. Ouch!

    But baboon: The military investigated themselves and found absolutely no wrong doing. The generals that fled the country are just on an extended holiday you see. The military is not capable of corruption. Only the dastardly Shinawatra clan are. whistling.gifrolleyes.gif

    Strange how all those who investigate themselves never find wrong doing whistling.gif

    Yingluck never found anything wrong with the rice scheme and its operations. She even tasked super sleuth Chalerm to "look closely". Perhaps it was one of his out of focus days.

    Then the police. Outgoing chief vowed things on certain cases, ignored the obvious, and new chief does the same. Lots of transfers to inactive posts and there it all stagnates.

    The military - willing to sacrifice the odd "lamb" a la trafficking but other than that its usually nothing wrong ever found.

    Politicians - form committees and committees withing committees which never go anywhere or actually get anything done

    NGO's - will investigate if given the green light but depends on who it is and what connections come to light.

    OAG - prosecutions strictly for the poor unless they are brow beat into it.

    Ethics, morals, truth, honesty, and justice are all meaningless in this context.


    It's just that some posters seem to think corruption is a PTP exclusive and thank god for the army...well here are the army doing exactly the same thing! And no one can really come and "coup" them out and they are accountable to no one...Yingluck is now in court.

    It's posters like smedly that get attacked for pure being so myopic to think that corruption is a one way street.

  11. He's certainly enjoying himself these days,

    Returning Happiness to the People Junta Style and taking every chance to put the boot into foreigners.

    where are all his farang worshippers who hailed him as the Messiah and preached how much he would do for them? The guy is loopy and dangerous.

    crazy and loopy yet he's still better than the last lot. That's a sad state of affairs. smile.png

    Is he? Please give your reasoning. Oh and stopping the protests he was colluding in doesn't count.

  12. Are you going to tackle the "weird things he cab not do became of democracy" or just avoid it?

    Thank god we have international media and the Internet implemented here in times of more freedom. This clown would turn this place into a North Korean like state if he could.

    Why would I or anyone else try to explain the PM's strange comments, when his meaning could be distorted due to cultural differences or simply lost in translation?

    BTW gross exaggeration doesn't add to the argument.

    So no then.

    Good to know.

  13. Seriously? This place gets more like Nazi Germany,Communist China,Communist Russia and Eastern Germany,as it was.

    Bringing happiness back to the people,ha! "you can be as happy as you want,as long as it isn't western style happiness"

    What he wants is Siam style happiness. The serfs obeying and fawning over the elite and never questioning them. Not like this pesky internet generation!

  14. Or maybe you just didn't comprehend what you read. He was talking about Thai fugitives living abroad, not expats in Thailand.

    Ye'p I read it that way also, but it can be interpreted just as cyberfalang said, "ghost's that have taken refuge in falang houses"

    No mention of over seas. also can a so-called falang be a falang in his/her own country? nit picking ok ok my bad.

    Now if you would be so kind as clearly your mind is in sync with this plonker, please explain to us with far less in common with your hero the PM unlike yourself, the bit were he say's, there's a lot of weird things but he can not do anything about them because it's about democracy...

    go on mate give it a crack, please......cheesy.gif

    And sure it's ok if you think you can manage it, then you can even use some big boy words as well.

    There is a concept called Point of View. So yes, to a Thai, a farang is a farang wherever they reside.

    BTW uneducated and vocally lazy Thais often pronounce "r" as "l" . Up to you, i suppose.

    Are you going to tackle the "weird things he cab not do became of democracy" or just avoid it?

    Thank god we have international media and the Internet implemented here in times of more freedom. This clown would turn this place into a North Korean like state if he could.

  15. Thailand might actually have more money to spend on things such as education if certain people weren't stuffing it into their greedy pockets through corruption or financing multi Billion baht losing vote buying schemes such as rice pledging and tablets for schools

    I would support these students if they were actually protesting a worthy cause like combating corruption



    But baboon: The military investigated themselves and found absolutely no wrong doing. The generals that fled the country are just on an extended holiday you see. The military is not capable of corruption. Only the dastardly Shinawatra clan are. whistling.gifrolleyes.gif

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