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Posts posted by joinme2leave

  1. who needs a (fully/partly equipped) kitchen inside his apartment? ALL u need for cooking can be bought real cheap (e.g. rice cooker available for less than Bht 300). Of course you have to be sure it is allowed to cook. I got offers for apartments in "wealthier" areas for less than Bht 4000,-/month so you should find a suitable one for sure. Nevertheless u might not find that perfect place within the first days. And yes, I agree have a little "spare money" aside...just in case thai living isn't your style. Once again, good luck and lots of success.

  2. ARI: NovelPlace (around 12000 studio) - 10 min. BTS Ari

    RATCHADAPISEK: BU Tower (around 14000 studio) - 10 min. MRT PraR9

    LADPRAO: PK Mansion (10800 1-bedroom) - 10 min. MRT LadPrao

    tried ALL of the above, all do have pool & gym as well

    nevertheless my NEXT and BEST place is still to be found...

  3. well, got to ask myself (and all of you bkk-residents as well): isn't it same-same dangerous simply to WALK at so-to-say pedestrian? Imho, having a motobike taxi ride is about the same risk. IF I am in the need of rapid transportation, a mb-ride has to be my favourite choice. Life is a risk whereever you are, whatever you do.

  4. as a matter of fact, Hollywood, PumpUp and the Night Bazaar/Bar-area (all to be found between MRT PhraRam9 and ThailandCulturalCentre) are strictly following the closing times.

    Furthermore, be aware (or happy): you will hardly see farangs cruising around....

    about the food stall and restaurants outside: that's new for me to hear but I might give it a try one day if I am not too pissed/drunk and having lost my hearing after the barsw-visit (they all offer live music at outstanding decibel-level)...

  5. Manicek, IN CASE u wanna communicate in german (nevertheless, english is as well spoken) contact khun DANI at KlongPhrao Beach.


    He's been living KC for more than 6 years and he may answer almost all of your questions both by means of backpack as well as exclusive resort locations. Besides, he offers unbeatable motobike rental rates (and u almost surely need a motobike on KC, e.g. driving to ATM or 7-11).

    Have been to KC once or twice in september (cannot really remember, I guess I travel too much) and I regret to tell you that rain was no1 reasonfor me to leave earlier than expected...

    anyway, have fun

    KC is by far the better island than Samui...(imho)

  6. 2 short comments on that:

    #1 I assume it's been wrong written (as usual). Should be austria, not australia...

    #2 nevertheless I agree somehow with those travel agent comments: there is substantial noise pollution as long as re-construction is not finished totally. Sending tourists into the region (at whatever reduced/normal rate) is one good thing BUT facing those tourists complaints after their return is another one to be aware of....sad but true

  7. got a good friend currently (and already 15 years or so) "working" in Kurusapaa (Ministry of Education). I told her more than 100 times NOT to vote for TRT but she INSISTED to do so as only "him" is the best PM ever on earth (uuuuaaargh!) ... W-T-F I tried to tell her that all those promises and reform programs being a big big joke simply to be re-elected for another 4 years. I wonder WHAT she's going to tell me IF she's out of job soon (nevertheless I do not wish her being unemployed ...) ???

  8. imho, IF u can't afford the 12 hour bus and ferry to Samui, give it a try and take a closer KS look.

    Otherwise, really!!!!!!, forget it.

    Me thinks, best connection is Ratchathewi/BTW - get off exit AsiaHotel - and take bus #16 (any color) direction Thewet/KaoSarn.

  9. a/Chico: pls allow me to correct you: neither the austrians nor the germans will pay a single Euro in advance to sue anybody! It soley is that particular u.s. attorney and his high handed behaviour to proceed and cash in some 50% of the outcome in c a s e lawsuit turns out to be successfull.

    I sure understand one can have 2 different points of view in that lawsuit effort: how would I re(act) if one of my beloved ones was involved? And, honestly...I do not know... But again, refering to Ed Fagans intentions I can tell ya there where LOTS of affected families in austria who DID NOT join (t)his "american way of public blackmail" (sorry about my english folks....though I hope u got the point...)

  10. to those of u ignorantly critisising the austrians: it is ED FAGAN who initiated that lawsuit and it HIS promised lies that there might be good chances to succeed. Similar lawsuit still goes on in austria (to be accurate: in my home town, a 100% tourism oriented region) as well and he (Fagan) does not care at all if (t)his senseless and mostly in favor of his own PR oriented procedure worsens impact on thai tourism.

  11. well, i guess that's him (Ed Fagan) as he became popular with cases like Holocaust files. What I mentioned - and beeing in close relation to actual Thailand situation - is his utmost interest to sue private companies mostly in favor to his own pocket. All I heard so far (again: I can only refer to FM 105 news from this evening) is that he is "representing" victim's families (austrian and germans) who are likely to argument that some hotels might have been in one way or the other responsible for the loss of their loved ones. HOW DISGUSTING!!!! Same thing he (Ed Fagan) tries to do in austria ... and, men i can tell ya ... his PR appearance do no good to (seriously) affected tourism regions (no matter who ever might be gulity for whatever happened) :o

  12. just heard it in the 105fm news some minutes ago...

    Ed Fagan, the -yeah- so honorable US attorney is taking part in the show.

    Claiming money for presumably austrian and german victims.

    Go on Ed, u did not succeed (yet) in my original home town desaster...give it another try and make things worse for tourism!!!


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