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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. Since day one threats have been made against journalists in Thailand and other sovereign states by the Koh Tao mafia. Andy Hall and the defense team have been threatened, a taxi driver on Koh Tao was not only threatened but physically assualted because he refused to perjure himself, interpreters were threatened. People ask why all the threats? The answer, because that is how a mafia operates.

    Mafia, this low scum wouldn't even rate as mafia shoe soles. They are just thugs, low-lifes, the dregs of society dressed up as someone special. Without their ill gotten money they would now be in the position of the B2, where by rights they should be now....

    And of course the most public piece of threatening was with Sean MacAnna.

    It does seem that Sean knows a lot about what went on that night but is a coward who doesn't seem interested in ensuring justice is served or was indeed involved.

    Just watching the Anonymous video. They just covered Sean saying that he had contacted them but didn't really offer anything of use in his answers when they asked him questions.

    Is Mon gonna threaten Anonymous now?

  2. A glint of hope in the young peoples comments but i fear it will be several generations on before adequate change benefits the country.

    It is very encouraging.

    It is something I have always taught my students, even the younger ones. Some of them have already been swallowed up by system as it is now but others are free due to open minded parents and there own inquisitiveness.

    When you read back the comments of people like Prayuth, Aphisit, Suthep and Jatuporn it makes you feel dread. This is the choice Thais have and most of them don't know any better. I pray that the youth come through, if not this generation then the next.

  3. It gives me hope that the last two entries, both from young people, are the most well balanced and thoughtful entries. It gives me hope for the future of Thailand that this young and awakend generation could possibly split the red/yellow status quo.

    They will face a tough task beating the traditional system but I love to see that they at least have their eyes open.

  4. What is it with "the Jonathan Head?" The definite article is not used when referring to individuals by their names. I think that you are not English, John.

    He's a troll. Either that or he has taken his wannabe Thai elitist shtick so seriously for so long now that he is actually writing like one of them.

    He probably made the signs for the 200 nationalists that protested outside of the US embassy.

  5. Are we allowed to post a link to CSI LA's facebook page?

    He was sent a threatening message from Mon. Why is Mon threatening people if he has nothing to hide rolleyes.gif

    Since day one threats have been made against journalists in Thailand and other sovereign states by the Koh Tao mafia. Andy Hall and the defense team have been threatened, a taxi driver on Koh Tao was not only threatened but physically assualted because he refused to perjure himself, interpreters were threatened. People ask why all the threats? The answer, because that is how a mafia operates.

    AleG and the others in the RTP glee club. Why are these people being threatened from Mon and his mob if they are just innocent business men and this whole charade as you guys proclaim?

  6. To the people that believe the RTP...

    Why was one translator for Sky News threatened


    Meanwhile a Thai translator being used by Sky News in court has said she's been "warned off" helping journalists by the Thai "Mafia".

    And now CSI LA on Facebook has received a threatening message from Mon. If the Burmese 2 are outright guilty then why are Mon and his thugs threatening people? Surely they should be cool as cucumbers if they know they are innocent rolleyes.gif

  7. Senior member, what would you cake a "civil government"? Maybe a government controlled by the Shinawatra clan?

    Let's hope the Junta will keep those criminals out forever.

    Ah yes. Because the junta are doing such a good job with corruption aren't they?

    Have you been living under rock for even just this last week to see events in Thailand? Things are as bad if not WORSE than they were under the Shin-clain.

    Khakis in for suits. That is all that has really happened.

  8. Read the letter by Anonymous to the Millers and Whetheridges.

    I read the teaser on ITV.com, but it linked to Facebook for the fuil text.

    Having diligently avoided ever having a Facebook account, is there anywhere to view the full text without logging in to Facebook?

    I'm very curious to read what evidence Anonymous offers. But not curious enough to give Facebook my life's most intimate details.

    Use the links provided on this thread. Some of the things said in the comments nearly gave me a heart attack. I had to be very careful to stay away from the 'like' button.

    I hope that the (according to the junta Thaksin sponsored :rolleyes:) protests in Myanmar keep up and intensify. I hope this case haunts the authorities and into action. I hope that Nomsod and his whole family eventually get locked up and have wasted millions for nothing.

    It's a long shot but we can only try.

  9. In France 215 procedures since 07 January 2015

    50 condamnation from 4 month to 4 years for people who "like" terrorism picture or video

    In France "like" this content is consider to apology of terrorism, thanks for french States of emergency

    There have been plenty of procedures and jail sentences for posting comments or pictures, i.e. for praising people responsible of Charlie Hebdo killings, or stating they would like to have done it, etc...

    However I did not read anything on people questioned or sentenced for "likes". I just did a Google search in French and did not find any information on it.

    What is your source for this precise statement?

    You are not french and not live in France...... you not see all what happen in this country....

    Neither are you so are you making stuff up to suit your argument? I thought you were a nationalistic Thai?

    If you're not you could of fooled me!

  10. Here is a case from 11 years ago from when old square head is in charge.

    Now we have the happy dinosaur brigade in and oh what's that? Two innocent migrant workings are facing the death penalty for murders that a connected Thai high so committed?

    This is why I have to call out the junta fan boys on here. Not because I am a red shirt, but because they constantly harp on about the 'Thaksin regime'. Well none before or after him have changed ANYTHING.

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