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Everything posted by Ebumbu

  1. It's a dead relative. No one is going to take it to a jeweler in the US for them. It gets shipped to me or sold to a pawn shop locally. Those are my options. I got a "ballpark" figure on one piece of $8000. But, it's definitely not a real appraisal. There are other pieces and they are unknowns. Some are costume jewelry. But, I've read that even that can be valuable on Ebay as a "vintage" item. I am seeking more info. I lack the details I need to make a good decision but I'm trying to get them.
  2. OK. This is what's tricky. I don't actually know the value. And I may not get the value from Ebay, whatever it may be. If they do open it, at least I get an accurate appraisal! I will call their number shortly. Thanks.
  3. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. OK, I have emailed them here with all the details I have. https://www.customs.go.th/ I don't have an official valuation, so the value is a guess. When I tried the calculator you recommended and entered a $5000 value, I got an 11,000 THB tariff, which seems OK. I'm dealing with jewelry of unknown value. I doubt customs can judge the value. It looks old and dirty. A friend of the family said $10k, but it was not a serious appraisal, just an eyeball figure, probably due to the one diamond. Thanks.
  4. Do you have a link to the original article, please? I do use my Thai Paypal from time to time.
  5. You're talking in a technical way that's over my head. Do you suggest I go ahead and import with Fedex and list a $500 value or something like that as "costume jewelry"? Or, should I list a higher value and pay only 7%? That percentage would make it worthwhile to import. What do you suggest, please?
  6. Hello expats and others. A relative recently left me $10-$15k in jewelry. I'm planning to have it shipped to me from the US, but I don't want to suffer a bloodbath on tariffs. On the other hand, I don't want to be foolish in case FedEx loses the package. Any advice about this? I'm thinking of claiming a value of $500 for "costume jewelry." Would that be a bad move? If I claim $10k, is customs going to slaughter me? Any advice is appreciated. Also, what would be the best way to go about getting a formal appraisal here? I'm in Phuket. Do I need to go to Bangkok? My plan is to sell the jewelry on Ebay or Etsy after a formal appraisal and pictures. Or, I sell it for stones and gold here and be done with it. Not sure yet. Ideas? And, I'll store it in a bank safety-deposit box, unless anyone has a good reason not to. Thank you.
  7. Officer, it's a deep fake. I am willing to testify that those are not my bits and bobs.
  8. Before or after CCTV cameras were turned off and "enhanced interrogation" methods were employed? You trust the BIB to follow international human-rights standards?
  9. For the Son of Sam case, in the 70s, they had Berkowitz walk around the entire block three times so he could be extensively photographed by the press, and harassed by a mob who screamed at him. It was an intentional shaming process -- not just an arrest and detainment. That's how it was then. Not sure how it is now. Back then, they did a walk of shame even before any trial had started. Reminds me of LOS.
  10. That quaint legal concept takes too long and requires dispassionate judgment. It has been superseded by trial by media, hearsay, virtue signaling, police coercion, and the court of public opinion. Much quicker and more emotionally-satisfying results.
  11. Well, the "Phuket Petri Dish" tested poorly with focus groups, so the branding team suggested "sandbox" -- to suggest the carefree life of a child.
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