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Posts posted by joinme2leave

  1. quite a time ago I started this topic and -however- doing fine in procedure as explained (savings account under my biz partner's name). Just to answer some questions: it is BANGKOK I am talking about, no bush nowhere visible. I am definitely not a Thailand newbie (as of opening a bank account I might be though) and I tried 4 different banking corporations in one day. Nevertheless I am very well continuing to open a second (savings) account sometime soon. Some of your inputs might have been quite helpful in that respect. All in all, maybe I just had a bad day that particular day....

  2. "shipping" in a sensationally good crisis trouble shooter (preferrably western, with tourism-only related aftermath experience) indeed is a good idea.

    Don't know if TAT ever considered hiring somebody alike but I hope for them they do seriously think about that.

    The big hotel chains defintely got this kinda crisis managment running already as from dec 27 but whatabout all those med-priced resorts who cannot afford assistance within their own budget?

    Got lots of experience in tourism and could imagine to offer my serives (though, paid services as I cannot live on savings only) .... on the other hand, I am not sure TAT or similar governmental/local tourist managers would even think about outsider's help :o

  3. as a matter of fact, unrealistic high reduced hotel rates would not all do good to tourist biz as it mostly might attract these kinda (sex) tourist that would come to Phuket anyway. Imho, it is more important to convince tourists about tranquillity at high level. Those kinda tourist might still pay any price as long as ther receive what they expect...

  4. sorry to be rude: IF u have a mozzie problem don't come to thailand anyway! KC is - imho - not different from other southern spots (don't know a lot about the northern territories though). Have been to KC more than 10 times now and changes are fast but not at all that fast i.e. compared to Samui. IF u decide to stay in White Sands....u got all the entertainment u might/might not be looking for. Any other place more south is my recommendation though. Klong Phrao still got resorts with less than 1000 Bht a day and even KaiBee you might be lucky unless u decide to arrive on weekend (Bkk residents tend to go KC on weekends). Whatever your decision might be: don't let Mosquito arguments interfere. A swiss citizen and friend of mine used to do tourist related business on KC (KlongPhrao) now for more than 5 years. IF u wanna hear REAL insider information, do not hesitate to get in touch with him on www.ko-chang.ch **** his internet, motobike and affordable accomodation-rentals are almost unbeatable...

  5. talkin' about my "important" mail (valuable goods, credit cards, documents or such alike)...i have worked out a deal with my embassy and received all that letters so far without any problem or extra (embassy) charges. As about my incoming EMS/not insured airmail...there have been already 2 missing items (1 letter, 1 parcel) within 3 months...

  6. my scoring is 2:0 as well

    but it's 2 motobike-taxi and 0 public transportation

    i furthermore wonder IF those motobike taxi drivers might have secret access to MRT power-units??? past 3 weeks or so I\'ve spent a fortune to use their services (compared to usually paid subway fees), risked my life more than once a day and got faaaar more laundry to do (arriving at my condo totally black-faced)

    sounds like I got used to it by now.

    impatiently awaiting its next closure :o

  7. not really hurts....password (ATM) is choosen by myself. biz partner is not my g/f. she's government employee and help me "out of trouble" in this particular respect. Account will be cleared b4 I leave. Still I feel a bit confused about that obvious "new rule" ... or I simply did not take enough time to find the "best deal". Whatever, mistrust is not the problem....it's just I would have enjoyed to open MY REAL OWN account....kaow chai mai?

  8. could not find relevant topic (or too old topics only) so here's my todays experience:

    1) Kasikorn

    2) Siam Commercial

    3) Thai Farmers

    4) Bangkok Bank

    all of them would not allow me to open a new bank account (using ATM card only for the beginning) without having a work permit!!!!

    WHAT THE <deleted>

    Lots of friends do have their own bank accounts (some of them permanently living in Los (and having work permits), some of them just beeing frequent thailand travellers)---and all of them did not have a single problem (passport and thai address was just enough to proceed...)

    I am here on biz research (tourist visa) and not willing to establish a company yet. Too early, too epensive (if we talk about the 2 million bht requirements).

    Carrying around lots of cash is more than inconvenient (and I am travelling around asia quite a lot these months so I need some cash available on daily basis).


    As about me, I have got my account but it is in my future thai partners name. Not funny but obviously (?) the only solution I was able to manage.....


  9. as cruel as this may sound: this was just a minor accident and long expected to happen. wait until the real big desaster comes into (impatiently waiting) international media (overloaded, unsecured, overspeeding boat transfer anywhere around those islands is a fact, except Lomphraya Services maybe). As a sad matter of fact, I am rapidly running out of arguments to tell my mates: come and enjoy your vacation here...

  10. addt'l request about this topic: any updates about what's going on in terms of entertainment ? have to do the visa run end of jan 2005, head to Koh Kong BUT want to extend my Cambodia stay for some 2-3 days. HOW to get along inside Cambodia? WHERE to go most easily (up to 5 hours driving on public or mini bus should be no problem)? Am concentrating not on tourist spots or temples but on SHOPPING possibilities (markets, local cambodian OTOP products). IF there is some nice girls around I do not bother but - again - this is not my main goal and not at all part of my initial asking. Thanks for any updated advice until latest jan 25, 2004......

  11. imho, a few months (and not years, as Dave stated in his otherwise quite well written comment) will be fair enough time to have phuket&krabi tourist biz ppl to reconsider their past behaviour (in terms of rip-off and overprizing). Well, AT LEAST that's what I hope they do. Nevertheless I shall return to all those magnificent places. I might even think about visiting PhiPhi again as well if (only IF) reconstruction is gonna be less, faaaaar less touristy (and crowded) as it appeared to me in june 2004...

  12. no1: normal mail service (austria to Thailand). sent to my thai biz partner (her name only). arrived safely and unopened after 4 days. content: shaving cable.

    no2: normal mail service (austria to Thailand). sent to my thai biz partner (but mistakenly showing my farang name as well). never arrived so far. now waiting 1 month already. content: documents

    no3: normal mail service (austria to Thailand). sent to my name. Arrived after 12 days, letter has been opened but nothing missing. content: documents and credit card size business cards.

    I decided to have NO MORE MAIL sent to me as I am not really into russian roulette gambling...

  13. yeah...or switch to some more exercise...having my condo in LadPhrao I gave up yesterday 7 pm, hopped out of the taxi and decided to walk instead....well, can't and won't do so every single day but it's been a nice new experience. Besides, I am 100% sure I was faster than the taxi even though I took a 5-minute 7/11-break as well.

  14. closing "indefintely" ???? maybe weeks or months or years or what? can I expect to get my purchased and no longer usable ticket to be refunded at some time in the future? leavin' LOS for a while by march. just wonder but wouldn't be surprised at all if they say ...sorry, cannot...

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