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Posts posted by joinme2leave

  1. this definitely is not a thai-farang-only-situation. it is world-wide.

    men are supposed/expected to be strong, oooh yeah so strong. no tears allowed.

    imho, it is better to show tears (even if the lady wouldn't understand) instead of keeping the pain inside your body for years...

    as far as I remember this (and some other oooh so strange man behaviours) are told to be METRO-SEXUAL. it works for me and I am proud to do things like crying if I feel like...

  2. I agree with you TOTALLY but can only recommend to try to "escape" from noise as often as possible (there still is some so-to-say silent (mostly non-touristic) island spots).

    thai ppl won't listen to your arguments regarding noise as - in their opinion - it seems to be just normal (uuuaaah!).

    shall live in Bkk the next 1-5 months or so (biz reasons) and even thinking about that noise factor drives me crazy


  3. i know...i know....TIME changes everything.

    but - as it is gonna happen for me personally soon - I am not sure about IF I won't MISS my (original home town) weather conditions after moving to Los.

    HOW did u expats feel/enjoy/hate that (obviously tremendous) change?

    ps: I am not british - hence - I do not have (and never had to) fight a full week rain in, lets say, november. I use(d) to ENJOY (yes, enjoy) SNOW all winter long. And - uuuuh - I am not sure about but maybe I'm gonna MISS the snow.....am I not ready for Los b-coz of that??? :o

  4. my...ooooh...my....calm down....

    comparing netherlands and belgium: there would be 1 million+++ reasons to argue about the mix-up: austria/germany/switzerland/liechtenstein (btw, where is Liechtenstein?) BUT -IMHO- WE (GERMAN SPEAKING) DO NOT CARE....

    IF u wanna have a poll survey showing your origin country...do it yourself...but be prepared it has to be a poll indicating 150something nations...


  5. 90-100-110 should be no problem.

    Sometimes happens even to me playing a total of more than that.

    Btw, be prepared to have a few drinks too. I am not a kind of over-serious-golfer.

    Agree, it IS a battle between the course and the player.

    Imho, best thing to quickly forget a bad shot is: have a drink.

    Still interested???

  6. ...am investigating resources (thai/farang partners) for similar project and hope to succeed sometime near future.

    What makes me think a bit pessimistic is not the money necessary to be invested but the patients (50+) facing the thai climate/humidity

    That is in fact a huge difference to retirement/nurse care - holiday homes already existing in southern europe (and - btw - making unbelievable high profit)...


  7. DECREASE in quantity of low-standard bungalows, hotel rooms etc. (those ppl might be forced to close their biz sooner or later without the BPs willing to stay in there)

    INCREASE in room rates .... I dunno hope but would not care if increase of room rate comes together with increase of quality :o

  8. nothing special against the BP folks. never ever was a real BP myself.

    BUT one thing for sure: IF there would be no more (or, at least: less) BPs traveling around, Thailands QUALITY OF ACCOMODATION could finally INCREASE.

    Have a look at cheap(er) hotels, especially in southern los parts such as Samui and try to find a hotel offering MEDIUM quality for reasonable price: difficult to find that spot, I can tell ya.

    As a matter of fact, a BP is not at all interested in quality but only low price.

    Why should a "normal" traveler (mostly in high season) be "forced" to pay inaccepatable high prices for BP-quality-hotel rooms?

    just my 2 cents...

  9. i reckon .. the original post was NOT 100% answered.

    agree with any ebay deal (and one can be lucky or not) ...

    but - once again - could it be CHEAPER to buy a laptop at Panthip? (e.g. VAIO)

    are there any experienced Panthip buyers on thaivisa who do also know about Panthip sellers guarantee service (I think this might be a stupid question :o )

  10. What is your expat in Bkk residing opinion regarding the most SILENT areas to stay?

    (by means of traffic noise) - but still as close as possible to Skytrain connections (a 10-20 minute walk to the next station would not bother me) ?

    Furthermore - is it recommended to choose higher floor levels to avoid noise?

    (how much more expensive (%) could that be to rent such an apt?)


  11. Chang THEME PARK it is called. Rather new (little over-prized) resort at KLONG PRAO BEACH (approx 25 kms south of White Sands).

    Yeah, m a y b e we really do talk about different accomodation.

    And - furthermore - I only a s s u m e d it could have been a question of one-sided communication.

    I SURE DO understand that kinda situation you was into (especially for a Bt 3,500 a day hotel room) .... AND I would be very upset too if it happened to me.

    Btw, got similar 'water and reception desk annoyance difficulties' at PhiPhi just about 3 months ago. Gave up arguing or even the 5-minute-permanent-smiling-trick as I realised it wouldn't work. So I simply CHECKED OUT and found another room (admit, not so easy to do if this happens within New Year's time).

    rgd. transportation 'problems' KoChang: there certainly IS a taxi mafia working upon your harbour arrival. and even though roads are very well maintained you do good in having your own motobike (or whatever else) to get around.

    Finally, (imho) KoChang STILL is a relaxing island if you concentrate on less touristy beach spots (with nice beaches, btw) and everyone interested should have a visit AS LONG AS it is not that crowded compared to Samui (don't even mention Phuket)...

  12. do not agree with meadish ... sorry to hear about his inconveniences but ... well, it can happen anywhere. Got only good experience(s) with Chang Theme Park (maybe it's because....the way you shout in the forest - they way response comes back...?)

    Anyway, I DO agree with his White Sands "report". Little Pattaya I would call it (but with much lower quality of course).

    Imho, the further you head south the better (cheaper) it will be.

    Accomodation available between Bt 200,00 and over Bt 5,000 a day.

    Weather and overall accomodation info (december):

    contact DANIEL (a swiss citizen living in KoChang fo years now. He also runs a little travel agency with motobike rental, very close to Chang Theme Park):

    [email protected]

    homepage (not sure if this is the right link): www.koh-chang.ch

    He might answer almost ALL of your questions.


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